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Home from the hospital

Lori came home from the hospital last night. She is resting comfortably but very fatigued & needs lots of rest. She has an appointment at National Cancer Institute/National Institute of Health next Wednesday afternoon for a 6 to 8 hour appointment. We (Lori, Erik & I) plan to drive Tuesday afternoon - it is about a 12 hour drive - maybe longer because we will have to stop often & walk around to prevent blood clots. Lori is not suppose to fly yet because the altitutude & pressure could cause brain swelling. Then assuming she is accepted for the trial (we believe she will be) we (Lori & I) will have to go back the following week to start treatment. Hopefully she will be able to fly for that trip. I believe she will be there Monday to Friday but we will know more after next Wednesday's appointment.

Thank you for all the love & support you have extended to Lori & Erik & our families.


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