LAAF has been interviewed by the Des Plaines Journal and the Daily Herald about the foundation and the Gray Tie Ball – article will be in the papers this week or next.
North Shore Magazine called to inquire about the 2nd Annual Gray Tie Ball. They will have event listed in their December issue which comes out 11/17.
Comcast Network Cable TV also called LAAF. They are putting LAAF on the Air! LAAF President, Linda Magiera will be interviewed for a taped show called “Community Connections.” This episode will run from 11/20/06 thru 12/3/06. The show is on Thursdays @ 8:00pm and Fridays 7:00pm. You can also catch it a various times throughout the week. In the Des Plaines area it will be on Channel 3. See their website to check for the channel in your area -
We are getting recognized & building awareness!!!!!!!!
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