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A 24 hour prayer for Lori

Dear friends and family,

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. They have sustained us thus far and miraculously Lori remains free of any significant deficits. This Monday Lori will face her greatest challenge as she undergoes 2 surgeries to remove tumors from 2 locations in her brain.
I am writing to ask for your help on a special prayer.

Lori and I have been seeing a Rabbi who works with us using healing prayer based on the mystic traditions of the Kabala. We are not Jewish, but were fortunate to meet Rabbi Douglas through our church (divine introduction). He has provided us with spiritual guidance and support. Lori and I pray together nearly every day using healing prayer techniques the Rabbi has taught us. The prayer we have been doing goes like this:

Be still and focus on being filled with God's light and love.

Pour that healing light and love onto Lori.

Thank God for having healed Lori (imagine Lori completely healed)

The Rabbi respects all religions and suggests that we adapt the prayer to fit within our own religious beliefs.

The most significant difference in the prayer from what I have done in the past is that it is a prayer that is not one of pleading or requesting help from a God that is separate from us, but one of faith that we are part of God and that our prayers allow God to work his healing love through us.

I would like to have a 24 hour continuous prayer said for Lori from 12:00 AM Monday, February 14 to 12:00 AM Tuesday, February 15. We are looking for 20 minute (or more)commitments from our friends and family. If you are interested in participating please e-mail me at erik.andersen@hok.com or call me at 773 742 5581 and let me know what your commitment will be and what your preferred time of day or evening will be. 24 hours x 60min./hour = 1440 minutes/20 = 72 individuals. I will make every attempt to fulfill time requests as I organize the 24 hour prayer for Lori.

Thank you for your continued love and care.

With love,


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