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August 25 2005
Posted By: Roxanne
Linda: I'm thankful that you had the opportunity for a vacation and some rest. I'm praying that God heals your back and strengthens you enabling you to do all that He desires you to accomplish. "He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake (Psalm 23:2-3)." May the presence of Jesus bless and comfort you today. He will provide the resources. Love in Christ, Roxanne August 18 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi to All, When Lori and Erik began their journey, a family of supportive friends and family rallied together to show their support and love. I think about Lori, Erik and family still everyday. I am excited to see the creation of a foundation in Lori's name and hope that we can continue to fight Lori's battle in her name with the same love and support everyone has shown. I miss the communication between everyone on this site, I felt very connected to many of you that I have never even met. My hope is that through Lori's foundation I personally can stay connected with all of you through future endeavours. God Bless, Julie August 8 2005
Posted By: Tammy
Although you do not know me i would like to send my sincere sympathy to your family in your recent loss of your loved one. I lost my Mother on March 7 of this year. She was diganosed with a glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor grade iv.in November of 2004. Reading the entries in your journal sound so familiar to what we had gone through with my Mother. I only wish we had more time, she was only 54. It sounds like your Family has so much support for each other and that is so wonderful! You definatly will need that in time to come. Again i am so sorry for your loss. Continue to pray for each other and others that are going through the same things. Prayers to you all. Tammy brian.libidinsky@rcn.com August 7 2005
Posted By: Roxanne
Linda: I'll be praying for you and Lisa that God connects you with the right people, and that your meetings go well. Blessings, Roxanne : ) August 6 2005
Posted By: colleen lee
Bravo Mom and Sis! Just when I think I've seen the height of inspiration, I read about painting, working and grieving together, travel, and yet another creative idea. Your new foundation LIVE, LOVE, LAAF! sounds like an exciting extension of Lori. Have you all always been this way? Take care, Colleen Lee. P.S. Lori, you must be so proud. August 6 2005
Posted By: BIG SIS
I miss you, love you and think about you daily. I want you to know, Lori, that you are a driving force in my life. I will strive to keep your dreams alive and continue your brave fight by instilling your inspiration into others. I can't believe it's been a month already since you've left us -- my heart aches just speaking those words -- but your spirit lives on and I feel your presence here with me every day! LISA live, love, L.A.A.F.- Lori Arquilla Andersen Foundation August 5 2005
Posted By: Roxanne
I continue to pray for the presence of Jesus to be near you bringing his comfort and love. I am thankful that God has provided direction, and pray for his wisdom to be with you. Lori is shining in Heaven's light in much joy and rest. Her presence will continue to shine here as well because of the love that you continue to share keeping hope alive. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13). May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).” Love in Christ, Roxanne August 4 2005
Posted By: Chris (Zipparro) Albrecht
Just wanted to express my deepest sympathies. I was a grade school classmate of Lori's at St. Zachary's. Lori was always such a kind person. And, after having read many of the entries on this website, it is clear she was a kind and loving person who was loved by many in return. This website is beautiful. Thank you for sharing her story. July 25 2005
Posted By: Rena
Linda, Please post your email address again - the email address listed is not working. Thank you. July 24 2005
Posted By: Ed Arquilla and family
Lori-We just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you. You are always with us no matter where we are. You are missed but never forgotten. We love you very much. We WILL continue to fight the brave fight you started. You showed us to NEVER give up! Love your bro, Christa, Anthony and Isabelle July 24 2005
Posted By: Phil Barkett
I haven't been able to put thoughts on the page until this evening...a couple of things come to mind... Lori displayed a sharing, caring, loving, inclusive, attitude with her everywhere. She made people feel comfortable because she was comfortable with herself. We should all take a page out of her book on how to treat others, and how to respect yourself. Second, to the families, specifically Erik and Linda. Thank you for opening up your minds and hearts by sharing your lives with us over the past two years. It's never easy to deliver news which you know will be unsettling. I, and many others who are not living in Chicago, appreciated the time you spent expressing your feelings and inner-most thoughts as you let the world know how tough Lori was as she fought through her struggle. You were our link to her world. Thank you. Lastly, life is cruel. But, Lori was amazing. Having been fortunate enough to know her has made me a better person. July 22 2005
Posted By: Tom Y
Never knew Lori, but sounded like a very sweet girl. I was saddened to hear about her loss. I read alot of her entries on her site here about what she had to go through when she had gotten diagnosed with a brain tumor. Such a young pretty girl! She seemed so strong! My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends in these hard times. she is definetly in a better place! God Bless! July 20 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda and family, I am anxious to hear of your wonderful ideas for a foundation for Lori. Please know that we are all still here for you and are not giving up Lori's fight. Her work is not yet done, she has been such an insperation, I believe there are many more people that can be touched by her life. Looking forward to supporting your efforts. Julie July 19 2005
Posted By: Adriaan Risseeuw
Erik, I recently got the bad news about Lori's passing away. Please know that Mireille and I want to show our sympathy and that you are in our minds. I am very impressed with this website and the openess of sharing your history. I wold like to share with you a Dutch poem, which I think is appropriate; I was so kind to include a translation: Weggaan – Rutger Kopland Weggaan is iets anders dan het huis uitsluipen zacht de deur dichttrekken achter je bestaan en niet terugkeren. Je blijft iemand op wie wordt gewacht. Weggaan kun je beschrijven als een soort van blijven. Niemand wacht want je bent er nog. Niemand neemt afscheid want je gaat niet weg. Going Away Going away is something different than sneaking out of the house softly pulling the door shut behind your existence and not returning. You remain someone who is waited for. Going away one might describe as a kind of staying. Nobody waits because you're still there. Nobody says goodbye because / you're not going away. Regards from us in Amsterdam, Adriaan, Mireille, Marijn & Olivier July 18 2005
Posted By: A friend of Ed's
Eric, Linda, and the rest of your wonderful family, I just wanted to say that I hope you all are doing well and you are in my prayers. I hope that all of you become the major players in finding a cure for this horrible disease. Your family has changed my life for the better. Lori is such an inspiration to me. Thank You. July 18 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Erik, Linda and Lori's family, Just wanted you to know that not a day's gone by when you haven't been in my thoughts and prayers, as well as Lori herself. Looking forward, Linda, to hearing about the final outcome of the brainstorming! In the meanwhile, know that you all continue to be held in our hearts. With love, Colleen, John and the girls July 18 2005
Posted By: Carla your friend
Erik,Linda,and Lori's whole family you gave Lori a beautiful service, I felt as if she was just smiling to see how much she is loved. I think about her everyday and pray for her and all of you. I truely beleive she is at peace and has that cute little smile on her face as she always did. I miss my old dear friend who I shared so many fun memories with I talk about her all the time and tell people what a sweet person she was always happy & laughing all the time. God bless you my friend you are at peace. love your friend and dance partner. we will always be salt & pepper. July 12 2005
Posted By: Sandy Zmich
Erik & Linda, Just wanted to let you know that you are still in my thoughts and prayers..I think of Lori often. They are happy thoughts..There were so many aspects of Lori's life that I wasn't even aware of until the service this weekend, which was absolutely beautiful..Like her drawings, did not know she was such a great artist..Knew she was a dancer and loved to travel and had a smile that just didn't quite....She was definitely a very special person, with many talents..She has effected a lot of lives in her short time on this earth and hopefully this will be of some consulation to you and the family in the days to follow....Take Care and peace be with you both. July 11 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Erik and Family, It was so nice to be with all of you during these difficult times. I really felt at peace Saturday, because I really felt Lori's presence and know that all she wants is for everyone to be okay. The service was truly beautiful and the perfect way to celebrate her life. July 11 2005
Posted By: Andie (Pear) Macak
To Erik and family - I was so sorry to hear about Lori's passing. I truly believe that Lori is looking down on us and smiling. I had met Lori through some mutal friends back in our mid 20's and through that we became really good friends. I remember her coming to visit me in LA and holding her hand as she got her first tattoo. I will always cherish the time I had spent with Lori. I had lost touch with her about 10 years ago but she did pop into my mind every once in awhile. I would wonder what she was up to and glad that she found a love like Erik. Erik you were Lori's rock through her difficult times. Now she is dancing with the angels in heaven and watching over everyone who loves her. Lori I will miss you dearly and I know we will meet again. Keep smiling and dancing. Love Andie July 10 2005
Posted By: Kim Zeitler
To Lori's family-I am sorry to hear of your loss. I knew Lori through some other friends and have not seen her in a few years. It is scary to know someone of our age is not exempt from these types of monstrous diseases. God works in mysterious ways, and this only makes you take a heartfelt look at life, and in the words of Tim McGraw "Live like you are dying". My deepest sympathy to all. May Lori rest in peace. July 10 2005
Posted By: Paula Holt
Erik and family - I was so saddened to hear about Lori's passing. I met Lori back in the late 80's through some mutual friends. I will always remember her great smile and how much fun she was to be around. I lost touch with her quite a while ago but she popped into my mind every once in a while. I told her mom at the wake that I gave Lori my ID before she turned 21 so that she could get into the bars and hang out with all of her "older" friends! I remember those days like they were yesterday. Lori lived a great life & had friends & family that loved her. Lori was so lucky to find you Erik. Heaven now has another angel looking down on us. Lori will never be forgotten. July 9 2005
Posted By: Maria Fotinopoulos
To Erik and family, My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Lori was one of my best friends from about the age of 17 through my mid 20s. We shared secrets, double dated on occasion, went out together a lot, just had a good time. We lost track about 5 or 6 years ago. I didn't even know she'd met Erik and gotten married. Thank God for Erik - I am so glad she had someone so loving and supportive to help her through. I will always remember her bubbly personality, her smile, her ability to see something good and happy in everything. Even as a friend I'd lost track of, I remembered her smile and her energy, fondly, but now, for sure, I will think of her as angel in heaven, watching over all of us. And of course, teaching the other angels and residents of heaven how to "bust a move!". Take solace in knowing that she suffers no more. Laugh for her, live for her, enjoy life for her. Please don't sit around and let it pass you by. This definitely reminds us that life is way too short and we must make the most of, and treasure, every moment that we have. May her spirit and love of life inspire us all. May her memory be eternal, and may she rest in peace. Love, Maria July 9 2005
Posted By: Philip Meadows
As I read the messages on this website, I am reminded of the incredible and intangible thing we call life. There are so many aspects of our existance we will never understand or comprehend. Our everyday interaction with others brings about so many joys, pains, love, hate, mystery, sureness, freedom, and restraints...to name a few, that we cannot begin to digest it all. All that we have at the end of the day is eachother and the time that we share. I am so grateful that the small amount of time I was able to spend getting to know Lori was one of happiness and celebration. She was a very kind and strong minded soul. She accepted me unconditionally as a close friend since I had known Erik for several years before they met. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who was touched by Lori's presence. She will without a doubt be greatly missed. July 9 2005
Posted By: Judy
Dearest Lori, (I have faith that there is email in Heaven :o) Thank you for showing so many people what it means to live in grace. Thank you for being such a beautiful example of how to let pure love pour into your self so completely. Thank you for giving Erik that same pure love. Thank you. July 8 2005
Posted By: matt dodge
Dear Auntie Lori, we all miss you very much.Mom says you'll be waiting for us and your going to decorate the place so when we get there it will be all nice and clean.You looked very prety today and we know you'll love the harpest that comes tomorrow.You were my godmother and now you are my guardian angel.I love you very much and miss you. July 8 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
To All who read this site..... I have sat down at my desk every morning and logged into this site for my daily update. It is difficult for me to imagine starting my day without my progress report and feeling so connected. There have been so many creative and talented people who both visit and create this site it's amazing. I feel like I have been part of an online family that I am not ready to part with yet :). God Bless, Julie Morrison July 8 2005
Posted By: Anonymous
I did not know Lori, nor Eric, Linda or any of their friends or relatives, but I feel like I do. I even had tears brimming when she passed to heaven three days ago. I stumbled onto this website many, many months ago and began to read it intermittently then regularly. The love this family has is amazing and their fight to help Lori is astounding. You have touched more lives than you will ever know. You are a true inspiration to all. July 8 2005
Posted By: Naomi White
Erik and family, know that you all are a true inspiration to families everywhere as a testament to love, strength, support, truth and determination. I look forward to thinking of Lori and her life and smiling. She was a very special soul and she will stay in our warmest thoughts. My heart and prayers are with you all. July 8 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Erik and Family, You will be forever in my thoughts as well as Lori. The both of you have changed so many lives it is unbelievable. You have been a true example of real love, and it has been beautiful to witness. Julie July 8 2005
Posted By: Casey & Jaxx
Dear Erik and Family, Am thinking of you and praying for the strength of the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort you all during this time of loss and sorrow. I keep thinking of the bible verse that says, "I go to prepare a place for you".... I often think that so many of the beautiful lights of my life, all the family and friends that have left us too soon, including Lori, are doing just that!! I also believe from the bottom of my heart that the best way we can honor the loving spirits of the many wonderful people who have passed away from us is to promise them (and ourselves) to live this gift of the human experience even more fully -- to allow ourselves to feel our sorrows deeply now, but to also truly experience the joy, happiness, and hope in every new day once again. I know that right now it takes a lot of faith to believe that can happen, but please gain strength & solace from all the people who have loved and prayed for you during this journey. Their messages here on the website are evidence of God's love right here on earth! I hope this site continues to bless and comfort you in the many days of sorrow (and Joy..!) to come. XOXOXO - Casey & Jaxx July 8 2005
Posted By: Kathryn and Mike Carroll
Dear Erik, My heart just hurts for you and all of Lori's family. I know you all fought this horrible disease as hard as you possibly could. We are visiting my family down South and won't be able to be with you tomorrow. But know that we love you and you are in our thoughts...always. Mike and I have often fondly recalled a little time we spent with the 2 of you at Bill and Kim's wedding. That was really the only opportuntity we had to know Lori--but we both thought she was such a lovely girl. I know she will truly be missed. We love you. Kathryn and Mike July 8 2005
Posted By: john nelson - Madison, Wis
Soooo sorry, Erik. July 7 2005
Posted By: David Andersen
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. July 7 2005
Posted By: Sheri McMurray
On July 5, early afternoon, I ran at the lake. I am not a runner, but since returning to Chicago I run for those who need my energy, and Lori was high on my list. I run and when I feel like I want to stop, I keep going because Lori had to keep going with more surgeries and more chemo. She was so strong and brave. After I run I look out at our beautiful lake and our beautiful sky and our beautiful world and give thanks for this life we all are blessed to have. On that day, I knew that soon Lori would be free; she would be in the air and the water, with the birds, experiencing only pure joy. I didn't know she was already there. I will still run for Lori, for the memory of the beautiful, vivacious, joyful woman she was. But she is now able to do things which are truly unimaginable for all of us. My heart goes out to those who loved her with all of their hearts. To Erik, may God grant you peace, and may Lori's everlasting love for you help you heal. To Linda, I wish you peace, as well. You fought just as hard as Lori did, and your strength and energy and love for your daughter show us all how precious life is. I wish that all of us with whom you have shared Lori's life with could now carry the burden of your sorrow. All we can do is continue to pray for you. Much love and healing to you all. Sheri and Dave July 7 2005
Posted By: carla
Erik, Linda and Family, I am so sorry about lori's passing my prayers are with her and your family. You all showed so much love and prayers and support for her she will always be loved ! I am sure she is at peace and dancing her feet off like a beautiful dancer she was and always will be. I too will miss you Lori your friend always!!! Carla July 7 2005
Posted By: Sonya
Dear Erik, I wish you all strength and hope. My thoughts are with you. Yours, Sonya July 7 2005
Posted By: Lynn Phillips Andersen
Dear Erik and family, I will continue to pray for you all...Lori will be missed...thank-you for letting me get to know you and love you all. July 7 2005
Posted By: Vonda Evans
Linda and Erik, I am so saddened to hear of Lori's passing. I am amazed by your strength and by Lori's apparent beauty, inside and out. Please know she walks beside you always. A rose once grew where all could see, Sheltered beside a garden wall, And, as the days passed swiftly by, It spread its branches, straight and tall... One day, a beam of light shone through a crevice that had opened wide - The rose bent gently towards its warmth then passed beyond to the other side ... Now, you who deeply feel its loss, be comforted - the rose blooms there - its beauty even greater now, nurtured by God's own loving care. July 7 2005
Posted By: Ed Arquilla
Lori- teach those Angels how to dance! July 7 2005
Posted By: chuck siconolfi
Erik My deepest condolences. You and Lori confronted her illness with strength, love, diginity, and determination. The prayers of all of us are with you both and with your families. July 7 2005
Posted By: Ed Arquilla- Brother of Lori
Lori, I will miss you! We will miss you! Words can not describe what I feel right now. I have seen someone I love fight the biggest, badest, and nastiest disease out there, and fight until the very end. For people that were not around to see it, Lori fought this battle with every ounce of energy she had, and was winning! For those that did see it, you know what I mean. 5 Surgeries! Chemo treatments, anything it would take to beat it. She would not quit. Never was there a time that she told me she wanted to quit, NEVER. The strength and courage from you Lori was amazing. UNBELIEVABLE! I was amazed. You have showed me and everyone that we should never give up and keep fighting. How did you do it? Where did the strength come from? It came from God, Erik, Mom, and all the people that Loved you very much. I wear this gray band every day and think of you, I think how strong you are and never to give up. Over the last 22 months you have showed us all how to live, from the Mardi Gras in Alabama and the trip we all went on to Puerto Rico, we have all seen the importance of family and enjoying life. You showed us what is important, and we should not count the years, but make the years count!! Lori, we love you, I love you. From my family, Christa, Anthony, Isabelle and I, your brother, you will be missed and we love you more then words can ever describe. Love your Big, but younger brother, Ed July 6 2005
Posted By: Donna Ware
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Lori's story is an inspiration to us all. July 6 2005
Posted By: Jen & Chris Boatman
Dear Erik, Lori's family and Erik's family... I was so sad today to read my email from Bill and when I did it just took my breath away. Actually, yesterday morning Lori just seemed to pop in my head and I was wondering how she was doing...it was about 10am Pacific time...funny how spirits work in mysterious ways....Erik...our hearts are with you through this healing process and please, please know even though we are far away, we are thinking of you and ALWAYS wondering how your doing...I don't know if we can fly in for the funeral but please know our thougths will be with you and your family throughout this weekend and beyond....I love you!!!! Jen and Chris Boatman(vickers) July 6 2005
Posted By: Christy Barkoskie friend of Lisa
Erik, Lisa and family. I was so sad to read my email just a few minutes ago. I have been praying for all of you since the beginning and certainly will continue to do so. Lisa, if there is anything you need, please let me know. July 6 2005
Posted By: Denise Polifka
Dear Erik, Linda and family....my love and condolenscenes to all of you during this time of mourning. God Bless all of you. Love, Denise July 6 2005
Posted By: Ann Althoff
Erik: I regretfully did not have an opportunity to meet Lori, but knowing the love and devotion you had for her...I knew she was a "special" lady. It is impossible to comprehend the emotions you must feel at this time. But, I know God will help you, and those who have loved Lori so much, to lean on each other as well as to embrace all the wonderful memories Lori has given you. You are in my prayers, Ann July 6 2005
Posted By: Ilona Osinski
Dear Erik and Lori's family, I have been following Lori's illness for awhile and have so admired all of you. Linda, I don't know you, but as a mother I felt every moment of your love, devotion and courage. You transferred your strength and faith to your beautiful daughter. Erik, my heart breaks for you.Try to find comfort in the fact that the love that you and Lori had in several years, most people don't find in a lifetime.I hope you will find peace in the very wonderful person with whom you shared your life. She was so special she will send you the courage to continue. My deep and sincere condolences to you, Lori's family and everyone whose life she touched. She will be there siritually to help all of you continue without her earthly presence. Love,Ilona Osinski July 6 2005
Posted By: Kyla Nagel
Erik and family- I am so incredibly saddened by your loss of Lori. I know that she lives on in peace with our Father in Heaven, but I want you to know that I had enormous hope for her and that I prayed for her healing every night. Words cannot even begin to express how completely devastated I feel about Lori's passing. I will continue to pray for your family. Love, Kyla GBM survivor 3 years July 6 2005
Posted By: Mary Ann Cleaves m/o Eric Buss
No words can express how much my heart aches for Linda and Erik and all of Lori's family and friends. Lori's battle is won, she is truly an angel among angels. I will always picture Lori in my mind dressed in white silk, dancing in heaven. My deepest sympathy is with all of you. July 6 2005
Posted By: Laurie Allen
Erik, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you are comforted by the fact that you and Lori found one another in a time when you needed each other the most. I'm sure she felt enormously blessed to have you in her life. Her spirit and strength show us the importance of giving love without hesitation, for as wonderful as life is here on Earth, it is precious and sometimes fleeting... God Bless you and your family July 6 2005
Posted By: jens
all of my love and my hopes for peace, my friend. July 6 2005
Posted By: Linda Gibney, friend of Lisa's
Dear EriK, Lisa, Linda and the rest of the family, I am so choked up by the news that I literally cried into my coffee this morning. I cannot find the words to express how much I feel for you and I know I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. My prayers have been with you throughout this journey as they are now. Around the same time Lori was diagnosed I was diagnosed with breast cancer and even though I am doing well, I may have had some of the same thoughts and fears that Lori probably had initially. It may be forward of me to think this may give you some peace but I came to look at passing as a journey to paradise we all will take and some of us just board an earlier train than others. I don't take it as lightly as this sounds... it's just a comfort to me to think that as hard as it is now, we WILL all be together again. I look forward to meeting this amazing woman, Lori. My most heartfelt sympathies, Linda Gibney July 6 2005
Posted By: Fran Zimmermann
Lori and her loving family are an inspiration and a testament to the human spirit. I'm so sorry that Lori has gone and know that you will miss her light and her joy. May the love of God enfold you -- always. Fran July 6 2005
Posted By: Beth & Ed Hepko
To Lori's family, We were very sad to hear the news of Lori's passing. Our thoughts and prayers have been with you since the beginning. We are continuing to keep you in our hearts, during this time as well. July 6 2005
Posted By: Farrell & Colin
Erik, Lori's parents, friends and family: Our heartfelt condolences on Lori's passing. I met Lori through my sister, but didn't truly get to know her until I started reading her postings on this site. Her story is one of love and courage, and should serve as a reminder to all of us to be grateful for each other, for the time we have together, for love, laughter, friendship and health. All the things we tend to take for granted. I pray that time will help heal the pain for you, and the memories of what was great in her life will comfort you. Her life and story have been an inspiration to so many people, and that is what our purpose in life truly is, to inspire. With respect and love, Farrell and Colin July 6 2005
Posted By: Pat Thernell
I am so very sorry to hear about Lori today. I know she is with God and that someday you will all be reunited. I hope that thought brings you some peace. July 6 2005
Posted By: Sherita Brown
I am so very sorry to hear about Lori's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time. July 6 2005
Posted By: Cathy B.
Dear Linda, Erik and Family, So very very sorry to hear this today.....may God give you peace and serenity in knowing you fought the good fight with dear Lori every step of the way and now she is at rest, beautiful as always, beautiful forever....with deepest sympathy and prayers, Cathy B. w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04 (patient of Dr. Raizers) July 6 2005
Posted By: friend of a friend
My heart is breaks as I read "sharing". What an amazing person your wife, daughter, sister, grandaughter, friend was. She was loved by so many and most especially by God as he brought her to him early. I pray for you during this painful, painful time. God bless Lori and grant her peace. July 6 2005
Posted By: Dirk
I never knew Lori. I was introduced to her and Erik through a prayer request nearly two years ago. Watching and listening from a thousand miles away I couldn't see the tears; I couldn't feel the pain; I couldn't soften the burden; I couldn't know the ultimate feeling of loss her dear friends and family know now; but I COULD see God at work. If Lori's life touched all of you who were blessed enough to be close to her, please know that she touched hundreds, maybe thousands of us who never met her personally. (Maybe THIS was His plan all along.) As she's celebrated both here and with her Father, take peace in the fact that Lori has blessed many of us in a manner more richly than we deserve. July 6 2005
Posted By: Carole Clemente
To all of Lori's loved ones: My heart goes out to all of you. As you move forward I will continue to pray for the entire family. May peace be with you all. July 5 2005
Posted By: Carole in Arizona
I just checked in, as I do every day, and experienced a sudden sadness when I heard of Lori's passing. I know she is in heaven looking down at all the wonderful people who have been supporting her throughout this whole thing. I will be in Chicago next week, and will make it a point to stop by the cemetary to visit with her. I wish the entire family all the best during this difficult time. July 5 2005
Posted By: Jessica
Dear Lori, Linda, Erik and family, You have been in my thoughts throughout this journey. Please take comfort in knowing that they are people who are thinking and praying for you and your family. July 5 2005
Posted By: Barbara Burnette (Jay, Nick, Tyler & Max
Dear Erik & Family: Our deepest of sympathy. We'll continue to pray for all of you, including Lori. She is a very special soul & you all have a very special angel now shining on you for the rest of your lives. Lori touched so many lives and you all showed us the real meaning of family and love. As always, you are all an inspiration. Love Always, Barbara, Jay, Nick & Tyler July 5 2005
Posted By: Kyle St. Peter
Erik, this is a very sad day but one that begins a new journey for all. On behalf of the HOK family our thoughts and prayers are with you. Linda, you displayed grace and composure over the past 22 months. This web journal elegantly and honestly describes Lori's hope and suffering. Lori waged a tremendous battle, I know her physical and spiritual strength came from you, Erik and your wonderful family and friends. God Bless. July 5 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda, Erik and Family, although we may not be standing their next to you, we are all here to suppport and love you. Thinking of all of you and sending out prayers for strength and peace. All my love, Julie July 5 2005
Posted By: Debbie and Rich
Our thoughts and prayers are still with you along with the hopes of strength to smile when you remember all the happy moments you have been lucky enough to share. A more peaceful time is near and your heavy hearts will soon again be lightened. Your strength has inspired so many of us and make us realize how precious life is. July 5 2005
Posted By: Marcia and Rob Donziger
Lori, Erik, and Linda, Our hearts are heavy with yours as we pray for Lori's peaceful journey. Your strong faith and strength continue to inspire us daily. I wish we could help - if there is anything we can do, please let us know. We are always with you in spirit. July 5 2005
Posted By: Kyle St. Peter
Erik, This is a very sad day but also the beginning of a new journey for all. On behalf of the entire HOK family our thoughts and prayers are with you. Linda, you have displayed amazing grace and composure over the past year. This web journal elegantly and honestly detailed Lori's hope and suffering. It was a beautiful idea and when read in its entirety speaks to love and family. Lori waged a tremendous battle. I know her physical and spiritual strength came from her wonderful family and friends. God bless. July 5 2005
Posted By: a friend of Colleen's
I'm so sorry that Lori has been taken from all of you, but know that she has gone to a wonderful place. I have kept up with her struggle on the website and feel connected in some way. My younger sister and a very young neice also died of the same type of brain tumor. So I do know how you're feeling, and that the sadness fades in time, to leave just warm and happy memories of what a wonderful person Lori was, and indeed still is, just somewhere else. One of the thoughts that comforted me on the death of my sister was one given by the minister at her funeral. It was a long reading about how, down here we are all saying sadly, "Lori is gone...we will miss Lori so much." But on the other side, there is joyous singing and everyone is saying, "Have you heard? Lori is coming! Lori is coming!" I'm sure that is just what is happening now. My thoughts are with you. Shirley Weaver July 5 2005
Posted By: Bill, Kim & Maggie
Erik & Family ... our hearts are heavy as we mourn Lori's passing ... know that Lori will be missed dearly and that we are still thinking of you and praying for all of you and Lori. Her trials are over and she is now at peace in God's kingdom in Heaven. God Bless you all ... Love Bill, Kim, & Maggie July 5 2005
Posted By: Vickie Delorto
Lori, your life is a great inspiration. I love you, and will see you again. Love, Vickie July 5 2005
Posted By: Jerry and Amy Ciolek
We will keep you and your families in our prayers. May God grant peace to you, Lori and your loved ones. July 5 2005
Posted By: Roxanne A.
Linda, Erik & Family: I honestly find great difficulty knowing what to say at such a time of great sadness. Death never makes sense. I've only known Lori since Valentine’s Day via a simple email sharing her story and asking for prayer. I began to pray. I was very blessed to pray and meet both Lori & Erik personally. Despite the poor prognosis, I have continued to pray for a miracle of complete healing on this side until this very moment. I don't understand God's will. Healing is always a mystery. None of us can escape the fact that we will all eventually meet the end here, and our time is always unknown to us. I know without doubt that our God is a loving God and that Jesus is our path to salvation and eternal life. Jesus is the great comforter and healer. A while back, I received a vision of Lori holding onto the hand of Jesus and it assured me that Jesus had his grip on Lori tightly and would not let her go. I trust in this vision that I believe to be from God. I know that she is now in peace and fully healed in the presence of Jesus. I will pray for comfort to be with all of you. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain that is deep in your hearts and souls with such a dear loss in your life after such a long journey. I know that Jesus has all of your hearts in his hands, and I pray that all of you will feel and experience His presence and joy even at this time of great sadness. Someone dear spoke to me once, "Joy is not the absence of sorrow but the presence of Christ." I pray that the presence of Jesus will bring you joy, peace, love, and great comfort. Know that you are loved deeply by Jesus. He is very near to all of you. You remain in my prayers. Love in Christ, Roxanne July 5 2005
Posted By: Cynthia Baumann-Retalic
Linda, Erik and family - From Boston, I send to each of you a prayer for peace. I have watched this journey since the beginning. Sometimes in life people cross your path that just make your heart sing. Erik and Lori, Linda, my Braintumor List friend, you have been incredible, brave, wonderful and always gentle. I remember looking at these wedding pictures, thinking, how cute are they? Linda, may God Bless you this evening and give you the best memories ever. CB Boston July 5 2005
Posted By: David and Jody Chassin
We were saddened to hear of Lori's passing today. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. The courage and hope displayed by Lori, you Erik and the family are inspirational and we know this strength will help you all at this difficult time. Condolences to the entire extended family. July 5 2005
Posted By: Sandy Zmich
Erik, LInda and family, I just wanted to say I was just on the web site and read about Lori's passing. I am so very sorry for all of you..You know she is in a better place now and the fight is over, she is at peace. I don't have a clue as to what you are enduring right now, I can only imagine, but wanted you to know that if there is anything at all I can do to help with anything at all, please don't hesitate to call. I know you have a lot of family support, but if you need a friend, call. My deepest sympathy and prayers are with you forever. Sandy July 5 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Dear Erik and family, We continue our prayers for you and grieve with you. We know that you've lost a great gift but also that heaven has received her and that she's at peace. Thank you for your beautiful posting. Our hearts are with you. With love, Colleen, John and the girls July 4 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Dear Erik, Lori, Linda and family, We are praying for Lori's peaceful journey and yours as well. May the good Lord hold and guide each of you as a new journey begins for all of you. Know that you're truly loved by so very many and our hearts are broken with yours. As ever, your strength and grace amazes. With love, Colleen, John, Grace, Mollie and Ellie July 4 2005
Posted By: Tim & Dana
Along with yours, our hearts are also heavy. We are comforted that Lori is surrounded with so much love and that she is peaceful. She is so very loved and admired for her strength, and the grace she used to fight her courageous battle. We send our love at this most difficult time and want you to know that our hearts ache with yours. July 4 2005
Posted By: George
Here is the English translation from the German "Little Prince" poem posted July 1 by Petra. "When at night you look at the sky, it will appear to you that all the stars laughed, because I live on one of them, because on one of them I am laughing. You alone will have stars that can laugh!" You are in our thoughts, Linda and George July 4 2005
Posted By: David Pelzer
Lori and Eric -- We are thinking of you today, as we do every day. Our prayers are with you. July 4 2005
Posted By: Brian and Rena
Dear Erik, Lori, Linda and Family, Not a day passes without thoughts and prayers for all of you ... We are saddened deeply by the latest news. Please let us know if you need anything. Love, Brian and Rena July 4 2005
Posted By: Tracy Lane
Dear Erik, Lori and Families, Our hearts go out you... you are in our thoughts and prayers every minute of the day. Love, Tracy July 4 2005
Posted By: Natalie
Linda, I have read your most recent posts and wanted you to know that I have been thinking of you all and what you are going through. My thoughts will be with you going forward as well. Please let the family know how much we all care for what Lori & all of you have been going through....with sincere thoughts July 3 2005
Posted By: Whitney Evans
Erik, Lori & families – Not a day passes that I don’t reflect on the love, devotion and inspiration your family has taught me. She is such a lucky lady to begin her next journey in life with a heart full of love and warmth. You are all an inspiration in my life and my prayers are with you daily. July 3 2005
Posted By: A Friend of a friend....
You are a beautiful family with a very touching story. I don't know Lori personally but just through these posts I can tell she is a strong, amazing woman. Hey legacy will most certainly live on...and remember that God never puts more on a person than she can handle. He's taking care of her. You are all in my thoughts. July 3 2005
Posted By: Kathleen Montesano
Dear Linda (and family), My mother told me about Lori and Erik’s website and I just read through all of the journal entries that Lori, Erik and yourself have added. What an amazing fight Lori has endured. What a strong woman she is. I am completely in awe over the hurdles that she and your family had to endure but at the same time while I am reading these journal entries I am struck by the powerful bond Lori has with her husband and her family! She is so lucky to have all of you. The prayers and celebrations and family togetherness you have all been through is absolutely remarkable. I can only image how difficult this time is for all of you. I will keep you all in my prayers tonight. She is an AMAZING woman who I know will fight ‘til the end. Sincerely, Kathy Montesano (Kevin Brown’s sister) July 3 2005
Posted By: Dear Lori, Erik, Linda & Your Families:
As always, you are in our many prayers. What a journey you all have been on these past months. You are all blessed with incredible strength and spirit and dignity. I hope it helps even just a little bit to know that you all have touched so many lives and that Lori will continue to touch those lives with you forever! You have such a wonderful family and are giving Lori so much. I'm sure that her heart is warmed & that she can feel all of your love. Lori has always had such a beautiful spirit about her & always will. Prayers and Love for strength and healing. Love Always, Barbara, Jay, Nick, Tyler and Max July 3 2005
Posted By: Denise Polifka
My continued support and prayers are with all of you at this most difficult time. God's grace be with all of you. Love to everyone. Denise July 1 2005
Posted By: Howard Tikka
I'm so saddened to hear that the time I feared would happen is getting closer. There isn't a day that goes by that I still hope for some miracle to happen. It absolutely breaks my heart to see what Lori, Erik and the entire family has endured these past two years. Your love for each other has been nothing short of inspiring. And Erik and Linda, I can't thank you enough for sharing Lori's status when she has been unable to. No matter what happens, Lori, I will forever cherish the time I was lucky enough to share with you. Magic Mountain, Disneyland, Santa Barbara, Chicago and even Des Plaines will always have a special place in my heart (along with your smile). I will never forget you, the brief time we spent together, your kind words and your amazing positive spirt. I can only hope your coming days are filled with love, comfort and peace. July 1 2005
Posted By: Jennifer Ureste
Erik, Linda and Family, Although I was only acquainted with Lori briefly while working at the Field Museum, I wanted to extend to you my deepest sympathies. Your words and actions have been very inspiring and the love you have shines through in every word you write. I'm very sorry and hope that everyone will find peace. You are in my prayers. July 1 2005
Posted By: Petra Holtermann
Dear Erik, I am very very sad and sorry to learn that soon Lori will not be with you and the other people she loved any more. And that you will not have her with you... I am so sorry for all the pain you and the whole family and all of your friends are going through. But I am also glad to know Lori will be free of pain soon. That is a great consolation. It is good to know that you are all with Lori and that you are all together to lean on each other and feel the love and warmness Lori showed to you. She will be glad to have you all around her. I know that God will give her guidance and a peaceful parting and passing into heaven and another life. I am also sad to write only today but this language always seemed to be even more foreign in such a situation. But my thoughts were and are with you every day. I am reading your website regularly (thanks a lot to Linda) and we have been praying for Loris recovery.She seems to be a wonderful person and like everybody I wished you would have had much more time to spend together. From what you told me and her and later Linda's sharing reports taught me to me Lori seems to be one of the few persons who are like an angel among us! She is so positive thinking and has such a warm heart and I admired her strength, power and even her sense of humour. Part of my prayers was also to get to know Lori personally but now we all have to learn that HE has other plans for her which are rather impossible and difficult to understand right now. I wish I could express my feelings in a better way like the wonderful friends who supported you throughout the whole time are doing. Instead I will send you the words I wrote on the birth and death announcement card of our daughter Stella. It is from "The Little Prince" by Antoine Saint-Exupéry. Unfortunately I do not have the English edition but maybe there is someone to translate either the German or French: "Wenn du bei Nacht den Himmel anschaust, wird es dir sein, als lachten alle Sterne, weil ich auf einem von ihnen wohne, weil ich auf einem von ihnen lache. Du allein wirst Sterne haben, die lachen können!" / " Quand tu regarderas le ciel, la nuit, puisque j'habiterai dans l'une d'elles, alors ce sera pour toi comme si riaient toutes les étoiles. Tu auras, toi, des étoiles qui savent rire!" Dear Erik and Lori, you and your family are all in our thoughts and in our prayers! Petra and Martial July 1 2005
Posted By: Susan Craigo
My friend Rena has been sharing Lori's steps with her battle to fight this disease. Although, I didn't know Lori personally I have been praying for her to win the fight. Five years ago I lost a close family member to the same disease, he was 35 with two young children and dedicated his live to fighting crime as a Chicago police officer. Lori seems like such a beautiful person, inside and out. Please, know that she is in my thoughts and prayers. July 1 2005
Posted By: Blondie
Erik, You and Lori are in our prayers soooo much and I just want to say how much I admire your love and caring for such a wonderful lady.She is a fighter just like her mom so don't give up yet. I have known her mom for many years and she's a trooper and so is Lori. KEEP THE FAITH AS HARD AS IT IS TO DO RIGHT NOW.Give Lori a kiss and hug from me.Blondie from South Haven July 1 2005
Posted By: Linda and George
Linda, Wally, Erik and Family: We wish there were words to ease your sadness at this difficult time, but so many things are not ours to understand in this life. We can only hope and believe that we will be given the gift of understanding when we are reunited in the next life. From Lori and all of you, we learn new lessons everyday - about courage in the face of fear, about the beautiful unselfishness of the human spirit, and about the power of family love. For that gift, we thank you. Our prayers are with you constantly that God will meet all your needs in the days ahead. Love, Linda and George July 1 2005
Posted By: Rodolfo and Grace Mora
To Erik and Lori: My husband used to work with Erik at HOK and I had the pleasure of meeting Lori in one of their office parties. We were both engaged then so Lori and I talked about our forthcoming weddings. It was clear that she was very excited about becoming Erik's wife. Sadly though, a few months after they got married, Lori became sick. When my husband and I moved to California, this website became our only source of information regarding Lori's condition. It's been a while since we last checked this website so we were really very surprised and saddened to learn of the new updates about Lori's medical status. We just want to tell Erik, Lori and their families that they are in our prayers. We hope that they find peace and comfort in God's love... June 30 2005
Posted By: Roxanne A.
Linda & family: I thank Jesus for the sweet blessings that he has brought to you this week. "The Lord is my shepherd. I have everything I need. ... Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. ...Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23:1-6)" Our time here is but a moment, eternity shall be never-ending. The love of Jesus will be your strength and comfort. You are in my prayers. Love in Christ, Roxanne June 30 2005
Posted By: A friend of Ed's
I just wanted to say how sorry I am for all the pain your family is going through. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Lori but I have heard all about how wonderful she is through Ed. I am a better person because of reading how Lori has tackled this and her strength throughout this. Thank you for allowing me to become a better person and appreciate my family. Your family is an inspiration! June 30 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda, thank you so much for taking the time to let everyone know Lori's current condition and all of the love she is being surrounded by. I have read everyone's reply and want to express words of compassion, but honestly how I feel is very angry. Angry that Lori has to go so young, angry that she is such a good person and deserved a longer life than most of us. I don't know why God wanted Lori so soon, but I do realize this, Lori LIVED her life in a short time more than most people do in 100 years. She has done and seen so many things, and most importantly touched so many people. I have come to realize that we all have are time to go to God, the only difference is some of us find out how much time we have, and the rest of us take it for granted. Everyday I think about how precious her time is, and how precious all of our time is and how easily we forget that. Your family and Lori have been a blessing to me and mine and I am forever thankful. Love, Julie June 30 2005
Posted By: Pat Rheel
Linda, I am so sorry to hear about this latest development. I have some experience with hospice care and it is wonderful. I think of you and your family often and especially during Mass every week. I will keep praying for you. If there is ANYTHING that I can do let me know since I'm right here in DP. June 30 2005
Posted By: Amanda Woszczak
We are all saddened by Lori's illness and current condition. I feel very blessed to have had Lori in my life and that she called me her friend. I cannot help but recall Pope John Paul II's words of "Be not afraid." Lori truly lived her life to the fullest and embraced everything with such joy. Be not afraid, God has big plans for her yet. June 29 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda, Erik, and Family, I am so sorry to hear the results and have prayed so much for her healing. I believe God has a reason for all he does, and though it may not always be clear, there is a loving father behind everything. Lori's battle has taught many of us the true meaning of love, family, courage and most of all faith. Please know that we all are with you in thought and prayer. All my love, Julie June 29 2005
Posted By: Roxanne A.
I’m very sorry to hear of Lori’s medical prognosis. Our hope is found in nothing less then Jesus’ love and faithfulness. Through many prayers and confirmations, I trust that Lori's true prognosis is filled with hope. I have peace that if she should pass to the other side, she will be greeted into the loving arms of our Heavenly father, Jesus Christ our Lord. She will be pain free. She will have no more suffering. She will then be completely, fully and totally healed without doubt. She will have great joy. Lori’s soul will be at rest in her heavenly dwelling that Jesus has already prepared for her and is preparing for each of us. We all long for this place. The only place where we truly find rest. Heaven will be filled with the glory of God, and its brilliance is like that of a very precious jewel, clear as crystal. There will be great peace, great beauty, and great love. I pray that all of us can find rest, peace, comfort, and surety in the love of Jesus. He is there to catch all of our tears. He has the ability to strengthen us even when we are most weak. He firmly holds our hearts in his hands bringing great comfort, healing our sorrows, and surrounding us with love. We need only trust in his love and our future is completely secure. He has already paved our path through his death upon the cross. May we all rest in the hope of Jesus. My prayers continue for all of you during this difficult time. I pray for the presence of Jesus to bring you great comfort. May Jesus continue to bless you, strengthen you, deeply love you, and provide for all of your needs. Thank you for allowing me the blessing of knowing and praying for all of you. May the peace of Jesus be firmly grounded deeply within your soul and hearts. Love in Christ, Roxanne June 28 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Dear Lori, Erik, Linda and family, You are all in our thoughts and prayers daily. Your fight continues to amaze and inspire us all; your grace is a blessing to behold. Know that God has held your hand in all of your choices and that you've made the one He wants for Lori. May you be at peace and know that you're truly loved by many. Colleen, John and the girls June 28 2005
Posted By: Pat Thernell
I am sorry to hear about these difficult decisions you are starting to make. Each day ahead will be filled with much emotion for all of you. Your strong family is a blessing to help cope with the challenges that each new day will bring. My thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day. June 28 2005
Posted By: jolene
My prayers are with you all. Hold on to each other for support while the Lord embraces you all and may the Holy Spirit fill your hearts with peace. June 28 2005
Posted By: Christine (a friend of a friend)
Lori's physical life may end, but her spiritual life will never end. Jesus is waiting for Lori with arms open wide. She is going to get to heaven and be given a perfect body, one without pain and suffering. She is going to be greeted by all who have come before her. And there is going to be one heck of a party!!! Picture Lori being hugged by our Heavenly Father. We will not have her with us, but she will be happy and alive in Christ. I hope you all can take comfort in the legacy that Lori is leaving behind. Her spirit will live on in it. I have been so overwhelmed by the love that your family and friends have shown. And Lori will leave behind a very big part of her in that love. May you find the peace of our Holy Father. May He wrap His arms around you all and carry you through. In Christ, Christine June 28 2005
Posted By: Casey & Jaxx
Dear Lori, Erik, Linda and Family -- Am thinking about you every hour of the day, praying for more strength and guidance for you all during these difficult times. I want to say thank you for the brave and loving example of living faith that you have shown, as well as for sharing these updates with your family, friends and neighbors in such a loving way. Please know that you can call on me if you need anything, anything AT ALL, since I frequently work out of the house and can always be reached on my cell (773-456-7985). Rest assured that God is with you, guiding you always, holding you in the hollow of his hand. XOXOXO - Casey & Jaxx June 28 2005
Posted By: Ann Brown
Just want you to know that the decision you made was with the Lord's help. You ALL are in our prayers. Hold on to yourselves and stay well. Love, Ann June 28 2005
Posted By: Tony Passero
We are very sorry to learn that you have been having to make some difficult decisions as of late because of Lori's condition. Although every coming day ahead will be filled with much emotion and challenges for all of you, your love for each other as a family will keep you strong and if not you have a multitude of friends to lean on. Our thoughts and prayers are with each of you every day, every hour, every minute. Love Tony, Shannon, Sophia and Nico June 28 2005
Posted By: Bill & Kim
Erik, Linda & Family, God Bless you all in this most unimaginable of times. We will continue to pray for Lori and your family. God's grace has shown in all of you through this terrible ordeal. You & your family are a testament to strength, courage, & Love. Please let us know if there is anything you need. We are here, thinking of you. Love Bill & Kim June 28 2005
Posted By: Natalie
Words cannot say what I feel for all of you going through this and of course for Lori. She is young & beautiful and should not be suffering from this horrible disease. My thoughts have been with you since I first joined the list and heard your story. Please feel free to write anytime as you will be dealing with a tough road ahead. You have been so wonderful in the care you have given Lori and you should remember that always...Sincerely, Natalie s/o Gwen who fought the same battle, age 36 2/69-3/05 June 27 2005
Posted By: Julie Monti
We all continue to pray for Lori and your entire family. The decisions ahead are tough...we will keep you in our hearts. And please know we're here to support you no matter what you need. May peace be with you and your family. June 27 2005
Posted By: Sandy Zmich
I am so sorry to hear the latest results...You guys have some tough decisions to make, but I'm sure whatever they are, it will be the right one..Both Erik and yourself have nothing but the best interest for Lori. Linda, I think about you daily since your 25th anniversary party and can't even begin to imagine how hard this is on you and all the rest of your family..Please know that I pray daily for some miracle to happen...Please do not hesitate to call me day or nite if there is anything at all I can do to help or if there is anything I can do to make you feel better. It has to be fustrating not knowing exactly what is going thru Lori's mind and what to do for her to make it as easy for her as possible...I know in my heart that she knows how much love you guys have for her, so what ever is decided, it was based on all the love imagineable...Friends forever, Sandy June 27 2005
Posted By: Chris & Heidi
Linda, Erik, I'm sure your thoughts and decisions are based on the love you have for Lori and what is best for her. A decision which is based on this love will be a good decision. Our prayers continue to be with you. June 25 2005
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Dear Lori, Erik & Linda, We just read the update on Lori and are so sorry you have such difficult decisions ahead of you. Know that we all are praying for you ... Love, Rena & Brian June 25 2005
Posted By: Jeff and Linda Thompson
Dear Linda and Erik, we can't even begin to imagine what you and your family must be going through, but we are with you in spirit and pray for the best decision to be made during this trying period in your lives. Our love to you and Lori... Jeff and Linda. June 24 2005
Posted By: Roxanne A.
Linda: I'm so sorry to read of Lori's condition. It must be so difficult. The love that you and Erik have for Lori is great. I'm sure that your love and care brings Lori great comfort and blessing. I will continue to pray for the Lord's strength, presence, and guidance to be with you & Erik. I pray for the love of Jesus to be with you at each and every moment of every day. "May the Lord bless you and keep you; May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26)." Love in Christ, Roxanne June 24 2005
Posted By: Lorray Shelby
Hello to all of you, I have kept in touch on how Lori is doing off and on the brain tumor site. My heart truly goes out to all of you. Lori my prayers are with you. I pray for you often and I am so sorry you have to endure all of this. My husband had gbm and was 38 so I know all too well what the family is going through. My heart goes out to all of you. I will continue to keep Lori and the rest of you in my prayers. Take care, Lorray June 22 2005
Posted By: Denise Polifka
Hello to all of you. I'm a little late, but wanted to let you know what a great time Lee and I had at the anniversary party. It was wonderful to see you all together. You are an inspirational family to say the least. Thank you for making me a part of your lives...I have a lot to learn from all of you. Family closeness and love like yours is hard to come by and is truly a wonderful thing to be a part of. I pray for good things with Lori's upcoming chemo and am keeping all of you in my thoughts. Love, Denise June 21 2005
Posted By: Sandy & Pete
Lori, Erik, Linda and family, Happy 1st day of summer..So glad to hear you are getting out. (Father's Day). It was so wonderful seeing everyone at your 25th anniversary. Your whole family is such an inspiration, its wonderful how you can just feel all the love amongst you and your family. Linda, I hope your father comes through this okay, which I'm sure he will, your mother still needs him as does the rest of the family. Like you said, you can only endure so much and you have enough on your plate at the time. It was great talking with Lisa and her boys. You guys have some great children..Keep us posted on Dad and Lori...Keep your chin up, I keep praying daily for all of you guys..Miracles do happen. Love to all, Sandy & Pete June 20 2005
Posted By: Tony Passero
Hey Lori, Erik (and Linda too) Just a quick note to say you are in our collective thoughts and prayers as always. And we are glad to see Lori was able to take her chemo treatment this week and are keeping a positive outlook for the MRi on thursday. God Bless Tony, Shannon, Nico and Sophia June 17 2005
Posted By: Jacqueline Lavigne McGuire
My family and so many of my friends pray for you and your family every day. Not a day goes by that I do not pause to reflect on your strength and your love for each other. You inspire so many people. Love, The McGuire Family June 17 2005
Posted By: Katrina
Dear Linda, Lori,Erik and Wally, I enjoyed the anniversay party last week so much. Mostly I was so impressed observing the dynamics of your wonderful family. The support and love you give one another is cause for celebration. I have carried those thoughts with me all week and will continue to to be inspired. My prayers are with you... God bless you. Katrina June 17 2005
Posted By: daniela and andy
Hi Linda Wally Lori and Erik. Your party on the 13 of June was wonderful. I was very touched by your family closeness. I have enjoed the speaches. I was very glad that Lori was there. Good luck to all of you ,and God bless you. June 16 2005
Posted By: Lou Vassalotti
Lori and Erik, Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you both and do so everyday. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love Lou. (As well as many of my friends who have never met you.) May God look over you. June 16 2005
Posted By: Barbara Burnette (Jay, Nick, Tyler & Max
Hello Lori, Erik & Linda: Just wanted you all to know that you are in our prayers & we think of you often! Love & Prayers Always, Barbara, Jay, Nick, Tyler and Max June 16 2005
Posted By: Roxanne A.
Lori, Linda & Erik: I am so very happy that Lori was well enough to continue with treatment. I continue to pray for the healing power and presence of Jesus to be amidst Lori, and for his great love to strengthen you all. Love in Christ, Roxanne : ) June 15 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Hi Lori, Erik and Linda, Just checking in to say hello, and to let you know that we're thinking of and praying for all of you. Linda, thanks so much for your updates. Erik and Lori, you remain inspiring; know you're loved. God bless. June 15 2005
Posted By: Ann & Ron Brown
Just a short note to let you know you and "yours" are in our prayers. My mom's famous saying was to "KEEP LOOKING UP". In other words, NEVER give up. Hang in there, Lori...Love, The Browns June 14 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori, thinking of you and hoping you are feeling a little stronger every day. I will be praying for good results today. Lots of love, Julie June 13 2005
Posted By: jay lambert
dear lori and erik, i know you probably won't read this lori, but i just wanted to say that i love you. Erik, in the short time that we spent together you earned my deepest respect and admiration; you are a good man and an even better husband in my opinion. i believe the two of you are unbelievably lucky to have met one another. love like that doesn't come around often these days. one last thing, i can't imagine what you must be going through but just remember that everything is a part of life, even the end. so breathe life into every word, until the point that it's absurd. do that and i think both might make it out of here alive. love, jay June 13 2005
Posted By: Heidi Gewartowski (friend of your Mom's)
Hi Lori and Erik, you are in our prayers and thoughts everyday! We are thinking good, positive, healing thoughts and are sending them your way. Our Best Wishes for your complete recovery, Heidi, Steve and Eric June 13 2005
Posted By: Roxanne
Linda: Congratulations on your anniversary. 25yrs is wonderful - such a blessing from God!!!! I am so delighted that Lori was well enough to celebrate every moment with you. I'm continuing to pray for strength for you and Erik, and healing for Lori. God Bless, Roxanne : ) June 8 2005
Posted By: Anna Oliver
Hi Erik & Lori- We continue to pray for you both (and Linda, as well...). I think today I'll focus on Lori getting some peaceful rest that strengthens her and bolsters her blood count. I feel assired that God is closer to her now than ever. I'll pray she feels that today. Love to you all! June 8 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda,Lori, and Erik, thinking of you all and wondering if there is anything I can do? I would love to see Lori, but it sounds as if she may not be up for company yet. Please call me if I can help with anything, hope to see you soon. Julie June 8 2005
Posted By: Tracy Lane
Lori - Shannon (my daughter) and I walked in a cancer walk on June 4th and lit a candle in your honor; keeping you, Erik and everyone in our prayers daily. Love, Tracy June 7 2005
Posted By: Carole in Arizona
Lori & Erik...checking in daily and thinking about you constantly! Praying for a miracle, an angel, good luck, and health all wrapped up in one bundle...God Bless. June 3 2005
Posted By: Tony Passero
Linda; Two of the employees at my company are very accomplished photographers and I'm sure one of the would be willing to photograph your anniversary party on the "cheap". I'll even let them use our companies equipment to do so. When you have a moment email with the event's date and time and I will speak to them to see if either one is interested...name your price as they both know Lori's plight and I'm sure they would welcome the opportunity to help you out during these trying times June 3 2005
Posted By: Tony and Shannon Passero
Linda: Please keep us posted on the cost issue for Lori's treatment as a great deal of Lori and Erik's friends would gladly help out to make ends meet to handle the finances for this. I can even work to quickly add a treatment donation page to this site where friends and family can contribute to the treatment fund via a paypal account. A great deal of us would also mobilize very quickly to help out with sometype of fundraiser as Julie suggested just sya the word and we all do what we can to support both Lori and Erik. June 3 2005
Posted By: Marcia & Rob
We would like to contribute to Lori's treatments. If Linda, Shannon, or Julie want help setting up the fundraising vehicle, just send me an email(marcia88@yahoo.com). Thinking of you always, Marcia & Rob June 3 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Tony, I think it would be a great idea to set up something on this website. If it is okay with Linda, Lori and Erik. I would like to be able to refer people to Lori's story through this site and be able to contribute at the same time. What do you think? Let me know, Julie June 2 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda, thanks for the update, I hope that Lori's current treatment is the one to overcome her illness, but if she needs further medication I reccommend we have a fund raiser. I would be happy to have and or start one. Let me know what you think. Let's pull together and come up with some solutions! Julie June 1 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori and Erik, now that we have nice weather to enjoy I hope you and Erik are taking advatange of it! I left you a message last week and would love to see you. Hope to talk to you soon, Julie May 31 2005
Posted By: David + Jody Chassin, St. Louis
Lori, Erik and Family--In spite of the distance, know that our thoughts and prayers for healing are with you. May 31 2005
Posted By: Steve Evans
Lori and Erik. All my thoughts are with you both. Please take care. May 31 2005
Posted By: Jen and Tom Laird
Lori and Erik- We are praying that God is with you during this difficult time and that all the prayers your love ones are sending out are answered. Both Tom and I are here for our continued support of you two. All our love, Jen and Tom May 31 2005
Posted By: Clark Davis
Lori and Erik, one of our HOK colleagues shared your website address with me...we're all pulling for you with our thoughts and prayers. Best wishes to both of you for healing and comfort. May 30 2005
Posted By: Pat Thernell
Lori & Eric Happy Anniversary. Both Tom and I are praying that you find the right treatment and have a miraculous recovery. God bless you both! Pat & Tom (Thernell) May 30 2005
Posted By: Lynn and Stan Morris
Good wishes are coming from us on this second anniversary weekend from CA, Pa and BI. We send you our very best. May 28 2005
Posted By: Bill O
Lori and Erik, Happy Anniversary. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. B May 28 2005
Posted By: Casey & Jaxx
Dear Lori (& Erik) -- Thinking about you so much ever since Jaxx and I met you guys on our way to the lakefront last weekend. How lucky we ran into you on that beautiful Spring day. Then I chanced upon Erik in the garage on Tuesday -- he was carrying some beautiful red roses home to his wife for their special Anniversary celebration -- and my heart filled with happiness to see the love and hope he carried home to you along with them!!! I hope this last treatment is working its magic and that you will have much more time to celebrate your love and joy in each other in the future. Jaxx and I have a couple of extra long walks planned for this holiday weekend, to pray for just that very thing!!! Wishing you strength and all God's love for your journey now and always. XOXOXO - C&J May 28 2005
Posted By: Mojo
Erik & Lori, With contiued thoughts of love, hope, faith and friendship. May God Bless May 28 2005
Posted By: Jen and Chris Boatman (Vickers)
Hey Lori and Erik.....just a quick note to let you know we are thinking and praying out here in California. I pray everyday that miracles come your way.....keep up the strength and always know u guys will always be in our thoughts!!!!!! With Love Jen and Chris Boatman (Vickers) May 27 2005
Posted By: Lou Vassalotti
Hi Lori and Erik, I just wanted to let you know I have been thinking about you both a very lot and am praying for you. I know these are the hardest of times and everyone is praying for you both. Love, Lou May 27 2005
Posted By: Bill Franz
Erik & Lori ... You are in my thoughts and prayers every day ... I admire your strength & courage and I pray for healing, peace & hope. God Bless you and your families during this struggle and as always, if I can do anything for you, I'll be here. Much Love, Billy May 27 2005
Posted By: Vicki Kibler
Hi Lori and Erik, Happy Anniversary!! Just a little note to say hi and that you are in my thoughts and prayers EVERYDAY! Keep your spirits high - I believe in miracles!! Love and Friendship always, Vicki May 27 2005
Posted By: Tony Passero
Lori and Erik: Be strong for each other and keep your spirits high. You are both in our collective thoughts and prayers. Linda bless you for being at Lori's side during these trying times you are the model of motherhood. May 27 2005
Posted By: Roger McFarland
Dear Eric and Lori: You are in my thoughts and prayers and I trust you know that all of us are with you. Roger May 26 2005
Posted By: Sandy Zmich
Happy 2nd Anniversary with many more to come to a very special couple...We still talk of your wedding day and how beautiful everything was that day....Especially you Lori, you had such a glow about you, when you looked into Erik's eyes....Never loose the glow..Sandy & Pete May 26 2005
Posted By: Priya
Dear Lori & Erik, Wishing you a very Happy Anniversary! Hope this day brings healthier and more joyful times for the years to come. We continue to pray for you. Love, Priya & Vinay May 25 2005
Posted By: colleen lee
Dear Lori and Erik, it seems like yesterday that we could hear that wedding white peacock sing it's song...loudly. Your day was full of beauty and lots of happy family and friends. It was a great day. Happy Anniversary to a remarkable couple. Colleen Lee May 25 2005
Posted By: Tracy Lane
Dear Lori and Erik - Happy 2nd Anniversary! Enjoy your special day, continue to be strong. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. May 25 2005
Posted By: Melissa Bettin
Lori & Erik, Happy second anniversary! Enjoy your special day together. Lots of love, Melissa May 25 2005
Posted By: Mary/Jim Bolda
Dearest Lori and Erik - Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary to two special people. This is your day...Enjoy it to its fullest! Our prayers are with you always. Love, Mary and Jim May 25 2005
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Dear Lori & Erik, We are wishing you a beautiful wedding anniversary! You continue to be in our prayers - May God give you the miracle you so deserve. Love, Brian & Rena May 24 2005
Posted By: Kristi Walker
Lori, These wedding photos of you and your family are so beautiful. I just wanted to wish you and Erik all the best on your two year anniversary. Love, Kristi May 24 2005
Posted By: Laura Wade
Dear Lori and family, I have spoken with you Linda via email and i am so sorry to hear that the MRI did not go your way. I have never met you or your family, but i feel like i know you since Lori and this web site reminds me so much of myself!! I was also just married in July and was diagnosed in October (im 31). It all just doesnt make sense!! I have been following Lori's progress for a while now - I have certainly prayed for her!! best wishes to you all!!!! May 24 2005
Posted By: Roxanne A.
Lori Erik Linda & Family: I pray for the blessings of Jesus Christ to remain with you, for his Spirit to strengthen you, and for his love to surround all of you. May the healing presence of Jesus be near to Lori and to all of you. Jesus is the bridge into the loving arms of our Heavenly Father God, into the light of Heaven, and into more glory then can ever be imagined. I pray that we are all blessed with the ability to clearly see His light. May his love be near to you today and always providing comfort and strength. "When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. (NLT; Ephesians 3:14-20)" Love in Christ, Roxanne May 23 2005
Posted By: CARLA
Lori and family, I am so sorry to hear the results were not what we all hoped they would be. I think about you everyday and keep praying for you and your family. You have a wonderful mother who is supportive and has lots of love for you! I continue to pray for you be strong I will call your mother tomorrow. Love always, Carla. May 23 2005
Posted By: Sandy Z.
Lori & family, I am so sorry to hear that your MRI was not more positive. Our continued prayers and thoughts are with you always. There is something out there that will cure this, just keep up the courage, strength, love and faith that you have shown so far and eventually it will happen. Too much love out there not to. Linda, the same goes for you, hang in there...I'm sure its the hardest thing you have ever had to do in your life, but all for a reason..You're the best, I think I have learned alot from Lori and you...Whats important in life..Love you guys, take care..Sandy & Pete May 23 2005
Posted By: sofia mountford
I lost my mum on Wednesday though this disease, i to wondered about stem cell research, that's the thing i always wondered now your doing something about it you go girl try and do everything you can to save your beautiful daughter, i'v got your site on my favourites so i'll keep checking to see if things are going ok. Sofia May 22 2005
Posted By: laura caragher
Wishing you all as much warmth and comfort as possible... Linda - it was good to hear your voice the other day. I so admire your strength and compassion. I hope for much love and faith for you in each precious moment. -Laura May 21 2005
Posted By: ELSA
Hi Lori its been forever ,from the momement I heard you have been in my thoughts,and my prayers I Wish I could wish it all away! I truly envy you for your strenght and your courge. You truly are one tough cookie with so many special gifts. Your wedding pictures are just stunning,you made a beautiful bride congarts on your marriage Erik is one lucky man to land a hot chick like you! But im sure he already knows that. You guys look like barbie and ken I always new you would land a hottie! God Lori, I wish I knew the wright words to say,but I just dont. Please forgive for that. I will be coming out ton see you on thurs if thats ok,Kelly and I will be confirming it with your mom.I cant wait to see you,its been so long. My sisters Merlinda and Michelle are praying for you too they wish you well and say HELLO! If tere is anything you need before Kelly and I come out to see you let us know. See you soon TINY DANCER stay strong,keep the faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love & Friendship forever, ELSA May 20 2005
Posted By: Melissa Bettin
I am so sorry to hear about the MRI results. I will continue to pray for Lori as always. Linda, I am so happy to hear that you have taken time off to be with Lori during the day. She is very lucky to have such a wonderful mother, husband and family by her side. If there is anything I can do please let me know. Love, Melissa May 20 2005
Posted By: Casey & Jaxx!
Dear Lori, Erik & Linda -- Thinking of you and holding you in our hearts today and every day. Jaxx and I walk many times and I dedicate our footsteps to prayers for you guys (that's double the luck from Jaxx since he has 4 feet in all!) I think we will have to take some LONG walks this weekend....! Hold fast -- feel all that love and strength shining out from all your neighbors and family and friends! God be with you! XOXOXO -- C&J May 20 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda, Lori and Erik, I am so sorry the results were not what we had all hoped for. Linda, I am so inspired by your hope and dedication. To me, you are what every mother should be. I will call to arrange a visit, as I would love to see Lori. Still praying and sending lots of love. Julie May 20 2005
Posted By: Denise Polifka
I too, was hoping and praying for some encouraging test results. I'm so sorry things could not have been more positive. I continue to pray and send positive vibes your way. Linda, I realize how difficult this time is for all of you and hope you know if anyone needs anything I am available. I love you all. Denise May 20 2005
Posted By: Howard Tikka
I'm so sad to hear the MRI results. I was so hoping the prior results would continue their path for the better. I will continue to remain hopeful. Something just has to work! Linda, thank you so much for keeping everyone updated when Lori and Erik are not able to. It's not always easy, but it's always appreciated. Thanks. Lori - keep fighting!!! May 19 2005
Posted By: Marcia & Rob
Lori, Erik, and Linda, We so sad about the devastating news. But we will continue to have faith that the next chemo treatments (and all of the prayers streaming your way) will cure Lori. Your love, faith, and commitment are inspiring to all who know you. We "check in" on you daily in hopes of good news. We'll never give up. Our thoughts are always with you. Love, Marcia & Rob May 19 2005
Posted By: Barbara Burnette
Hello Lori, Erik & Linda. I am so sorry to hear that the MRI results were not favorable. Please know that you are all always in my prayers. I hope this new medicine that Lori will be taking can help her. This is such a long, hard fought battle you all have been on. You are such an inspiration of stength in unbelievable circumstances. Keep the faith! Love & Prayers Always, Barbara, Nick & Tyler...& Max May 19 2005
Posted By: Tony Passero
Hi Lori and Erik, today is my b-day and someone asked me what I wanted my reply was that I really wished for a positive report from the scan for Lori. As always my (as well as Shannon's) thoughts and prayers are with you both. Stay positive! May 18 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda, Lori and Erik, sending prayers your way for a good scan today. I will be thinking of you with warm positive thoughts. Julie May 17 2005
Posted By: Bill & Kim
Lori ... We'll be praying for good news tomorrow ... God Bless & Good Luck! Love Bill, Kim & Maggie May 17 2005
Posted By: Paul & Melissa Zaro
Hi Lori, I just wanted to let you know that you are in our prayers every single day for a recovery. I can see you have many people who love you and pray for you. Hopefully God will see the power of prayer and heal you completely! You are thought of often by us. May 16 2005
Posted By: Carole Chiappe Krohn
Hi Lori & Erik...wanted to send out some positive vibes from Arizona. I think about your struggles often and hope for the very best towards your recovery. May 16 2005
Posted By: Colleen Lee
Hello Linda, thank you so much for posting. We check in several times a week and really appreciate you touching base. I can imagine that last thing you feel you owe the rest of us is to write. So, thank you for your effort and care. Lori, is so very much on our minds--believe it or not--on a DAILY basis. We continue to care about and ask for her health and happiness. Thinking of you all, colleen. May 13 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori, I really would like to see you again, and I don't know if it's okay to call the house. Feel free to call me at 847 612-7970 if you are feeling up for some company. Talk to you soon, Love Julie May 5 2005
Posted By: Marcia - Running a Marathon in Honor of Lori
Lori & Erik, Great news on the scans!! I have sent out this email below to my friends and family in honor of you. Please read this link & forward to your friends & family. http://www.justgiving.com/pfp/marciadonziger Dear Friends, On June 5th, I will achieve a goal I've had for a decade - running the San Diego marathon. Exciting news - I am recruiting you as my Marathon Support Team! Since most of you can't be there in person, would you consider sponsoring me online? I am dedicating this marathon to Lori, a special friend in Chicago, who inspires everyone she knows through her journey to overcome brain cancer. My goal is to raise $10,000 for Healing Odyssey, an incredible non-profit organization that empowers cancer survivors and their families. Please read more at my fundraising webpage and donate online by clicking on this link: http://www.justgiving.com/pfp/marciadonziger Thank you in advance for your support - it means everything to me. Best Wishes, Marcia May 3 2005
Posted By: Colleen Lee
Just read the great news! WOW. WOW. WOW. Isn't it amazing how powerful we are collectively? Lori, your positive spirit is clearly proving to be the most important force. For what it's worth, I believe YOU (who YOU are)is the single greatest reason for this latest report. Bravo. Thinking of You, Colleen Lee. May 3 2005
Posted By: Your Dancing Pal Lynn
Hey Lori.....What great news....My prayers are still with you. You know I am soooo here for you! I just wanted to let you know how beautiful you looked at the get together you & your family had for you....I was so glad to be there for you and so happy to hear that cute little giggle you still have! ha ha! Your spirits were up and you looked great. I still would love to see you again and spend some time with you...Carla and I would like to come out by you and share some fun times together and watch some old dance videos and just have a few laughs together. I am going to get in contact with your mom and erik and set up a date within the next week to come out and see you. Hey if this weather gets better, maybe we can take your cute dog out for a walk and enjoy some nice fresh air...Keep in touch, love you!!! Hugs & kisses to you! Lynn (Zaro) Arevalo April 29 2005
Posted By: LORI
Posted By: Laura, Kevin and Tyler
It was nice to see you Sunday at the party. Thank you for inviting us. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Don't give up, be strong even when you feel you can't go on. You are loved by so many. We are all here for you. God Bless you both. Laura, Kevin and Tyler April 29 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
I have goose bumbs!!! This is awesome news. I am so happy. Let's all keep the prayers coming. I suggest maybe another follow up party soon! It was so great to see you and your family. All my love, Julie April 29 2005
Posted By: melissa bettin
I am so happy to hear the news! Many times... family, friends and prayer are all that you need. I will keep praying for Lori. Love, Melissa April 29 2005
Posted By: NICOLE
Posted By: Cathy B.
Dear Linda and Lori, I have a very big smile on my face after reading this latest post....what wonderful news! May God continue to bless you and bring you good health. Cathy B. w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04 (met you in NMH waiting room) April 26 2005
Posted By: CARLA
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori, it was so good to see you! I can't stop thinking about you and can't wait for us to get together again. Seeing you brought back so many good memories. I miss you so much! I will call you later this week to see if your up to getting together or having some company. Love, Julie April 25 2005
Posted By: Blondie
Lori and Erik, I am so sorry we were unable to make your party. We were thinking of you today and hoping that your time together with friends and family was fun. I am still counting you your mom putting together a weekend over here in South Haven for some more fun family times. We are planning on attending your mom's anniversary party in August so if nothing else we will see you there I am sure. Thank you for including us on your list of close friends and family. You are in our prayers daily and I know you will beat this. Love, Blondie from South Haven. April 24 2005
Posted By: Diane Phillips
I'm so glad you all had a fantastic time in Puerto Rico. Today you are getting together in an even larger group and it sounds like it'll be great. Sending warm wishes for hope, health, and happiness from Florida, where we're enjoying a beautiful day today. Since everyone is honoring you now, I'll do so from here as well. I wish that your health, Lori, could be like this day just outside my window. So serene, tranquil. Sounds corny, but there are birds calling from off in the woods---no kidding---as I'm typing this. Cardinals racing from fence to feeder and gone again. Cat sleeping on the chair, oblivious. If your health could be this calm and this peaceful, that would be no less than you deserve. Enjoy the love that you're basking in today. I know from your mother's notes online that you are a jewel. May all that concerns you merely melt away. April 24 2005
Posted By: Tracy Lane
Lori and Erik - your trip to Puerto Rico sounds like it was wonderful! I am so glad! My thoughts and warm wishes for your continued recovery are sent each and every day. Even from afar, we recognize today's celebration... and while we were unable to be there in person, our thoughts and prayers are with you. You truly are inspirational! April 24 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Lori and Erik, It was so wonderful seeing you today at your celebration. You are truly an inspiration. May God continue to hold you in the palm of His hand. We're praying for you. Love to you both, Colleen April 24 2005
Posted By: Carla
Lori, It was so nice seeing you !!! You are a very strong and beautiful person. I am so thankful your mother called me to let me be part of this special day with you. We have so many fun memories together and I am proud to say how lucky I am to have a wonderful and loving friend like you. You have a wonderful and caring husband it was wonderful meeting him. I have never seen such a beautiful bride you two are blessed to have one another. You are in my prayers everyday and night! God bless you both .... Love you always your friend, Carla :) April 24 2005
Posted By: Barbara Burnette
Laurie, Thank you so much for sharing your day today with us! It was so nice to see you smiling so big and for you to have the chance to see so many people at once who have so much love, care, concern, prayers and faith for you on this journey to health. I'll continue to pray for you and see you healthy again! You have an amazing family, friends and husband...and maintain an amazing smile through all your tough times! You are truely an inspiration & touch every life that has the good fortune to meet you. Keep your faith & your wonderful smile. Love Always, Barbara Burnette April 24 2005
Posted By: Barbara Burnette
Lori, Thank you so much for sharing your day today with us! It was so nice to see you smiling so big and for you to have the chance to see so many people at once who have so much love, care, concern, prayers and faith for you on this journey to health. I'll continue to pray for you and see you healthy again! You have an amazing family, friends and husband...and maintain an amazing smile through all your tough times! You are truely an inspiration & touch every life that has the good fortune to meet you. Keep your faith & your wonderful smile. Love Always, Barbara Burnette April 20 2005
Posted By: Anna Oliver
Hi Erik & Lori- I am feeling vey peaceful tonight envisioning you two with all of Lori's family around you in the midst of a beautiful PR Rain Forest. I'm sure it is/was an amazing coming together of people, hope, and love. As I close, know we love you both and continue to ask God to bless this world with Lori's beauty (inside and out) for years to come. And as the Rabbi suggested, I will focus my mind, as you all have been, on the amazment of all when her scans will finally be clean! Love to you both! Anna (& the ABCDE Olivers of Kansas City) April 19 2005
Posted By: Denise Polifka
What a wonderful way for all of you to share your love for each other. I'm sure you will all have a truly wonderful, blessed time together. It's great that you are able to get such a big group of people together in one location. The sharing, love, support and prayers will be a powerful thing. I continue my thoughts and healing prayers for you Lori and hope you have a beautiful time with your family. Love, Denise April 18 2005
Posted By: Casey & Jaxx
Hello from back home at 5455. We have been thinking and praying for you and your family while in Puerto Rico. I actually have some relatives there -- they live in Juncos -- and I hope to visit them myself someday soon. I have asked them to say some prayers for you while you are there, to join with and expand on all the love and support from your wonderful family at this special time. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you all while I'm out and about with the Jaxxinator! Will look forward to hearing about your trip and spending a little time with you on the 24th. Linda -- PLEASE let me know if there is ANYTHING that I can do to help on that day, anything at all -- from more frig space to extra ice (two things I find I always need at my own bashes there) -- etc. etc. In any case, see you when you get back home here! XOXOXO (All our love to you) Casey & Jaxx April 18 2005
Posted By: Sandy Zmich
Lori, I hope you are elaxing and enjoying the love and comfort of your family, while in P.R. When your mother told me what you and your family were doing and how it all came together in such a short time frame, I was amazed..It is so wonderful to have so much love and support coming your way, not only from family, but also from friends near and far all around the world. I will see you on the 24th...As always, you are in our prayers...Sandy & Pete April 15 2005
Posted By: Jean Cece (Celeste's mom)
Lori, Erik & Linda, Celeste and I have had so many conversations about you it seems as though we've met. You are truly an inspiration to everyone you touch. The other day Celeste said you are her heroes, that "you just don't see people like this except in movies". Your enduring love & faith are amazing. You are always in my prayers and I look forward to meeting you on the 24th. Jean April 15 2005
Posted By: Sally Walker
Lori, Erik, Linda and family, I have never met any of you but through my daughter, Kristi, I have shared some of your experiences. Kristi will be at the party on the 24th. It is wonderful that you can spend a beautiful time together in Puerto Rico as a family. What a blessing! You are all so courageous and such a loving family. May God watch over all of you through this terrible struggle. Fondly, Sally April 15 2005
Posted By: david m. bailey
hey guys. no matter when no matter where, no matter why no matter how -- hope lives and I'm fo thrilled that yo do to. One more day. one more blessed, beautiful day. keep on. always with hope david. April 13 2005
Posted By: Mike Dodge
Within each of us is a hidden store of energy. Energy we can release to compete in the marathon of life. Within each of us is a hidden store of courage. Courage to give us the strength to face any challenge. Within each of us is a hidden store of determination. Determination to keep us in the race when all seems lost. Keep the faith. April 13 2005
PARTY!!!! 4/13/2005 CELEBRATION OF LORI'S LIFE PARTY!! Sunday, April 24 Open House beginning at 3:00 pm. All are invited - young, old & inbetween. 5455 N Sheridan Road (party room top of building) Chicago Please RSVP to arquilla_111@yahoo.com. Lori wants to see her friends & family to enjoy some time together. We will be out of town until late 4/20 - I need a head count for food. See posting or email for more info on 4/21. Thanks. Linda April 13 2005
Posted By: Tracy Lane
Lori and Erik - Enjoy your visit to PR! What a fantastic place to unite with Family and Friends - We continue to pray for you each and every day - Love Tracy April 13 2005
Posted By: Kyle St. Peter
Erik it was good to see you in Chicago on Monday. I didn't know about PR until tonight. It sounds like a truly great and memorable experience. Your HOK family continues to offer our prayers. Please know you have all the time and support you need to be with Lori. Spring is such a wonderful time, a new beginning of sorts. This trip will also be a new beginning of hope for Lori and provide a lifetime of memories for you and your incredible family. April 13 2005
Posted By: Celeste Cagnina
Lori, Erik and Linda - We feel so fortunate and honored that our lives have crossed paths. We read your site and pray for all of you daily. You have become our role models on how to LIVE when faced with this dreadful disease by seizing every day and always remembering what is important in life - family & friends. You continue to amaze us!! All our love, Celeste and Lou P.S.: We will see you on April 24 April 12 2005
Posted By: melissa bettin
I was so happy to hear that the entire family will be able to spend time together in Puerto Rico. I will continue to pray for Lori and envision her healed. May you have a wonderful time together. I will never forget my trip to Puerto Rico with Lori! We had such a great time. Love, Melissa April 12 2005
Posted By: Julie (Gorski )Monti
Lori, Erik and Linda, Not a day has gone by over the last few months when I haven't thought about all of you. I know how difficult and scary this time can be. When my sister was sick they gave her such little hope. It was hard to just make it through each day. I felt stuck in time. It made me feel sad to think of the past and I felt too scared to think of the future. She was determined not to leave behind 3 little kids and she didn't. It's been almost 3 years and she is healthier than most . Lori,you are loved by so many people, some of them you probably haven't even met! I have friends, family and coworkers who are praying for you. From the day you came into my office I admired your determination! I feel sure that will get you through this! Enjoy your time in PR. Relax and let the rest of us handle the stress and frustration for all of you. With love and support, Julie April 12 2005
Posted By: Sheri and Dave
Lori, Erik, Linda, and family--What an inspiration you are to all of us! The power of just two people with the same intention and goals is amazing. All of Lori's family coming together for her now is sure to bring about a miraculous heaing. Know that at the same time, all of us are also praying. I am envisioning a year from now, Lori and Erik holding hands walking Revi along the crocus-filled streets of Chicago. Blessings to you all. April 12 2005
Posted By: colleen lee
What a great idea (Puerto Rico)! You three are something special. Your spirit, togetherness, and love is so incredible. Lori, Erik and Linda I am in awe. And truly find you to be real-life guides. You are living and "taking the journey" just the way I believe we should--with kindness, growth and most of all love. Again, I thank you for being my single greatest example of how to do it. You're quite a team. Thinking of you, Colleen. April 12 2005
Posted By: Cathy B.
Dear Linda and Lori, I am so happy to have met you in the hospital lobby today...imagine, the power of the internet, but more than that, the power of women....Linda, you are a lioness! And Lori, so strong...I believe I met you today for a reason, and that is to be able to now envision you being healed...and that is what I will think of as I pray for you. Enjoy the special time with family and God bless you. Linda, please remember my offer, I a very close to the hospital if you ever need anything. Cathy B. w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04 April 12 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Lori and Erik, Hooray for Puerto Rico! May your trip be peaceful, joyful and restful. Enjoy God's wonders and each other as well as your family. We are praying for you daily and envisioning your complete healing. Be well, stay strong. Godspeed. Love, Colleen April 12 2005
Posted By: Dawn Sakalas
Dear Lori, I'm a friend of Christa's. I just wanted to let you know that there's a whole group of us girls and our families praying for you and your family. Please know that you have so much love being sent your way. April 11 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
PS. Please take lots of pictures in PR. For all of us who wish we could be there with you! April 11 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori and Family, enjoy your time in PR, I will pray and envision Lori healed, and I'm sure all of the prayers combined will create the miracle we are all waiting for. Thinking of you all. Love, Julie April 10 2005
Posted By: Kyle Kauffman
There are no words sufficient enough to thank you both for sharing. 'Tis a gift that proves once again that life and love are eternal and that we recipients in the wide, wonderful, wasteful world hope one day to deserve. April 10 2005
Posted By: Lynn Hutchings
Dear Lori, Erik and Linda, You don't know me, but I arrived at your site via the brain tumor listserv that, you, Linda, are a part of. I just want to let you know that you each are in my thoughts and prayers. Lori, you especially. Love, Lynn April 8 2005
Posted By: Sandy Hnat Tichenor
Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you both. I hope and pray for the best. Sandy April 7 2005
Posted By: Howard Tikka
Lori - Thank you so much for getting in contact with me again in December. I was very touched that you thought of me enough to tell me what you've been going through. You are an inspiration and I so greatly admire your courage and strength. You are in my thoughts daily. And I am eternally hopeful that some miracle occurs that matches your amazing spirit. Though though we lost contact over the years, always know you've touched my life for the better... even if the stars didn't quite align for us :) Erik, we've never met, but I was so thrilled to learn a couple of years ago that you and Lori were getting married. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy. Thank you so much for keeping us posted when Lori hasn't been able to (Linda too!). Keep fighting! Love, Howard April 7 2005
Posted By: Susiie Spera (greco)
Lori my parayers are with you and your family stornger than ever. Miracles happen everyday, don't give up hope and faith. April 7 2005
Posted By: Skipper
Hello from the field, Last night as I lay in the Mississippi swamp during yet another very wet, bug ridden, military operation; I again prayed for the wellness miracle that so many are praying for. I prayed for you both to continue to have strength and hope. However, as the rain subdued and the stars appeared I was drawn to pray for you both to have peace with what you are enduring and dealing with. You both continue to amaze me, and bless us all, with the strength in your daily actions and the grace in your devotion to one another. I revisited many events inclusive of laughter and happiness that we have shared together. I had images of the fireworks at the harbor, your glorious wedding evening, our dining events together, the birthday celebrations and the crazy conversations like the one that lead us to getting kick out of the hospital room. Those joyful images combined with prayer made my evening very meaningful and I felt very close to you both despite the surrounding environment. Trust me in the fact that last night was a dining experience you would not want to have shared with me. Please know that even while I’m away my continual thought and prayers are with you both. If you need anything please call, Elke and many others, as well as myself are standing by ready and willing. Stay Strong My Friends! Love, Skipper April 7 2005
Posted By: Sonya Gardner
Judy just sent me your news and link today. Lots of care coming to you both from the other side of the world in Denmark. Wishing you much strength and love through your ordeal. April 6 2005
Posted By: Mark & Renata
We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, especially in these tough times. May God bless you both. April 6 2005
Posted By: Priya Mohan
Dear Erik & Lori, the news is so painful but I am sure that god will open atleast a window. You are in my prayers every single day and miracles DO happen. I have told Erik this before but I just want you to know that I live just 3 blocks from you and am more than willing to help with anything. Please continue to be strong, god will not let you down. April 6 2005
Posted By: The Chambers Family
Dear Lori and Erik, I am so saddened by your latest results; we will continue to pray for you and send out positive thoughts for you all. You've fought so hard and I know that you'll keep on fighting with the love and strength of those who love you surrounding you. We remain hopeful. Love, Colleen April 6 2005
Posted By: Mary Ann
Lori, you are in my prayers every day. H-ead down, hands folded with O-pen mind and open heart P-raying...praying really hard E-verything GOOD and HEALING to come to Lori (and my son) April 6 2005
Posted By: Denise Polifka
I am so sorry to have this update. I think about all of you everyday and have also not given up hope or stopped the prayers. Lori, you are an amazing woman who is surrounded by an enormous amount of people who love you and your family. You remain an inspiration of strength and courage. I love you. April 6 2005
Posted By: Sandy Zmich
Sorry to hear things are not going so well at the moment, but stay strong, Lori. As always,you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers daily, for a healthy and happy future for you and Erik... April 6 2005
Posted By: Cindy Veremis
Hi Lori, You don't remember me, but I was a friend of your mother's from Sky Chefs days. I am sorry for what you, and your family, are having to go through. The important thing to know is that there are people who you don't even know that are praying and pulling for you. We will continue to have faith and hope that our prayers will be answered. God bless you, Cindy Veremis April 6 2005
Posted By: Debbie
Words can't describe what you all must be feeling. Take comfort in the many thoughts and prayers that are being said for all of you. Now is the time to cherish all the things you hold dear and enjoy them to the fullest. I am praying for whatever wishes you have to come true. April 6 2005
Posted By: melissa bettin
I am sorry to hear about the news. I will continue to pray for Lori and the entire family. Please stay strong and full of faith. Lots of love, Melissa April 6 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda, how is Lori coping? I know this latest news is devastating, but I can't help but to think about what Lori has taught so many of us. Make every day count. I'm glad she is here now. I will continue to pray for everyone, and trust that the Lord will hold Lori close during these uncertain trials. Please remember that there are many people sending their prayers and love your way, and if you ever need anything we are all just a call away. All my love, Julie April 6 2005
Posted By: The Arquilla Family
Lori & Erik, We just wanted to let you know that we love you very much and we are here for anything you may need. Take care of each other and know that we are thinking of you always! All of our Love, Ed, Christa, Anthony & Isabelle April 6 2005
Posted By: Jacqueline
Lori and Erik, We are praying for you. Love, Jacqueline, Marty, Parker Jo and Kenzie April 5 2005
Posted By: Vicki Kibler
Hi Lori and Erik, I will say an extra prayer for you! You are always in my thoughts and prayers :) April 5 2005
Posted By: Bill & Kim ....
We're still out here praying for you as well ... God Bless you both. Love Bill & Kim April 5 2005
Posted By: Chris & Heidi
We are praying for you both. You are always in our thoughts. April 5 2005
Posted By: Brian & Rena
We are praying for you Lori and Erik. Love, Rena and Brian April 5 2005
Posted By: Liz Barkett
Hi Lori, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Phil's sister. We met a few times in Chicago. I keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, and hope things will get better for you! Your pictures are beautiful. April 4 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
We are praying for you, Lori. Stay strong, we're fighting for you. April 4 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
It sounds like now would be a good time for a 24 hour prayer. I will start right away. I know this must be a very difficult time, try and stay strong and know that everyone is pulling for Lori and praying for all of you. All my love, Julie April 4 2005
Posted By: Passero Family
As always are thoughts and prayers are with you. April 4 2005
Posted By: Jacqueline Lavigne McGuire
Lori and Erik, There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and wish for your well being. Know that you are both in the thoughts and prayers of so many people. Love, Jacqueline April 4 2005
Posted By: Barbara Burnette
Hello Lori & Erik. You are both in my prayers...keep strong during these times & God bless you both! Love & Prayers for Wellness Always, Barbara March 31 2005
Posted By: melissa bettin
Lori- I pray that your blood test today shows that your counts have went up. If you ever need anything please let me know. I am thinking of you. Love, Melissa March 28 2005
Posted By: Colleen Lee
Thank you for the update, Linda. You are so busy and yet continue to remain dedicated to keeping us in the loop. I check in at least every other day and really appreciate it. Your updates remind me to immediately "put in a request for good health" for Lori, as well as remind me to cherish whatever good health we have. Lori~ What a bummer! Just what you want, eh? another night at the health hotel! Well, your perseverance continues to inspire me. We all look forward to reading about your next opportunity to soak up some of the nearly-here warm Spring. Hang in there. Love, Colleen. March 27 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Hi Lori and Erik, Happy Easter; thinking of you both today. I hope by the time you see this that you're home from the hospital and feeling better. Be well, know that you're thought of often and my prayers are with you. March 25 2005
Posted By: Lu and Chuck Browning
Hi from the Brownings. Just wanted you to know that we our saying our prayer for you both. We hope you have a wonerful Easter. March 24 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda, thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear Lori is feeling better. I was thinking that maybe massage therapy would help the soreness in her back and knees. I reread all of Lori's entries from the very begining . It was very rejuvinating because Lori's spirit is so reflective in her messages. Lori, when your feeling better I can't wait to get an update from you! Have a blessed Easter weekend. Julie March 24 2005
Posted By: Melissa Bettin
Lori, Erik & family, I wish you all a wonderful Easter. Enjoy your weekend together! I am happy to hear that Lori is feeling better. Love, Melissa March 23 2005
Posted By: Heidi Gewartowski
Hi Lori and Erik! I hope you start feeling good as new very soon! May God Bless You and heal you! Happy Easter! Warmest Regards, Heidi March 21 2005
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Hi Lori and Erik, Just wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts always. Hope you are feeling better since last week. Love, Brian and Rena March 17 2005
Posted By: Mary Bolda
Lori and Eric - It's been a while since we had seen the both of you. Know that you're in our prayers. Sincerely, Jim & Mary March 15 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori and Erik, sorry to hear your not feeling well. Everyone I know has already gone through their bout with the flu. Remember that their is alot of people out here thinking of you always! Feel better, Julie March 15 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Hi Lori and Erik, Hope this finds you feeling better. You are both in my frequent thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. May the Lord give you the strength to continue the good fight. God bless you all. March 7 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori, Erik, and Linda, Thank you for your unending communication during such difficult times. Just like everyone else, I hope and pray that the right combination of medicine is found quickly. We all love you very much and are thinking of you always. Julie March 6 2005
Posted By: Colleen Lee
Hi Lori~ What a strong woman you are. Your story continues to inspire me. So many sleepless nights on this end and lots of empty bottles around the house. I...we miss you (and everything you do for us) very much. It is very difficult for me to find the words to express the emotions. And, I suspect it's even more difficult for you, which is why I want to thank you for finding the courage and the love to share your most candid updates with us. As the days ahead present great challenges, I hope that you know our night time prayers, love, and positive thoughts are for you. Please keep fighting toward wellness. We all need you. ~Colleen Lee March 5 2005
Posted By: Paul
Lori, I will say another prayer for your continued strength to battle this illness. Eric, keep using your friends to draw the energy needed to help Lori. May this Spring signal your rebirth of health and peace. God Bless you both. Paul aka Railrunnin March 4 2005
Posted By: Kyle St. Peter
Eric and Lori, we are all very hopeful that the right combination of medicine(s)will be found. While these days may be difficult there will be many better times ahead. Please keep the faith, our prayers are with you. February 26 2005
Posted By: Casey and Jaxx
Great, Great, GREAT!!!! So happy to finally learn that you came out of the surgery with such excellent, hopeful news! Have been knocked flat with some wicked bronchitis lately, so I wasn't able to walk Jaxx for several days--or get any late night updates. Very happy for you, Lori and Erik (Linda & Revy, too!) Keep Going!!!! Spring is on the way. In fact, today looks a lot like Spring -- bright and sunny! I needed that, and I'm sure that you do too! I am so looking forward to this Spring and the warmth & new life that comes with it! Here's to health and happiness this Easter!!! You certainly deserve it. Take care - Casey P.S. Jaxx says, "Woof, Woof!" February 24 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori and Erik, I am so happy to see the wonderful news! Thanks to Linda for the updates, I check everyday and appreciate it more than you know. Rest up and get ready to enjoy spring. Julie February 23 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Happy Home, Lori! So glad you're back in peaceful environment. The news is wonderful; I'll keep on praying for more of the same. God bless you both. Love, Colleen February 23 2005
Posted By: Brian and Rena
We are so happy to hear the fantastic and very promising news - there is someone very great watching over you! As always, you are in our prayers! Love, Brian & Rena February 22 2005
Posted By: Sally Walker
Great news that you are home Lori and that one tumor was removed and most of the other one. I pray that the tumor results will provide answers so that your next treatment can return you to a normal lifestyle. You are so strong and have so much faith. God has been with you and Erik every step of the way as you overcome each obstacle. Fondly, Sally (Kristi's Mom) February 20 2005
Posted By: Sandy
Lori & Erik, Just read the fantastic news. You are still in our prayers daily for a speedy recovery. February 19 2005
Posted By: Cathy B
Dear Lori, Erik and Linda, I am a friend from the Musella list. My husband is a patient of Dr. Raizer also. You have been in my prayers. I live right near northwestern should you need anything, please contact me. I wanted to stop by to give your mom a hug today but wasn't able to leave my husband. Your website is beautiful and I know you are every bit as beautiful on the inside. May God bless you and give you strength to continue, and win, this battle. Cathy B. w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04 February 19 2005
Posted By: Sally Walker
Dear Lori, Even though I have never met you, I have heard a lot about you from my daughter Kristi. I am so glad that the surgery yesterday had a positive result. May God continue to give you strength and the courage to fight. One of the women at my church who heads our prayer list called me last night because she said she had been praying all day for you. I read her Erik's message and she was relaying that to the rest of the prayer group. May you progress each day so that you can return to your home with Erik and your family. Sally, mother of Kristi Walker February 19 2005
Posted By: Kazar Terterian
Lori, May the Good Lord bless you with the needed strengh to overcome your illness. May he also provide the needed hope and strength for your family and friends who are at your side. Also keep your thoughts on the positive side and that will aid you into a speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I know of someone who has gone through this surgery twice and they pulled through. You will do the same as I believe the Good Lord is at your side. February 19 2005
Posted By: Anna Oliver
Erik & Lori, As I was reading the many messages below, this thought occured: I think God must take the prayers of children up so quickly, as they are so much closer to Him than we are. Children have had less time to let the world's pettiness separate them fom Him. Anyway, I wish you could hear my three little ones add Lori to their prayers, night after night. It is beautiful! We love you! February 19 2005
Posted By: John B & Family
We hope and pray that you recover quickly and my god give you the strengh and tenacity to continue this battle that you have been so wrongfully involved in you will remain in our prayers until your full recovery has occured.God Bless You February 18 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Erik and Lori, Just read your great news. I hope your recovery is speedy and you continue to have outcomes like today. God bless. Love, Colleen February 18 2005
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Erik & Lori, This news is so wonderful!!! We are sending good thoughts, prayers and love your way! Brian & Rena February 18 2005
Posted By: Ed M.
Lori, I just said a prayer for you -- the 'big guy' has never failed to answer any of my prayers! God bless... Ed February 18 2005
Posted By: Will
Even though I don't know you, you are in my thoughts and prayers. February 18 2005
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Dear Lori & Erik, We are praying for a successful surgery and recovery ... Love, Rena & Brian February 18 2005
Posted By: jolene
my prayers are with you today and the days to come. "find rest, o my soul, my hope only comes from You." --psalm 62:5 February 18 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Lori & Erik, We're praying for you today, and awaiting good and positive news. God bless you both. Love, Colleen & John February 17 2005
Posted By: Bill & Kim
Lori ... we'll be thinking of you & praying for you all day tomorrow ... Good Luck and God Bless ... Love Bill & Kim February 17 2005
Posted By: Melissa Bettin
Lori- I hope that everything goes well tomorrow. I think of you always and pray for a quick recovery. May the love and support from your family and friends give you strength. Lots of love, Melissa February 16 2005
Posted By: Ilene G.
Hi, I'm a friend of Colleen Chambers and met Erik several times years ago when I lived in the same building with Tom L. and Heidi. I've spent the last few hours reading your website and being inspired by the love and faith that you two share. Your journey has been unimaginably difficult and yet you face it daily with grace and courage. You are truly awe-inspiring. Philippe and I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. May G-d grant you healing of body and spirit, and the courage to "add another day." Ilene Goldman & Philippe Geyskens February 16 2005
Posted By: Hedy
Dear Lori and Erik, Upon learning about your tumor, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray your recovery will take place quickly and comfortably. It's wonderful to know that you are surrounded by such an abundance of loving family and friends!!! God bless both of you!!! February 15 2005
Posted By: Vicki Kibler
Lori and Erik, I didn't get the email in time for the 24 hour prayer, but I want you to know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers!!!!! Not a day goes by that I don't say an extra special prayer for you and Lori! Love and Friendship ALWAYS! Vicki February 15 2005
Posted By: Kristi Walker
Lori, I am praying for you. Even though we both have brain tumors, I can not know what this week is like, but I imagine that the feelings are strong. If there is fear, try to surround that fear with hope and know that many people all over the country are praying for you. Love, Kristi February 14 2005
Posted By: Robert Blaisdell
Lori, I am a cancer survivor so I know a little bit about what you are going through. I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 1986. Things didn't look too good for awhile. They took out my right kidney and said the cancer had not spread. Praise God, here it is 19 years later and I'm still around. You can beat this. Please be assured that you and Erik will be in my prayers in the coming days and weeks. Always remember that God loves you. Never forget that. I know sometimes it is hard to grasp that fact at times like these. We don't understand why we have to suffer. GOD IS ABLE! February 14 2005
Posted By: Tony Passero
Monday 2/14 3:30 AM Lori: After hearing from Bill Franz that you and Erik have not received the best of news about your recent course of treatments I have been struggling to try and find the correct words to express how I feel about your unique situation and battle with cancer that is so troubling you. Truth be told a lot of friends and loved ones are probably struggling to come up with the proper way to express how they feel during these trying times for both you and Erik. I know the people in your life are rallying around you and consistently sending you their hopes and best wishes. I also know the two of you have been added to the prayers of these same folks. Please know that I do and will continue to do the same for you as I have tonight. While my thoughts are with you and improvement in your health and well being is a main topic in my conversations with God, I thought maybe sharing the following with you would allow you to draw a small reserve of strength or act as tiny source of inspiration as you try a different plan of attack and another surgery in an attempt to conquer what currently is ailing you. Please forgive my bluntness but there is no way other way to say this. I first learned of your condition from Heidi as she came by our house. I knew something was up as she looked very grave stricken and her normally cheery disposition was changed to a look of deep concern. She told me she had bad news and my first thought was she was going to tell me her and Chris were going to move. Unfortunately the news she told Shannon and I was much worse as it concerned you. We made the attempt to comfort each other as good friends do and put on a positive face on the situation. What struck me later on was how my first impulse to news the from Heidi was almost of a selfish nature on my part. At that point I learned a a bit about myself and resolved to try and be about more concerned about others. That night as I put Sophia to bed and knelt to say my prayers with her and to include you in them I realized I was going through the motions a bit. I realized that I often prayed for things or situations to go my way. The next day I came to realize I was mad at God. I was mad that my mother was taken away so early in her life. I was mad that my relationship with my father was estranged. I was mad because I was working all the time and felt my employees were against me. I was made that a friend (you) became very sick. I was made that we as humans are fragile and have little control of our destinies. After thinking about things more I began to realize that maybe I should begin to change my relationship with God a bit and open up a better dialogue I began to have prayers/conversations that were of more meaning more along the line of being thankful for what I have, such as a beautiful wife who is also my best friend, two wonderful kids, the friendship of folks like Chris and Heidi, Tom and Jenn, Bill and Kim. Nightly I began to prayer for the health and happiness of all the little ones in my life like Luka, Jack, Charlie, Maggie and Jake, which lead me to prayer for those that help us care for our children. I began to forgive my father for our past differences and now I'm getting closer to him and see him often and enjoy his company. I began to pray in thanks for any success my business had and for the employees that helped me garner said success, my prayers expended more to those co-workers I was having problems and my thoughts began to change from what are they doing wrong to more of what can I do to be a better leader. As my prayers increased so did my daily thinking and I noticed how I was becoming more patient, more understanding, more forgiving and more tolerant. I think more now about what really matters, Family and Friends, more than anytime before in my life and I'm a better person for it. What I'm getting at is maybe God needed to use your illness to make me come back to him and in that maybe you can find something positive as you deal and cope with your ordeal. Erik did a wonderful thing in planning the twenty hour prayer for you but the truth is it was no problem for me to commit because every night and even at random times throughout the day I take moments to think of the two of you and the love you share for each other and the current trials you are dealing with and as I reflect I always inquire of God to bring you peace and comfort. Be strong, be positive but most of all be happy that you have Erik and he has
you. We are all here for a short breath in this world, inhale deep and exhale
deeper as you take it in and enjoy the company of and moments with loved ones as
this is what composes a lifetime. February 14 2005
Posted By: Sgt. Robert Runge, Green Bay, WI
Lori: As a flight paramedic, I still struggle with seeing people go through what you have to face. I tell my patients that they have to trust in three things, their medical staff, their family, and their God. As the son of a Luthern minister, I see God in everything, and I see the devil trying to destroy His's works. Your body is God's Temple and Satan is trying to destroy one of His Temples with Cancer. Satan tried to turn Job against God with sickness. He is trying to turn you from God with sickness. What ever happens, know that God didn't want you to suffer. No matter how we suffer in this life, if we believe and ask forgiveness, we will be rewarded when we go to Heaven. May angels, both living and spiritual, watch over your treatment, and may God's word touch you every day. Good luck February 14 2005
Posted By: Marshall McCall
Hello Lori, I cmae across your name on a model railroad forum online. I am praying for your cure and your good health! God bless you. February 14 2005
Posted By: Scott
Lori, My daughter is a three-time cancer survivor and a liver transplant recepient. At the age of six, they gave her 1-30 days. She'll turn 16 this summer. There is no end to the abundance of God's mercy and grace. There is literally nothing that cannot be done. I noticed you are interested in several books on healing and meditation. I will be sending you the Power of Now and Stillness Speaks (Power of Now is on your list, but Stillness Speaks is a follow up that is also very powerful). Of all the books I've read (other than the Bible), these have been the most impactful on helping put the whole experience into perspective. Be well. February 14 2005
Posted By: Paul
Hi Lori I came across your site from a friend on a train hobby thread. I was compelled to visit your site and I'm glad I did. There are no words I can say that haven't been said. No magic inspirations out of my keyboard. However as I look at the pictures of you and your husband I am overwhelmed by the love that comes through even in this static medium. Love and faith are the powers and you have great powers at work for you. I will add my name to those who pray for your recovery. I will also say a prayer for Erik to keep him strong. My hobby has lead me here. May today lead you on the path to health. Paul February 14 2005
Posted By: Pat Fusco aka T Rex
Tony posted about this site on the O Gauge Railroader Board so even though we don't know each other you will be in my prayers. May God bless you both. February 14 2005
Posted By: tony
lori god bless you.he is watching over you. February 14 2005
Posted By: Tom "HOPPY" Cassidy
Hi Lori & Erik, I too learned of you through the train hobby forum (great bunch of folks). What a loving couple you are and an inspiration of devotion and support! My prayers are for you both. February 14 2005
Posted By: Lori and Eric
At times like these, trains become mere toys in contrast to what you two are dealing with. I'm praying the Lord puts his healing hands on you both and you will come through victorious. In Jesus name, Amen. Dale. February 14 2005
Posted By: Scott Long from OGR Forum
May the Lord bless you and bring you back to good health. February 14 2005
Posted By: Earl Staley
Lori, I saw your health problem through a forum post by Tony Passero on the O-Gauge forum web site. You have gone to the right source for strength and encouragement. God is always there ready to help and give you strength. May God bless you richly. I'll have my wife add your prayer request to her forum on a Grandma's Scrapbooking forum. Good Luck and God Bless... Earl Staley February 14 2005
Posted By: Jake
Hello, I came across your story on a model train forum that I visit. Please take this note as reassurance that many people will add you to their prayer lists. May God bless you and guide you thru this difficult time. God Bless, Jake Richards, Western Pennsylvania February 14 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Lori and Erik, I know that you're probably disappointed by the delay in your surgery, but I believe God is just giving you a little more time to "gear up". Stay strong - you are both such an inspiration and an incredible demonstration of true faith. I will continue to hold you in my thoughts and prayers with great frequency. Be well. Happy Valentine's Day to a great love. Love, Colleen February 14 2005
Posted By: Deanna Staley
Lori, I've added your name to a Grandmas email list that I belong to. They are truly prayer warriors, and we've seen many miracles! God be with you! Deanna Staley February 14 2005
Posted By: Matt Jackson AKA "AGHRMatt" on OGR Forum
You don't know me, but my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. You'll get through. February 14 2005
Posted By: George Pandelios
May God hold you in the palm of His hand. February 13 2005
Posted By: Charlie(Amy)Montoya
Hello Lori and Erik; We are friends of Bill Franz. Lori, my father went through a very similar experience. His tumor was an "oligodendrogleoma." Our prayers are with you on monday. Lori, fight like a champion, a Samurai. Erik, you are Lori's pillar, her knight. Good luck and many prayers. Charlie Montoya February 13 2005
Posted By: jim and anne
Lori and Erik, Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. February 12 2005
Posted By: Shirley Weaver
Hi, You don't know me..I'm a friend of Colleen and John's. My sister has the same tumor that you have, and I know what you're going through. Keep the faith, be positive and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers on Monday. February 11 2005
Posted By: Sandy
Lori, I am so sorry to hear you have to endure yet another surgery, but this could be the one, so stay strong and God be with you. Pete and I are praying for you and your family that you will pull through this and be all the stronger for it. Sandy & Pete February 11 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Lori and Erik, You are so on my mind these days. I pray God gives you strength, and that your love for each other and the love others have for you will sustain you through the next step. We're praying and pulling for you. Colleen and John February 9 2005
Posted By: Debbie
Again nothing but positive thoughts and prayers for both of you and the hope that the love and strength the two of you have will continue to help you endure anything. February 9 2005
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Lori and Erik, We are so sorry you have another surgery ... We are praying so hard for you - for a cure to all of this. May your love and strength carry you through this time and know how much you are loved by your friends and family. Love, Rena and Brian February 9 2005
Posted By: Kathy Scott State Farm Agency
Lori, Your sister Lisa has told us to much about you. Although we have never met, we know that you are the kind of person who inspires others with your strength of courage and determination. You have gracefully overcome the obstacles of your illness thus far, and you will now. Our prayers and warm wishes will be with you along the way. Jessica, Robbie, Stephanie, Sarah, & Kathy February 9 2005
Posted By: BIG SIS
I am so sad that you have to endure yet another surgery. I wish I could be there to nurture and care for you during and after, but I know you will be in the more than capable hands of Erik and Mom and the rest of the family! We want to send you the gifts of 'STRENGTH', 'COURAGE'and 'FAITH'; Strength of mind and body to believe in a sucessful outcome, Courage for a brave mindset as you head into surgery AND Faith in the hands and skills of Dr. Levy as he performs. Please know that we love and miss you and wish we could spend time with you and talk more! I miss 'us' and our friendship and pray for your health to return. We will be home for Easter and will spend time with you then! The boys have expressed their sadness, especially Matthew who wears his heart on his sleeve. They miss their little 'ANT' Lori! Praying for Great Success on Monday! Love- LISA February 8 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori and Erik, I am praying and thinking of you both. Sending lots of love your way. Julie February 7 2005
Posted By: Brian and Rena
Lori and Erik, You are ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers. We are praying for good results tomorrow. Love, Brian and Rena February 7 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Dear Lori and Erik, You are in our thoughts and prayers for good news tomorrow. Godspeed. Love, Colleen, John and the girls February 7 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Hi Lori and Erik, You are in our thoughts and prayers for good new tomorrow. Godspeed. Love, Colleen, John and the girls February 7 2005
Posted By: Tim & Dana
Lori & Erik, We send warmest thoughts and our additional prayers towards both of you for positive results on Tuesday. With our love- February 7 2005
Posted By: Bill & Kim
Hi Guys ... Kim & I will be thinking of you tomorrow ... God Bless you & Good Luck ... Much Love ... B&K February 7 2005
Posted By: Melissa
Lori and Erik, I hope that you receive good news tomorrow. I will be praying for you. Love, Melissa February 6 2005
Posted By: Barbara Burnette
Hello Lori & Erik. I wanted you both to know that, as always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your strong faith and love during these tougher times...we are all pulling for you to beat this! Best wishes next week on the MRI and the trail at UofC. Love Always, Barbara (Nick, Tyler and Max too!) February 5 2005
Posted By: Jacqueline Lavigne McGuire
Lori and Erik, My family and I are saying our prayers in hopes of a positive outcome from your tests this coming week. Keep believing and know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of so very many people. Love, Jacqueline, Marty, Parker Jo and MacKenzie McGuire February 5 2005
Posted By: Kyle St. Peter
Wanted to drop you a note and say you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know these are very difficult times, I trust the love you have for each other is helping you cope and getting stronger each day. Please know that you have the full support of the HOK family. February 3 2005
Posted By: Carey Peters
Lori and Erik - I worked with Erik at HOK (I was a temp there) back in the fall of 2003. I just wanted you both to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I also wanted to tell you that I now work at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. I support the VP of Nursing, so if there is anything you need if you are here, please let me know! My number at the hospital is 312-926-5218. Best, Carey January 27 2005
Posted By: Sandy Zmich
Lori, Its been awhile since I've been on line and was saddened to read the latest news. I know you won't let this get you down, just keep up the faith and positive attitude, you're an amazing person and in the end you will beat this nasty thing..Just reading all the love that is pouring out from your family and friends is so refreshing...We will be praying for you and your family that this will be the best year ever for you. Sandy January 27 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Hi Lori & Erik, Just checking in to let you know you're both in our thoughts and prayers. Peace and love, Colleen, John and the girls January 18 2005
Posted By: Heidi Gewartowski (friend of your Mom's)
Hi Lori and Erik. I have been praying for you and am thinking warm, positive, and encouraging thoughts about your complete recovery! Your motto--"Do it now"--has encouraged me. May God bless and heal you. Warmest Regards, Heidi January 14 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori and Erik, I am so sorry to hear the news of the latest treatment. We all want so desperately for each one to be the right one. You will find it. I will continue to pray for you and the cure. I miss you and love you. Let me know if there is anything I can do for either of you. All my Love, Julie January 13 2005
Posted By: Lou Vassalotti
Hi Lori and Eric, I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and in my prayers. With a new year and each new day, there is new hope. Your strenght and faith is the so inspiring to me and to all of us. You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers. Believe and God bless you both. love Lou January 11 2005
Posted By: Joe McGrath
Lori and Eric, I am a friend of Bill Franz' and he had called me about 2 months ago to talk about your battle. I send my prayers and good wishes that you will find Strength and Courage in you time of need. I understand what you are going thru and know it is a difficult and uncertain time. May you have Peace and Understanding. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Joe McGrath January 10 2005
Posted By: Steve Wright
Lori, I have not met you before but I know Erik from when I lived in Chicago. Knowing him I'm sure you’re a wonderful and strong woman. Bill Franz had sent me an e-mail of what was happening for the first time and I went to your web site to find more out. I just thought I would drop you a line and tell you there are people that you have never met thinking of you and Erik. Be Strong! Lots of love and prayers Steve Wright January 9 2005
Posted By: Colleen Chambers
Hi Lori and Erik, Wanted you know that you're very much in our thoughts and prayers as you embark on this latest leg of your journey to wellness. May God keep and sustain you. You are loved. Colleen, John and the girls January 8 2005
Posted By: Casey & Jaxx (5455)
Dear Erik & Lori -- Have been sitting here trying to think of a nice way to say "Shit, Hell, Damn & F___" about your bad news about the trial.... but I guess the actual words will do quite nicely, thank you very much!!! Hope they don't shock you...but it makes me so MAD to see you guys go through such difficult times! ON the bright side....God bless Cocktails (especially the chemo variety)!!! Will lift a glass (or two) in prayer & tribute to your fighting spirits at our family party tomorrow! 15 of us are going to a Wolves hockey game (Sun., Jan. 9th), an annual tradition that my brothers and sisters started back when my Mom was ill with lung cancer. We all wish you the best of luck with the new chemo treatment. As always, we are praying for God to hold you all in the hollow of his hand. Love, Casey & the Jaxxinator. P.S.-Love to Revy, too! January 8 2005
Posted By: Bill & Kim
Lori & Erik ... We love you guys ... and you're both in our prayers every day. I'm sure the latest news must be very disheartening, but we hope and pray that you will try to stay positive and concentrate on healing. If there is ANYTHING you need, we hope you won't hesitate to ask, we're here for you always. Much Love, Bill & Kim January 8 2005
Posted By: Erik
Hi Lori & Erik You don't know me. My name is Erik and I live in Southern California. My domain is Erik.com. I was searching for Erik's on the web and came across your site. My family and friends will keep you in our prayers. Keep positive thoughts and feel the love and support during these difficult times. I looked at your wish list and would like to send you, "The Power of Now" by Eckhard Tolle. I hope this will give you some peace. The Target site didn't show an address to send it to however. If you email me an address I'd like to send it to you. I can be reached at erikdg@erik.com January 7 2005
Posted By: Melissa Bettin
Lori, You will be in my prayers to day! I hope that you have a very happy and healthy New Year. Love, Meli January 5 2005
Posted By: Tracy Browning Lane
Dear Lori and Erik, It's been so long since I've last posted a message but have frequently visited your site and pray often for your continued progress and recovery. The love you two share and the warmth of your friends and families is absolutely wonderful!! Best wishes for a fabulous 2005; our thoughts and prayers are with you daily. January 4 2005
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori and Erik, my prayers go out to you for a clean scan this Friday. I will be thinking of you both and awaiting the good news. Stay positive! All my love, Julie December 24 2004
Posted By: Jacqueline Lavigne McGuire
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season. Love, Marty, Jacqueline, Parker Jo and MacKenzie McGuire December 23 2004
Posted By: Melissa
Lori & Erik, May you have a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy & Happy New Year! Love, Melissa December 22 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Happy Holidays to Everyone! Looking forward to a happy new year with all of you. Linda, thanks for all of your postings. You are very appreciated! Merry Christmas. Julie December 7 2004
Posted By: Linda Franz
Hi, Lori! I haven't seen a posting from you in awhile so to read your inspirational words and feel the strength and determination between the lines, well, it lifted me up! My very best to you and Erik and the rest of your families for a blessed Christmas and a healthy New Year! December 6 2004
Posted By: Casey (5455)
Dear Lori & Erik Have been thinking about you both as Jaxx and I take our daily walks. I always say a prayer that we will meet you and Revy walking toward us with GOOD NEWS. Hope the trials went well -- rest up and let the meds do their magic. Happy Holidays!!! Love, Casey December 3 2004
Posted By: BIG SIS
Now that we are back home from Puerto Rico and can sit down in front of the computer- We want to wish both of you- Lori and Erik- a very Happy Birthday!!! Hope Erik was able to have a great birthday dinner with you in Maryland! God Bless, always in our prayers! Love- Lisa, Jacob and Matt December 3 2004
Posted By: Lynn and Stan Morris
Just wanted to wish you both happy birthdays from very cold Allentown. Our love to you both. December 3 2004
Posted By: Brian and Rena
Hi Lori and Erik! Happy birthday to you both! We send you our love and prayers and cannot wait to see you soon! Thank you so much for keeping everyone up-to-date! December 1 2004
Posted By: Barbara Burnette
Hello Lori! Happy Birthday!!! Hope that you and Erik are doing well & that your trial is not too rough on you. As always, you & Erik are in my prayers for a full recovery...Try to enjoy the day today, as you know they are all very special just like you!! Lots of Love and Prayers, Barbara December 1 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! December 1 2004
Posted By: Dana & Tim
Lori, Happy Birthday! May this birthday shower you with your every wish and desire this year and that which you are so deserving of! Erik, ditto for you! Wishing you both a wonderful birthday and safe and successful journeys to and from Bethesda. With our love... December 1 2004
Posted By: Melissa B.
Hi Lori, Happy Birthday! I hope everything is going well. I really enjoyed talking to you last week. Love, Melissa December 1 2004
Posted By: Breanna and Maddie
Have a Happy Birthday Aunt Lori. We miss you!! November 30 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda and Lori, Have a safe trip, and please update us once you return. I pray that this trial will be the answer. Stay strong and positive. Love, Julie November 24 2004
Posted By: Denise Polifka
I have a hard time finding the words to adequately describe you (Lori & Erik) and your family. I honestly do not know 2 more courageous, strong and determined people. You are an inspiration to those of us who feel week in situations requiring much less. God Bless you and your family. Love, Denise November 18 2004
Posted By: jennifer and chris
Lori and Erik...even though we haven't seen you in awhile, we are always thinking about you both. You definately have strong prayers from California...Keep the FAITH and TRUST your life with God and he WILL PREVAIL....We love you both, Chris and Jennifer Boatman (Vickers) November 17 2004
Posted By: Jean Cece (Celeste's mom)
Lori & Erik - I heard aobut you from Celeste & Lou. You have been on my "prayer list" since then. This is my first visit to your amazing site. It is a tribute to love, faith & hope - very inspirational. You will continue to be in my thoughts & prayers. Jean November 17 2004
Posted By: Vicki Kibler
Hi Lori and Erik, The two of you are a wonderful inspiration of what Love, Faith, and a Positive Attitude can overcome! Keep your head held high and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. GOD works in mysterious ways and wonderful miracles!!! Love and Frienship, Vicki Kibler November 17 2004
Posted By: Jennifer and Tom Laird
Lori and Eric- Your strength and perseverance is an inspiration to all of us. We have faith that with your determination you will find all the possibilities to stop the growth from continuing. We will pray that this next experimental drug will be the one that will make you better. Our love and prayers are with you, Jen and Tom November 17 2004
Posted By: The Gibney Family
We know your sister Lisa. I know that this is incredibly difficult for you but never forget that He is with you always. Peace and Blessings, Jack, Linda, Joseph and Claire November 17 2004
Posted By: Jon, Joanna and Ben
Lori and Erik, I'm not sure of the best way to get this message to you as I am sure things are hectic as you plan your next steps (Erik, I left a message on your cell yesterday...): Please let us know about your travel plans to DC/ NIH. If there is ANYTHING we can do to help you when you are here - pick you up at the airport, drive you anywhere, etc. Also, please come stay with us at our house (Erik - we've fixed up the Basement since you last stayed here - it is clean, quiet and private). We've been so far away from you guys for so long - we want to do whatever we can to be there (or here, you could say) for you guys during this. Please let Joanna or me know. Jon work: 202 339 8711; Jon cell: 703 869 8770; Joanna Cell: 708 869 0390; Home: 301 891 2609. November 17 2004
Posted By: The Arquilla Family
Dear Lori & Erik - We just wanted to let you know that you are both always in our prayers and we are always thinking about you! You are so strong for fighting this battle and please know that if we can do anything to help just let us know. Anthony & Isabelle send their Titi Lori a big hug and a kiss. We love you and will see you soon! All of our love, Ed, Christa, Anthony & Isabelle November 17 2004
Posted By: Kathy Scott
Lori & Erik- Lisa (sister) has shared your 'life story' with me at work here in Jacksonville. I am privileged to work with her and 'know' you through her. You are obviously a very 'special' person to many--and especially to God.(Witnessed by this beautiful website/testimaonial!) He will remain in control of this situation and we will certainly hope & pray that "His will" be done, and as a result-- you and your family have the 'Peace' that God's love provides, the 'Faith' that you will all experience His many blessings/miracles, and a long, healthy 'Joy-filled' life. I pray all this & more in His name... November 16 2004
Posted By: Tony and Shannon
Lori and Erik: While a bunch of us were together during our trip last week (Chris, Heidi, Bill, Kim, Mojo, Lou, Shannon and I) there were many times where our thoughts about your plight were vocalized and shared as we all missed you both and wished you were with us. Although this latest turn may appear as dark news I can attest that you have a strong ray of light to bask in, in the form of your friends. If there is anything you need please do not hesitate to ask, as any of us will be there for you. When I pray with little Sophia at night you both are mentioned numerous times and we as a family are keeping positive for the two of you. Love Tony, Shannon and Sophia November 16 2004
Posted By: Bill & Kim
Lori & Erik ... In this difficult time, please try to keep the faith. God can & will work miracles. We're going into "prayer overdrive" for you both now. If there is anything that Kim or I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. We love you both ... Bill, Kim & Maggie November 16 2004
Posted By: Colleen, John and the girls
Hi Erik and Lori -- We wanted to drop a note filled with our prayers and good wishes for you. We have faith in the power of prayer as we know you do, and ours are with you. We pray for your safe journey to Maryland and look forward to hearing wonderful news upon your return. Be well and know you're loved and thought of often. November 16 2004
Posted By: Heidi Gewartowski (works with your Mom)
Dear Lori and Erik. May God Bless you and keep you strong through this challenge. I am thinking about you and Erik, and are praying for you. Keep the faith, through God, family and friends you'll get through this. Warmest Regards, Heidi November 16 2004
Posted By: Vonda Evans
Dear Lori, We are so sorry to hear of the reoccurance and want you to know that we are keeping you in our prayers daily. Please try to keep strong and positive even though it is so hard right now. May God place his healing grace with you. Prayers, hope and faith. November 16 2004
Posted By: Vonda Evans
Dear Lori, I am so sorry to hear of the reoccurance but want you to know that our family is praying for you daily. Please try to keep strong and positive...you will beat this beast. Prayers, faith and hope, Vonda November 16 2004
Posted By: Melissa B.
Dear Lori & Erik, I am sorry to hear about the latest news. Although, I am happy to hear that Lori is recovering well and you will be moving forward with a new trial. I think about you both very often. I just want you to know that the strength and love that you have for one another is inspirational. I will continue to pray for Lori's quick recovery. My new contact information is: (305) 630-3704 (home) (708) 567-8636 (cell) I look forward to hearing from Lori. All my love, Melissa November 16 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori and Erik, Continue to stay strong and positive. Your perseverance will carry you to your cure. You are loved and thought of by many people. I will pray that the trial will be the right one. I miss you and am still hoping we can see each other for the holidays. Love, Julie November 16 2004
Posted By: Brian and Rena
Dear Lori and Erik, We are sorry to hear the news. As always, you continue to be in our prayers and I hope you know how much love and support you have around you. I know that these prayers will be heard because the two of you are so amazing!!! November 16 2004
Posted By: BIG SIS
WE LOVE YOU !! November 16 2004
Posted By: Tim Gibbons
Lori, Although I've only met you a couple of times, you must be a wonderful person to have been blessed with Erik. My wife Shannon and I will pray for your health and recovery and bless you both for being so strong during these times. God is with you! Tim November 15 2004
Posted By: Jon, Joanna and Ben
Yes, you are in our thoughts and prayers, especially today during your surgery. By the way, it used to drive me crazy when people (read: my parents) quoted scripture to me (yeah, the hang-ups of a preacher's kid..). Nevertheless, please bear with me. I have been trying to make a habit of reading some of the Old Testament most nights before I turn out the light. By coincidence, the other night, I read Psalm 16 and instantly thought of you. The psalm begins "Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge." It goes on to say some amazing things... "You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you... The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot... I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me... I keep the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved... Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices; my body also rests secure... You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Erik and Lori - you have given your trust to God and he has guided the amazing counsel of your hearts (even in the middle of the night)and despite all the challenges, you have not been moved. And - the most amazing part: "my body also rests secure..." Lori and Erik, this helps me know that you are in divine hands, and that comforts me. Most importantly, may it comfort you and give you strength if that boundless supply ever runs short. Love, Jon (with J and B) November 15 2004
Posted By: Brian and Rena
We are praying for good results ... We continue to send positive thoughts and prayers in your direction. All our love, Brian and Rena November 15 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Erik, may God enter your heart and give you strength during this time of challenge. I am praying for positive results and for thanks that the lord has brought the two of you together. You are both very blessed. Please keep us all posted. Love and Prayers, Julie November 14 2004
Posted By: Dane Andersen
Lori & Erik, All of our thoughts and prayers are directed at the surgeons finding only inflammation and dead tissue on Monday. Love, Dane, Mary, Grant and Brooke November 12 2004
Posted By: Denise Polifka
Lori and Erik, I am sending every possible good vibe, thought and prayer I have to both of you and your families...my friends...for a successful proceedure on Monday. Love, Denise November 12 2004
Posted By: Jacqueline Lavigne McGuire
Lori and Erik, As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Best of Luck, Jacqueline, Marty, Parker Jo and MacKenzie McGuire November 12 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori and Erik, My love and prayers are with you both for good news from the biopsy. I know you have had similar situations in the past, and you have always came out with good results. Sending lots of positive energy your way. Love, Julie November 12 2004
Posted By: Dana & Tim
Lori & Erik, With every wish, hope, thought and prayer that all the "dead tissue" will be removed on Monday. Thinking of both of you and sending our love... November 11 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori and Erik, I am praying for a clean scan and am hoping to see you during the upcoming holidays! Julie November 6 2004
Posted By: Melissa Bettin
Hi Lori, I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I pray that you get well soon. I will be in Chicago next week from the 10th -14th so if you do feel better we should get together for lunch. You are always in my prayers. Also, I want to thank Linda for keeping all of us updated! Love, Melissa October 28 2004
Posted By: Bill & Kim
Hi Lori & Erik ... We continue to have faith in God & his presence in your recovery ... I happened to look back at some previous postings and realized (coincidentally) that it was one year ago today (10/28) that we first posted to this site ... I view this as a very positive sign ... The good Lord wants you here with all of us! Go Little REVYS!!! We love you ... Bill, Kim & Maggie October 18 2004
Posted By: Lynn Morris
Hi Lori and Erik, We heard that you've had some better news and wanted to tell you how much we are thinking about you here in Los Angeles. We will be in Allentown from early November to late December and are looking forward to seeing our Allentown extended family, which of course includes you. we send our love to you both. And congratulations to you Erik! Lynn and STan October 17 2004
Posted By: Chris & Heidi
Great to hear the scans are improving. Also great to hear stories like Kyla's that inlcue "Cancer Free" with IL-13. Our prayers continue and we are very hopeful!!!! October 15 2004
Posted By: Vonda
Lori, We are so happy to hear that you had a good scan. I hope you continue to have faith that this treatment will be the answer to all your prayers. Keep in mind that even though to your eye the scan looks scary, the doctors know what to look for and it hasn't been that long since your treatment. Keep up your positive attitude and faith in God and all will be fine. We are praying for you every day and know that you will have the same success Kyla has been blessed with. Love and prayers to you and your family. October 12 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori, sending lots of love and positive energy your way for a clean scan tomorrow. Love, Julie October 12 2004
Posted By: Kyla Nagel
Lori, I am amazed at the similarities that we have. Reading your story brought back a flood of memories and all of the joy and pain associated with them. I know that you will beat this! God has definately chosen us to be leaders and an inspiration to all of those around us. Keep up the glorious fight because we are God's miracle! Love, Kyla October 8 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda, thanks for the wonderful update! That news is very inspiring, and just what every wanted to hear. Thanks for the posting! Julie October 6 2004
Posted By: Maribeth McDonough
Linda keeps me informed on your progress and I just wanted to drop a line to let you know that I wish you love, health, happiness and many, many, many, many years to experience them all to the fullest. October 4 2004
Posted By: Melissa Bettin
I am so happy to hear the excellent news! I wish I lived a little closer so we could get together and celebrate. Lots of love, Melissa September 30 2004
Posted By: Brian & Rena
That is wonderful news!!! We are so happy for you!!! That is just so great!!! :) September 30 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
I knew it! Keep the good news coming. I definitely think we should have a celebration soon. Hope to hear from you, Julie September 29 2004
Posted By: Bill, Kim & Maggie
Great News! ... as always, we'll keep the prayers coming! Stay positive ... we're all pulling for you ... September 29 2004
Posted By: Tim & Dana
What wonderful news! Keep it coming!!!! You remain in our heartfelt prayers and thoughts. Sending our love... September 27 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori, I'm hoping and praying for good news this Wed. Stay positive and strong, and keep that smile on your face :). I miss you and can't wait to see you. Julie September 25 2004
Posted By: Jacqueline Lavigne
Lori and Erik, Particularly in this period of uncertainty, you are in my thoughts and prayers, as well as those of my family. Love, Jacqueline, Marty, Parker Jo and MacKenzie McGuire September 22 2004
Posted By: Melissa Bettin
Hi Lori, I just wanted to say hello and let you know that you are continuously in my thoughts. I hope to get in touch with you soon. I pray for positive results. Love, Melissa September 21 2004
Posted By: Denise Polifka
Even though the test results weren't all you had hoped they'd be, you need to stay positive. I believe it's the MOST important thing you can do. It was great to see you on a beautiful day, surrounded by the family and friends that love you both. We think of you often and pray for you daily. Love, Denise Polifka (Kevin & Chelsie too) September 21 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Linda, thank you for the update. Lori, stay positive. I am praying for a good outcome. We still need to get together! Miss you, Julie September 21 2004
Posted By: Tony Passero
Lori: I have heard that the latest round of test results you have gotten back have not been all that you had hoped for via Erik. That being said do not put to much stock in this early feedback as keeping your positive attitude has taken you so far. Now is the time to bask in the circle of Erik and the rest of your family so you can rest and draw from their deep reserve of love for you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Tony, Shannon and Sophia too. September 20 2004
Posted By: Blondie from South Haven
Lori and Erik, We think of you often and just am so impressed with your love for each other and all that you have been thru. We keep praying daily and I know you and Erik will win this battle. My stepdaughter Stephanie just graduated from high school and I made a collage for her party and you were in many pictures from her first days of dancing. She still dances and loves it. She always remembers Ms Lori. She also has been teaching dance for the past three years. She is attending college at Purdue University in West Lafayette, In. hoping to be an elementary teacher. Blondie September 15 2004
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Our prayers and thoughts are with you and Erik. Love, Rena and Brian September 15 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori, I'm anxiously awaiting your good news! Hope to hear from you soon, enjoy the sunny weather. Julie September 6 2004
Posted By: Kathryn and Mike Carroll
Hi Lori and Erik, Just thinking about you and reading your updates. We wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. We send you our very best wishes and love. August 31 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Thanks Linda! August 26 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori, I just came back from Orlando with the kids and am so happy to see the good news! Keep posting pictures, I love to look at them. The only thing I miss, is your mom's postings! Let her know to keep them coming. She always seems to fill everyone in on when she sees you and how great you are doing. Hope to talk to you soon, Julie August 18 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori, thanks for the posting. I am sending many positive thoughts your way. Great idea with changing your attitude, I think it will really pay off. I miss you and can't wait to see the good news posted this weekend! Julie August 17 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori and Erik, I am anxiously awaiting another posting :) hope the both of you are enjoying the summer! Julie August 6 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Hey Lori, I reread all of your postings yesterday, and looked at all of your photos again. Wow! First of all, I have to say that your hair looks amazing!!(Even if it wasn't all yours originally) I couldn't even tell that you lost your hair until I saw the pictures. You look sooooo good. I can't believe that over a year has flown by, and you look incredible. Keep up the good work! I miss you so much. When you are feeling up to it, please call me. Love you, Julie August 5 2004
Posted By: Anna Oliver
Erik & Lori- Well, what can I say, you two are amazing, a true inspiration. Not many would walk through something like this with such grace and strength of spirit. Thank you for such a steadfast reminder of the power of faith and love. The Kansas City Contingent is still here for you and with you in all of this. We'll keep up the prayers and look forward to meeting Lori some day soon "footloose and cancer free". God Bless You Both!! Hugs & Kisses!!!!!!! August 4 2004
Posted By: Casey
Lori - Was delighted to see you out and about, walking with Revy and looking so well. I think of you often and say prayers for your total success with the trial treatment. As we discussed -- keep this powerful positive vibe going! I love this website. I'll be checking in often. Please let me know if you ever need help of any kind. Love from your neighbors, Casey and Jumping Jaxx! July 31 2004
Posted By: Melissa Bettin
Hi Lori, I am so happy to hear that you are home and doing well. I hope you have some time to enjoy the summer sun--just think the lake is right behind you! Well, I always keep you in my thoughts and prayers... May my positive thoughts travel your way, "I love 13 Revys". I will give you a call soon. Love, meli July 30 2004
Posted By: Troy Gay
Hello Lori and Erik, I haven't had the pleasure to meet you Lori but look forward to the opportunity in the future. One thing for sure is God placed the best man along your side to weather through these difficult times. The lastest rumor has me moving to St. Thomas in 2-3 months so considering coming down as part of your recovery. As always I will keep you in my Prayers. Cheers! July 29 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori, time for some sun! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling well and ready to enjoy summer. I estimate that it should take all of 30 minutes for you to get a beautiful tan. (You always did tan quick!) I would love to see both you and Erik, so when you have time please call me or email me. Thinking of you both, Julie July 26 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Thank you to all who were there to support us - at the hospital, on the phone, in prayer, here on the website, etc. You are all so important to us. And thank God for Dr. Levy, Dr. Raizer & to this clinical trial Lori is on. We feel very positive about it all. Lori looks & sounds great - just needs lots of rest. Lori & Erik are so good together - they complete the circle of oneness. I am so impressed & proud of them both. I have to say - life is good & I love you all!! July 25 2004
Posted By: Walt, Nancy, Breanna and Madelyne
Glad to hear the surgery went well and that you were able to participate in the clinical trials. From what we have read, the IL-13 appears to be very promising. Linda gave us the update about your surgery and your recovery process. It sounds like 'tired' is the best word to describe how you feel. We are thinking of you and pray that this medicine does the trick. Glad you like your PJ's!!! Love, Wal, Nan, B and Maddie July 23 2004
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Hi Lori, It was great to read your most recent message!!! We are thinking of the two of you and ooking forward to talking and seeing you and Erik! All our love, Rena & Brian July 22 2004
Posted By: Tim & Dana
Erik, Thank you for all of the detailed updates! Lori, you sound wonderful. It was such a joy to read your latest post! Recuperate quickly and enjoy being home together. With our thoughts and prayers that the 13 Revys completed a job well done ...and our love to you both! July 21 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Erik, thanks for the wonderful update. Your posting has truly made my day! Enjoy your quality time together :) Julie July 21 2004
Posted By: colleen lee
Welcome Home, Lori & Erik! Enjoy, Colleen July 19 2004
Posted By: Kim, Bill, & Maggie
Lori & Erik ... Our prayers continue to be with you both ... Lori, glad to hear that you came through the surgeries without (too much) complication. Stay positive, we're all pulling for you! Love Kim, Bill & Maggie July 19 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Erik and Lori, wonderful news! I am so thankful that everthing is looking so positive. I can't wait to see you both. My thoughts and prayers are always with you. Julie July 19 2004
Posted By: Debbie (Walt's Sister-n-law)
Many thoughts of hope and strength to both of you and all the Revy's (IL-13). . .he has a very important job rounding up the unwanted cells. I don't think he will let you down :) July 16 2004
Posted By: Rebel Roberts
So glad Lori's come through the Wednesday surgery-hoping and praying that IL-13 starts blasting the bad cells. Wishing both of you all the best. Rebel July 14 2004
Posted By: Carole Clemente
As time get rough we need those around us to help feed positive thoughts,prayers and love. Know that there is a multitude of of people pulling together to send their prayers to Lori, you and your entire family. July 14 2004
Posted By: Kristi Walker
My heart is with you throughout this challenging time. I have been praying that these days of surgery and treatment will be what's needed to fight and ultimately defeat the tumor. Erik, thank you for the update including the truly beautiful depiction of the team of doctors as they prepared for surgery. All of the entries on this page seem to echo your hopeful words. Also, as Lou and Celeste mentioned, the photo of the Cancer Survivors' Walk arrived depicting a sea of purple. So, from one purple shirt to another, Lori, stay strong and determined and remember the cheering and the smiles on the faces of those who were watching that day. That positive energy is definitely with you now through the faith, love and support of your friends and family. KOKO, Kristi July 13 2004
Posted By: Rebel Roberts
Sorry I missed you guys at NMH earlier this evening. I just wanted to stop by and say hello, give you my very best. Leigh Ann and I will put y'all on our prayer list at First Presbyterian Church in Wheaton. Look forward to touching base with you in a couple of days. You're both very much in our thoughts and prayers. Rebel July 13 2004
Posted By: Jacqueline McGuire
Lori and Erik, My family and I are praying for you. With all the love and support you receive and your faith in your doctors, in each other and in yourselves, we know you will get through this. Marty, Jacqeuline, Parker Jo and MacKenzie McGuire July 12 2004
Posted By: Amanda Woszczak
Terrific news about the surgery! You are both constantly in my prayers and in my thoughts. You are strong and wonderful people. You can pull through anything! All my love and prayers, Amanda July 12 2004
Posted By: Kim from Allentown
Glad to hear from the update that the surgery went so well. Just want you to know that you are both in my prayers. May this be the beginning of a complete recovery. Bless you both. July 11 2004
Posted By: Barbara Burnette
Great to hear that Laurie made it through her surgery well & now onto a very promising trial...keep fighting, you are almost there Laurie! ...All good things come to good people and you are two of the best around! As always, you are both in my prayers! July 10 2004
Posted By: Tony and Shannon
Happy to learn that the surgery appears to have gone well and that Lori has been selected as a candidate for the IL13-PE38QQR treatment. Erik remain strong and keep your love focused on your soul mate as she needs to lean on you as she recoups. Lori our thoughts, hopes and prayers are with you as always and from the deepest depths of our hearts we wish you a speedy recover. Love Tony and Shay and Sophia too! July 10 2004
Posted By: Linda Thompson
Lori, I have been thinking of you and always have you in my thoughts. I wish you a speedy recovery and am so happy that you've been selected for the new experimental drug. Keep your fighting spirits up and just concentrate on your recovery. I look forward to seeing you when your health and recovery permit. We have yet to meet Erik :) Love, Linda. July 10 2004
Posted By: Jon, Joanna and Ben
Wonderful news! You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. July 10 2004
Posted By: Elke & Scott
You both are constantly in our thoughts and prayers and hope you feel the love and positive healing energy that is being sent your way by us, your friends and family, and even people you have never met. Your love,strength, and perseverance will carry you through this hurdle and I have no doubt in my mind that you will be well and stronger than ever. You look so vibrant and healthy already. We are so excited about the drug trial! All our love! July 9 2004
Posted By: Celeste & Lou Cagnina
I just happened to visit your site today and learned of the surgery and everything that has transpired since the survivors' walk (I actually just received the group picture from NMH today). I have been thinking of both of you all day as I know how long that surgery feels. Great news on the clinical trial. I am so pleased to know you are surrounded by a great medical team and wonderful family and friends. You two are truly survivors in this fight and your love is so evident. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. All our love, Celeste & Lou July 9 2004
Posted By: Brian and Rena
We are so happy the surgery went well ... Our prayers are with all of you. Thank you so much Erik for posting this information. Love, Brian & Rena July 9 2004
Posted By: Dana & Tim Martorella
Lori & Erik, We were thrilled to learn of the great news regarding Lori being "selected" for the experimental drug! We were so happy to know that you received that news before Lori's scheduled surgery. Not just today but, EVERYday, you are both in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. We are awe-inspired by your grace, strength and deep love for one another. With our deepest admiration for both of you (which only continues to grow) and of course, our love, Dana & Tim July 9 2004
Posted By: Chris & Heidi
Great News on the Great News! This sounds very promising. Good luck today and the next week. July 8 2004
Posted By: Scotty, alias the skipper
Lori and Erik, As you both know I'm not that good at this online sharing stuff. However, I have been hearing so much about this web site and what a great way it is to share positive energy. I care so much about the wellness of you both but have little clue how to let you know. So here goes. I guess I’m starting to evolve a bit. Elke will be pleased, Ha. I wanted to send a note letting you both know that you both continually remain in our prayers and thoughts. I'm so pleased that you have been selected for the "good stuff." Erik asked me to pray specifically for that drug treatment and it worked. Lori, I have now adjusted my prayers to the next hurdle of Friday surgery. After which we will adjust fire to the next hurdle, and so on, and so on. You get the point, were in this with you both for the long haul, what ever it takes. Please rest assured that Elke, many others, and myself will be with you in spirit & prayer, shoulder to shoulder with Erik as needed, and anxiously waiting to spend time with you Saturday, when the hospital staff will allow us in. Erik, thank you for your kind words regarding last Sunday but they are not needed. I wish I could do more so please ask. Honestly, Kristen and Elke could tell something was up by your voice. Elke coached me to head to the city to be with you. Thanks so much to their insight and direction. Cut me some slack people, I’m a boy…. I wish you both all the best, during the Surgery, the drug induction process and the speedy recovery period. Remember, we’ve got unexecuted dinner plans. See You Saturday!!!! Love, Scott, and naturally Elke too… God Bless July 8 2004
Posted By: Julie Morrison
Erik, you are truly an amazing person. Lori is so blessed to have you. Please remember that many of us are thinking of you both constantly. Stay strong and positive. True Love conquers all. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I am anxioulsy awaiting seeing you both after Lori's recovery. God Bless. Julie July 5 2004
Posted By: Colleen Lee
Hello You Two, We've been checking into your site daily. Thank you for taking time to keep us current. Lori, I can only imagine--and when I try, I realize between the emotions you must be experiencing and the strength you are exhibiting makes you the most courageous woman I've ever known. Thank you for showing me this, as well as where it is most important to focus. You probably don't even realize that you've become an important teacher to many of us. With gratitude, Colleen. July 2 2004
Posted By: Julie Gorski
It was so wonderful to hear your voice. I'm sorry we didn't have a chance to connect. You sounded happy and strong and ready to take on new challenges. You have the energy and the soul to get through this next struggle. Through these emails I can tell you are a very loved wife, daughter, sister, friend and aunt!Take that love and turn it into the power you need. I'm really looking forward to working together again! All my best to you and Erik. July 1 2004
Posted By: Vickie and Justine Delorto
Lori and Erik, you are both continually in our prayers, especially during this most recent trial and upcoming surgery. While I was reading Erik's message of June 25, I totally agree that there is peace in surrendering. The "lead coat" metaphor reminded me of the poem Footprints in the Sand: One night I dreamed I was walking Along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints. Other times there were one set of footprints. This bothered me because I noticed that During the low periods of my life when I was Suffering from anguish, sorrow, or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, So I said to the Lord, "You promised me, Lord, that if I followed You, You would walk with me always. But I noticed that during the most trying periods Of my life there have only been One set of prints in the sand. Why, When I have needed You most, You have not been there for me?" The Lord replied, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints Is when I carried you. I know everyone has read this poem a million times, but I think it is worth reading again. Lori and Erik, not only is the Lord carrying you both during this time of uncertainty, so are your family and friends. I have a feeling of helplessness because there is nothing more I can do for you but to "be there" But I hope you know that you are carried in our hearts every moment of every day, Love, Vickie and Justine July 1 2004
Posted By: Linda Franz
Sorry to hear the latest news from the tests. I'm praying for good news after the surgery and that you will receive the experimental drug in the clinical trial. July 1 2004
Posted By: Amy Stoerker
Lori & Erik, I found your website through your mother's posts on the braintmr mailing list. You and your site are so beautiful, and I love reading your posts. I am praying for you and along for the ride also as my mother was recently diagnosed with a GBM as well. With hope, Amy S., Atlanta June 29 2004
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Lori, you ARE in our thoughts and prayers constantly. We are praying for good news at the end of the surgery. Love, Rena and Brian. June 29 2004
Posted By: BIG SIS
As we revisit the next step of your journey - strength, confidence and some comfort can be drawn from the familiarity of this once traveled road. We will be there to lift your 'lead coat' and make the burden of carrying it a little easier. I may not always be there to support you in person but you are always in my heart. You have entered the hearts of so many and that's a good place to be. I am comforted in knowing that once again I can be a part of the "team" that helped you through this the first time AND in knowing that great success is within our reach! Love- LISA *see you this week* June 28 2004
Posted By: Walt, Nancy, Breanna & Maddie
Lori & Erik, Our thoughts and prayers are with you even though we are so far away. The love and support that you are both getting from all your family and friends will help get you thru this. We love you both. June 28 2004
Posted By: Chris & Heidi
Lori, Erik, Sorry to hear the latest news. I only wish (as I'm sure we all do) that we could help carry this load that you have been burdened with. As always, our thoughts and prayers are with you both and will be through this latest hurdle. Love, Chris & Heidi June 27 2004
Posted By: Melissa Bettin
Hi Lori, I just want you to know that I will be praying for you. Your strength and attitude are amazing! Love, Meli June 25 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori and Erik, Thank you for keeping everyone posted on all of your experiences both positve and challenging. I think about you everyday, and this site helps me to feel connected. As always, I will say a special prayer for you both, for the findings to be good ones. I am a big believer in the power of prayer, and you are the living proof. Stay Positive, Love you both, Julie June 25 2004
Posted By: CB
Dear Lori, Erik and Linda - To each of you prayers for strength, HOPE, a speedy recovery from your upcoming surgery, Lori. To Linda, lots of MOM's to talk to while your lovely Lori is in the hands of the skilled surgeon. To Erik, compassion, and love. To each of you, Peace. Cindy Baumann mom of kevin cbk92@comcast.net Brain Tumor List Boston, MA June 24 2004
Posted By: Bill, Kim, (& Maggie) Franz
Hi Erik & Lori, Glad to hear that you had a nice trip out West ... Kim is from Oregon and it is really a beautiful part of the county! As always, you remain in our thoughts and prayers ... please let us know the latest (positive!) results ... God bless you both ... Love Bill, Kim & Maggie June 24 2004
Posted By: Denise Polifka
Hey Lori....just wanted you to know that I think about you often and am praying for the best on today's visits.....Love, Denise June 23 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
God bless you tomorrow with your MRI. Please let it be a clean scan. June 18 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - great posting! I love to hear you feeling good & sounding so positive! It's good for me & even better for you!! I told you about the fundraiser at my work - the donations are still coming in! Thank God for the wonderful people in our lives. It is quite incredible. We will all be praying for good results next week. And we will all keep on living the best we can. Love, Mom June 7 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
This is an email I sent to my coworkers. Thank you to all of you who participated in the collection for the American Brain Tumor Association – you raised more than $500!!! And thank you to Tylene & the rest of the accounting department who made the gray ribbons & sold them. It means a lot to me and to my daughter Lori to know you care. You all are definitely a great part of my support system. I will be going to the American Brain Tumor Association today at lunch (they happen to be right down on River just past Devon) to give them the donation in my daughter’s name. They are in need of any & all donations. They fund research & also give much needed information to patients & their families. For anyone who is interested, you can keep up with Lori’s journey at www.lori-erik.com or just ask me. I love to talk about my family & how much they all mean to me!!! Thank you again. June 7 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Yesterday Lori & Erik, her brother Ed & his wife Christa and their children Anthony & Isabelle, and I walked in the Robert Lurie and Northwestern Memorial Hospital's 11th Annual Cancer Survivor Walk along the lake front. It was a beautiful day & of course a wonderful way to be together enjoying life. May 25 2004
Posted By: Linda Franz
Dear Lori and Erik, I just want to wish you a very happy first anniversary! I am remembering your lovely outdoor wedding and for some reason thinking of that elegant white peacock that strolled around and displayed his beauty for all of us. Can it be only a year? What a year it's been! I hear your news from your Mom, Lori, and from checking your website. I wish you a peaceful, healthy and happy future. Blessings to both of you! May 25 2004
Posted By: julie morison
Happy Anniversary!!!! Enjoy your trip, and be sure to fill everyone in when you get back. Julie May 24 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori & Erik - Congratulations tomorrow on your one year wedding anniversary. What a year it has been! The next year should bring even better news as you win your fight. Lori, we all know what a great fighter you have been & Erik has been such great support every step of the way. This has brought all of us so much closer. What a great week - yesterday was your brother Ed's 6th wedding anniversary & next week is your brother Walt's 8th wedding anniversary. It must be a great week for successful marriages!! If not before, we will see you at the cancer survivor walk. Love,Mom May 14 2004
Posted By: Susie Greco (Spera)
Lori, I have been following your web page faithfully and I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to email you and just couldn't because I didn't know what to say. I finally said something to my husband and he said "DA, how about just thinking of you". Men can be so simple yet so right sometimes. You are always on my mind and in my prayers. I was really scared to check today but was so glad to read your wonderful news. Keep up your spirits and try to stay optimistic, you sound like you are doing great. Hope you and your husband enjoy your well deserved vacations. Thinking of you, Love Susie May 13 2004
Posted By: Jillian Miller
Lori, Just read your entire story on your web site (I'm a teacher and am reading during my prep hour instead of planning for my kids!). You are a beautiful girl inside and out and your story has really inspired me...My dad is fighting a GBM that was diagnosed in February. I will send you an individual email to share commonalities between your tumors. Have a beautiful God-filled day. Sending you best wishes from mountainous Montana. May 13 2004
Posted By: julie morrisn
YES! I have tears in my eyes reading your new posting. I am soooo happy to hear the good news. The power of prayer and faith is immeasurable. Thank you so much for taking the time to let everyone in on your progress, I especially appreciate it more than you'll ever know. Every morning that I log in at work, the first thing I do is check your site. I look forward to seeing you, put me in your schedule after you finish your world travel! Julie May 13 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - I was just thinking - maybe we could get some people together & make lots of gray ribbons. Then anyone who would want to sell them at their work could have them & make a donation to ABTA in your name. I am going to check it out. Love, Mom May 13 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - I also have tears in my eyes. What a wonderful posting. I was there when you got the news but reading your perspective was wonderful! We will just keep praying & keep our positive attitude. You & Erik are incredible & I am ecstatic!!!! As Matthew Fullerton says (he is a 17 year survivor of the same tumor Lori has) "Keep On Keeping On!!!" I love you - Mom May 7 2004
Posted By: Melissa
Lori and Erik, I continue to pray for the both of you. Your positive attitude and passion for life will pull you through this. Love, Meli May 6 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori, I tried posting a message a few days ago and don't know what happend....just wanted to let you know I am always thinking of you. Julie May 3 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - what a great quote! And oh, how true. Thank God you & Erik have the fighting spirit & are full of hope. You are truly an inspiration to us all. I will see you on Wednesday for your MRI & am asking all here to pray for good results. I love you & all of our family very much. Love, Mom April 28 2004
Posted By: Rena & Brian
Hi Lori, Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you! Love, Rena & Brian April 28 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - Hope you are feeling better with the weather getting better - it helps me. It is uplifting. Looking forward to seeing you both tomorrow. Love you - Mom April 9 2004
Posted By: Virginia Nichols ( moms friend @ work )
Dearest Lori & Eric, Happy Blessed Easter + May our Risen Lord touch you with continued healing in mind, body ,spirit & soul. May the Holy Spirit of Pure Love be with you both every moment surrounding you with his infinate peace... Happy Easter, Love & Peace , Virginia April 8 2004
Posted By: julie morrison
Hi Lori and Erik, I'm so glad to hear that your both doing well and enjoying life. Please keep posting your progress and day to day activities, I check this site very often and look forward to what you have to write. Have a great Easter weekend! Julie April 1 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori & Erik - Spring is in the air. Hope the good weather gets you out of the house more & enjoying life more. Great reason to celebrate life!!! See you soon. Love Mom March 22 2004
Posted By: David Wright
Lori: I've been in Kenya for while, but got the news recently of what's going on. I'm glad for your recent good news, and hope everything continues to look up for you. Kristina and I will keep you in our thoughts. March 18 2004
Posted By: Mary Bolda
Lori & Erik - How wonderful to hear the good news! Everything is possible with prayer and support of others. We draw strength from one another. Your love and faith grows with each passing day. May the warmth of Spring energize you. Love, Jim and Mary March 14 2004
Posted By: Colleen Lee
Dear Family of Love & Faith, CONGRATULATIONS! To all of you. Spring is on it's way. ~Colleen March 13 2004
Posted By: Phil Barkett
Thank you Lori for the wonderful news. You have truly made my day! March 13 2004
Posted By: Jacqueline
I am so happy for both of you. Your news is evidence that our prayers are both heard and answered. Love, Jacqueline, Marty, Parker Jo and MacKenzie March 13 2004
Posted By: Bill & Kim (& Maggie)
Wow! Great News! Such a relief! ... Your last note was a beautiful realization. Love & Faith, indeed, will heal the body & mind and conquer fear. We are so happy for both of you and your families. We'll keep the prayer coming. Much Love, Bill, Kim & Maggie March 12 2004
Posted By: Tim & Dana
...shed many happy tears for the wonderful, wonderful news! Continue to relish eachother's love and the love and prayers that surround you from so many others. March 12 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Thank you God!!! I am so thankful for the good news & for the love you & Lori share. It was so evident yesterday in the way you look at each other & hold each other. I am so glad I was there in time to hear the good news in person. I just couldn't stand it - I had to be there. Thank you for letting me share all of this with you. I love you both. Mom March 12 2004
Posted By: Walt, Nancy, Breanna & Maddie
So happy to hear the good news!!! All the prayers we're saying have been answered and in the best of ways. The love you two share is amazing and grows more and more each day. We'll talk to you both soon. March 12 2004
Posted By: Melissa
I was so happy to hear the good news!!! Enjoy the weekend. Love, Meli March 12 2004
Posted By: Brian
What a relief to hear good news! We've been thinking about you all a lot, praying for Lori's health and for the continued strength of Lori and all of you. March 11 2004
Posted By: Melissa
Lori & Erik- I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. I hope that everything went well today. Lots of love and positive thoughts. Melissa March 10 2004
Posted By: Denise Polifka
Lori Your strength and positive attitude continue to amaze me. You have a great support system of friends and family, tons of prayers and lots of love on your side. Anything and everything are possible with hope and love. I think of you often and will continue to keep you in my prayers. Denise March 10 2004
Posted By: Tim & Dana Martorella
Lori & Erik, Thinking of both of you with warm thoughts, special prayers, positive vibes and much love. March 9 2004
Posted By: Heidi Gewartowski (friend of your Moms at
Hi Lori, I know you and Erik will get through this challenging time together. Love knows no boundaries. I am praying for you and wish you both the very best. Warm Regards, Heidi March 8 2004
Posted By: Your loving husband
My beautiful wife, I know this is an anxious week for us. Beyond the fear in the silence of your own thoughts try and focus on the love and care shown to us by our dear family and friends. Love is the source of all miracles. We will find a way to overcome the seemingly insurmountable and ever changing obstacles. Your courage and unstoppable spirit continues to inspire me. I love you with all my heart! March 6 2004
Posted By: Ed, Christa, Anthony & Isabelle
Lori and Erik, All we can say is that we are thinking of you and sending you our love and prayers. And are here if you need anything! We all love you both!!! March 5 2004
Posted By: Vickie Delorto
Lori - I just learned of your latest development, and as always, you are right up top in my prayers. You have a lot of love flowing your way! March 4 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - We will get through this latest development the same way we have gotten through the last 6 months - one step at a time. We are all here for you - we need to draw strength from each other & from our faith. There are many people praying for you. I love you. See you tomorrow. Love, Mom March 4 2004
Posted By: Melissa
Lori- I am praying for you! I know the results will come out in your favor. I am very happy to hear that you enjoyed the family reunion. I will have to give you a call soon. Love, Melissa March 2 2004
Posted By: Mary Bolda
Lori and Erik- It was so wonderful to see you at Jim's b-day party. It meant so much to the both of us. You and Erik are a special couple and draw energy from each other. Your love grows more and more each time we see you. Know that you're in our prayers and thoughts always. Love, Jim & Mary February 26 2004
Posted By: Blondie from South Haven
Lori, Just received an email from your mom with your beautiful pictures.So glad you are doing so well. You are in our prayers daily. My kids pray for moms friend in Chicago named Lorie every night. Come visit sometime. love, Blondie February 25 2004
Posted By: Vickie Delorto
Hi, Lori and Erik, I want to let you both know what a special weekend this was for me. Lori, it was so wonderful to reconnect with you, Lisa and Ed after so long, and Erik, it was so great to have met you, you are a very special guy, and your love and support for Lori is obvious. I think you both are very blessed to have found each other. I hope you both had a good time down here, and I hope to see you again over the summer. Love, Vickie February 21 2004
Posted By: Colleen Lee
Just saw Corinne and gave her your good news update. She passed on a couple of resources for you: Dr.Keith Block of Block Medical, Alternative/homeopathic nutrition,1800 Sherman Center Bldg. Evanston, 492-3040 and Wellness Center of Northbrook (great support resources). Lori, you may already have enough resources in this area, but in the event you need a change, thought this might help. Hope you had a nice vacation. Take care of yourself, Colleen. February 18 2004
Posted By: Sandy Zmich
Lori, Just read your update. What great news, keep up the spirit. Have a great time at the Arquilla family reunion...It should be fun for you guys, being in a parade and getting to pass out beads and all...Take care and we think of you often. February 12 2004
Posted By: Colleen Lee
Aren't you something?! Yahoooo! I just read your latest news and I am so happy for you. (And Erik!) You are such a strong woman. I can "hear" your positive vibe in your update. It's also very understandable how you have to deal with your counts. It must be quite a ride for you. Overall, you sound like you are taking it with great grace and positivity! Thinking of you, Colleen February 9 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori & Erik - it was wonderful to see you both this weekend. Lori you look great! Have a fun time in Alabama. Looking forward to the next MRI & more good news. Love, Mom February 6 2004
Posted By: Virginia Nichols ( Moms friend @ work)
Dear Lori, Read your update ! Amen..what great news... All Praise be to GOD. Enjoy your reunion and I wish you a wonderful time in the parade ! What fun :) Prayers surround you . You are prayed for deeply.... Love & Peace, Virginia January 29 2004
Posted By: Andrew Wyatt
Hi Lori, Glad to hear that things are looking up for you! I think about you often and am looking forward to talking to you soon. Let me know if you need any help in getting back to school (if you want me to pick up any info and deliver it to you, or anything else). Just let me know! Andrew January 22 2004
Posted By: Melissa
Lori- You are amazing! I am so happy to hear that you are doing well. The pictures are great. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. I look forward to seeing you. Love always, Meli January 22 2004
Posted By: BIG SIS
I'm glad to see that you've updated you're journal. You sound great and have excellent goals! I'm also glad that the phone tag game has ended and we were able to talk and catch up some. It's really hard being so far away and unable to stop over and see you. I can't wait to spend some time together next month. MARDI GRAS!! The boys really miss you and Uncle Erik. Love-Lisa January 21 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - really glad to see your update - you sound great! You look great! And I agree, 2004 is going to be incredible!! I think some of the things you outlined will really help - school, work, etc. Looking forward to many happy family times together. We love you - Mom & Wally January 20 2004
Posted By: Debbie
I read your site often to get updates on how you are doing. It is great to see your spirits so high. 2004 is a new year with an infinite amount of potential. Keep smiling and do what makes you happy. January 15 2004
Dear Lori, May the holy spirit surround you this moment during your scan this morning...... Emerse yourself in the light of the Almighty Healer Jesus...who loves you so and shines his love on you, in you & through you ...bask in the warm glow of pure love..from the Ftaher , The Son & The Holy Spirit .. Please write soon .. Love , Virginia January 14 2004
Posted By: Colleen Lee
Lori, it is so great to read your update. Connecting with you and getting such positive information is wonderful. Sounds like you have taken charge and are making great healthy strides. Congratulations. Hey, by the way, how's your new dog??? ~Colleen P.S. Griffen just asked me last night, "where is Lori, Mom?" Thinking of you. January 13 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Great to see your posting!! We all have to continue praying for another clean scan. You are doing all the right things so it has to be good. Congratulations on your 1st big dinner. Love, Mom January 5 2004
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Dear Lori & Erik - The holidays were special for all of us because we were all together. I know the New Year will bring health & happiness for all of us. Here's to a wonderful 2004. Love Mom January 5 2004
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Dear Lori & Erik, We are wishing you an amazing 2004! You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We can't wait to see you soon. Love, Brian & Rena January 2 2004
Posted By: Bill, Kim, & Maggie
Dear Lori & Erik A very special Happy New Year to both of you ... as always, you both remain in our thoughts & prayers. May 2004 bring you lots of good news, love, & happiness! Love Bill, Kim, & Maggie too! December 31 2003
Posted By: Kirsten and Einer Andersen
Dear Lori and Erik, We want to thank you for a truly beautiful Christmas with you and Dane, Mary, Brooke & Grant. It really was extra special this year, and we are so glad that we could all be together again. Lori, the dinner you prepared for us was exceptional, so elegant and so delicious. We were all impressed and delighted. We thank you for all the effort you put into it. You are a very good cook. We wish for you two a happy and healthy 2004, and look forward to many more happy times together this coming year. With love, Kirsten and Einer December 30 2003
Posted By: Tony
Well 2003 is just about gone and got me to thinking that if I really wish one thing in the dawn of a new year, it is that this whole ordeal Lori is going through ends on a positive note once and for all. Then as Erik and Lori look back on 2003 for the rest of their long life together they can use it as a reminder of how precious their time is together. December 26 2003
Posted By: Melissa
Dear Lori and Erik- I hope you had a wonderful Christmas together. Have a very healthy and happy New Year!!! Love, Meli December 24 2003
Posted By: Colleen Lee
Hi, Lori and Erik~ I mailed my Christmas message to you. But, was determined to figure out how to use this nifty email on your website, as well. (It's very embarassing, how limited I am without you, Lori....) Here is the essence of my thoughts for you and your one-of-a-kind husband: 1. Thinking of you and your winning style often. 2. Marvel at the rate for which you are learning and growing. I hope I ever reach your level. 3. Am printing each of your entries out for Cody (and am saving for G and R for future) so that he can learn about real bravery, true love, and rare wisdom. 4. Wonder if you realize that you are doing the very thing that you told me you were missing...the important purpose chat we had last summer? You are doing it. Right now. It is my intention that I, and my children will learn and, hopefully, benefit from what you are teaching us. 5. Thank you. Okay, that is the essence. Here is the love...prayers for you at dinnertime nightly. I ask Griffen to do it. God listens closely to the little ones ya know. And, we miss you in our home. BIG TIME. Thank goodness for this site. Love, Colleen P.S. I'm so jealous that you have a dog!!! December 24 2003
Posted By: Julie Gorski
Happy Holidays to you and your entire family. May 2004 bring you peace and happiness. December 20 2003
Posted By: Tiffany Crate
Lori, This web site is very well done! It is user-friendly and beautiful, and it gives a good picture of your journey. It helps to know what you've been experiencing, as those descriptions allow me to visualize your healthy recovery better. The wedding photos are fantastic! I think your short hair style next summer will be a unique change and I look forward to seeing it. Please let me know if you wish to meet again about your nutrition plan. There's so much to teach and I want you to know it all! You and Erik are inspirational and I still know intuitively that in 60 or so years, you'll reflect on this event as an early hurdle in your life that, in the grand timeline, was just a blip on the screen in comparison to the wealth of joyous events that fill your life. December 16 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori -I have the book "Purpose Driven Life" when you are ready to read it. Call me later. See you Saturday. Love Mom December 16 2003
Posted By: Anna Oliver
Lori- I was just reading your last update, and you mentioned "your purpose". I would highly recommend a book to you (if I haven't yet...) called The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. It was a life changer for me. It helped me figure out why I was left on this earth (after my disease). Love to you and Erik! December 16 2003
Posted By: Carole Clemente (Colleague of your Mom's)
Lori and Erik, Happy belated to both of you. Know and feed off the strength of all those who are praying for you. May your holidays be filled with lots of laughter and joy. December 12 2003
Posted By: Virginia Nichols ( Moms friend @ work )
Hello Lori & Erik, Yes I know ...and agree, spending precious precious time with loved one, the true gift of them all. I am grateful everyday ! You are in my daily prayers. Peace & love, Virginia December 8 2003
Posted By: Denise Polifka
Hi Lori & Erik. Though I talk to your mom (Lori) through e-mail a lot, it has been quite some time since I visited your web site. It still remains one of the most awesome things I have ever seen. Your support system is wonderful. I think of you often and am proud of your strength and courage during this difficult time. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers daily. Love, Denise Polifka December 8 2003
Posted By: julie morrison
Lori and Erik, I am so glad to hear the great news! Lori, I wish I could see you....and give you a big hug. Please let me know when you are up to a conversation or a visit. I think about both of you all the time. Lori, I hope you realize what a wonderful mom you have. Every time I read her entries it makes me very emotional. You are so blessed. Plan on doing chemo until they say you are done, because you have to be around to go to my wedding, and I haven't even met Mr. Wright yet! Miss you sooooo much. Love, Julie December 5 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - Thank you for thinking your mother is brilliant!! And thank you for all the great info. Even though I have already talked to you - I get alot of info from your postings. We all have to learn the lesson of enjoying & appreciating each day as it comes. Happy Holidays to everyone!! Love Mom December 4 2003
Posted By: Vickie and Justine Delorto
Lori and Erik - I hope you both had a wonderful Thanksgiving and birthdays. The whole family down here was together and thinking about you. I just wanted to let you know again that you are continually in my thoughts and prayers. December 4 2003
Posted By: julie brock
hey you guys... thank you so much for taking the time to share your experiences with us. i check in on a regular basis, and on the edge of my seat for new information from you. this website has been such a great communication source. i also just wanted to let you know that i think about you always, and am so glad to hear that you are "trucking" forward and upward with great momentum. i am sure you will continue to do so. lori... if you ever want to hang out with a chick that has no hair by choice and loves it... give me a call at anytime! December 3 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori & Erik - it was great to see you both this morning. Lori, you look as beautiful as always. You are doing all the right things. Please rest & don't be afraid to ask for help. I just know all will be well. Love Mom December 2 2003
Posted By: BIG SIS
lori & erik- i'm glad i was able to talk to you this weekend. hope you enjoyed your birthdays!please remember you have been given many great gifts this year! the gift of love,life,and the knowledge of your loved ones deepest feelings for you! you both are truly blessed. happy birthday to you!!! love- lisa,jacob and matthew xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo December 2 2003
Posted By: Virginia Nichols ( Moms friend @ work)
Dear Lori & Eric, With this most holy season of our saviors’ birth upon us my heart is focused on our sweet infant Jesus. I am praying and asking that our sweet infant Jesus brush by and kiss you tenderly with his pure healing kiss of love. He is Emmanuel, he is always with us, always a holy infant, and he loves you. Peace & Love Virginia December 1 2003
Posted By: Nancy Magiera
Happy Birthday to both of you guys. Hope you both have a great day. Many thoughts and prayers are coming your way. Love, Nancy December 1 2003
Posted By: Vito and Susan Delorto
Happy Birthday! What great news on your scan. We were with your Dad Thanksgiving day and we were all thinking about you. You are so strong and positive! That, and the love from your family and friends, will get you through this! December 1 2003
Posted By: Jacqueline Lavigne McGuire
Lori and Erik, Not a day goes by that the two of you are not in my thoughts and prayers. We visit this site several times a week to see how you are feeling. You are both amazing, inspirational people, and your faith in yourselves and in each other will bring you through this trying time. When I look at the pictures on this site, and reflect back on your wedding in May, I know that you have the most amazing support system in the people around you. My family and I will keep you in our prayers. Jacqueline, Marty, Parker Jo and MacKenzie McGuire December 1 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Erik & Lori!!!!! Happy Birthday to both of you!!!! And many many more! Love Mom November 29 2003
Posted By: Lu and Chuck Browning
We just wanted you to know that you are in our prayers. November 26 2003
Posted By: Al Krueger (friend of Erik's)
Lori, we haven't met but I hope we do soon. Just a note to let you know that I've been thinking about the two of you recently. You continue to receive our positive vibes, thoughts and prayers. Take care and enjoy your holiday weekend together. Al K. November 25 2003
Posted By: Julie Gorski
It's wonderful to hear the good news. It was just last year that my family was giving thanks for each day my sister had. At that time she had less than a 10% chance of surviving. Here we are one year later and she is making the entire Thanksgiving dinner! Her most recent PET scan came back CLEAR! It's not a miracle. It's the power of positive thinking, prayer and being surrounded by those you love the most. My sister and I send positive thoughts to you every day. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! November 25 2003
Posted By: Mary & Jim Bolda
Lori & Erik - You've been in our prayers and it was wonderful to hear the good news! Never under estimate the power of prayer. Love, Mary & Jim November 25 2003
Posted By: Vickie and Justine Delorto
Lori and Erik, Thank God for the good news. We will be giving special thanks this Thanksgiving. The prayers are still coming!! November 24 2003
Posted By: Pat Thernell
Lori - I am so glad to hear the great news about your scan. Your Mom always told me you did well with tests! Keep up the good work. As for your hair - you are one of those women who could look good bald too. With a figure like yours - who notices your hair anyways? Keep up the positive thoughts - we are praying each and every day for you - I even have Billy working on it and believe me, when I tell you he has a direct connection to the guy upstairs! Love to you and Eric, Pat November 23 2003
Posted By: Anna
Lori & Erik- We expected nothing less than good news, but your fear is understandable. Remember, statistics are statistics, and MIRACLES do happen again and again and again...This time of year we remember the miracles that exist in our lives, and we'll be praying over the Holidays for your miracle. Love, The ABCDE's November 22 2003
Posted By: Chris & Heidi
Great News on the scan! Your continued strength, resolve and positive progress will on the top of all our lists of things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Enjoy this holiday with your family. November 21 2003
Posted By: Virginia Nichols ( moms friend @ work )
Dear Lori & Erik , On Thanksgiving I will add my special prayers of thanks for this good news.... Please know you are constantly surrounded by all the angels & saints & love. Peace & Love , Virginia November 21 2003
Posted By: Sandy Zmich
I was reading some of your messages and thinking what a wonderful gift this was for you and Erik. I saw the one about no hair, even without any hair, Lori, I know you are still as beautiful as ever. Just keep up the positive thinking and embrace all the love that is out there for the 2 of you. November 21 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Thank you God!! We will have a better Thanksgiving now. Love Mom November 21 2003
Posted By: Nancy Magiera
I knew all the praying would work!!! Thank you God! November 21 2003
Posted By: Bill & Kim
We are so happy to hear the encouraging news ... we'll keep those prayers coming and give a special thanks this Thanksgiving! Hope to see you both sometime soon:) Love Bill, Kim & Maggie November 21 2003
Posted By: Melissa
I am so happy to hear the good news! November 21 2003
Posted By: Tony
Erik: Thanks for the updates during these anxious days. Lori: I'm glad to hear the early report is positive keep your spirits up and a salways our thoughts are with you. November 20 2003
Posted By: Julie Morrison
Lori and Erik, I must have checked this site 10 times today! I keep checking to see the email from you two telling everyone that your scan was clear. I keep thinking positive and visualizing seeing it in writing. I hope you and Erik are feeling all of the love and prayers coming your way. Love you, Julie November 20 2003
Posted By: Melissa
Lori- I am also praying for a clean scan. Keep up your positive attitude. Love, Melis November 20 2003
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Dear Lori, You are in our thoughts and prayers ... We are keeping our fingers crossed for a positive scan! Love, Brian and Rena November 20 2003
Posted By: Debbie (Walt's sister-in-law)
Nothing but warm and fuzzy thoughts!!! November 19 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
We are all praying very hard for a clean scan. And thinking warm & positive thoughts. Love Mom November 19 2003
Posted By: Dana & Tim Martorella
Lori & Erik, Try to take a moment to be still today and feel the warmth and energy of all of the positive thoughts and prayers aimed towards you everyday and especially, today. With love... November 19 2003
Posted By: Melissa
I will continute to pray for you both. Keep your spirits up! Love,Melis November 19 2003
Posted By: Vickie Delorto
Lori, you have lots of prayers coming your way today!! Stay positive!! November 18 2003
Posted By: Virginia Nichols ( moms friend @ work )
Lori, We are here, we love you , we are praying for you . We are here.....you are with us..in our hearts , in our thoughts,in our daily prayers. We are here. Love & Peace, Virginia November 18 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
The messages that are posted here are meant for Lori & Erik but I must say they also help uplift my spirit when I most need uplifting. Thank you all so much for continuing to support all of us in such a difficult time. With all of this love surrounding Lori, I know she will get better!! November 17 2003
Posted By: Carey Peters
Lori, Even though we have not met, I have you in my prayers and my thoughts every day. You are facing what few of us can hardly understand or appreciate. Never underestimate the difficulty of that. That said, never underestimate the power of YOUR SPIRIT - even at it's lowest moments. I wish I had the words or thoughts to lift your soul and ease your mind. I wish I had the power to take this all away from you. Please know that even in the lowest, darkest, and scariest moments, you have hundreds of other spirits of friends, family and strangers that are sending a constant flow of love, hope, strength and courage to your soul and your heart. There is love all around you, and it will carry you to a place of strength and power that will astonish you. November 17 2003
Posted By: Maribeth McDonough-mom's co-worker
Lori, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I think about you all the time. You have a very strong character and sense of self...draw on it. You're a beautiful woman, inside and out. November 13 2003
Posted By: Nancy Magiera
I'm very happy that your treatments have come to an end, now we can look forward to better days to come. You are a very courageous person and I am confident that you are in the 2-3%, just by the positveness you have kept throughout this whole treatment process. Once your energy level starts to go back up, let me know and the kids and I will come by for a visit. You and Erik are in our thoughts and prayers always. Love, Nancy November 13 2003
Posted By: Tony
If you think for one second anyone thinks you are a bad friend for not attending a party, shower or get together...think again because you did not miss anything as you were there via all our hearts and minds. Keep fighting as all of us believe you can beat this road bump in your life's journey. November 13 2003
Posted By: Melissa
Dear Lori- I honestly believe that you will be in the 2-3%. You are a wonderful person with such a strong mind and heart. I know that you can get through this, especially with the help of Erik, your family, and friends. With fear comes strength and you can use that strength to overcome this. Please do not worry about returning phone calls, attending parties etc... Friends do not need constant reassurance because true friendship is based on a deeper connection. I love you and think about you every day! love, Melis November 13 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - today is a day of celebration - the end of treatment!! Even though you are down & fearful, you are still a very strong woman & I admire you so much. I am confident you will be in the 2-3%. You are very brave to share your inner thoughts with us to help us understand where you are right now. The only sense I can make out of what is happening is that once you are past these feelings, you will appreciate every moment & not take anything for granted & will have taught all of us the same thing. I thank God for bringing you & Erik together & I thank God for every moment we all have together. I love you both very much. Mom November 12 2003
Posted By: BIG SIS
Lori & Erik- I was at church this morning. Jacob was singing in the choir for his school mass. I sat with friends that know how much you need prayers right now. So, that's what we did! You both are in my prayers,in my thoughts and in my heart ALWAYS!!! Love you-Lis November 12 2003
Posted By: Ed & Christa
Hang in there Lori and Erik we are thinking of you at all times!!! November 12 2003
Posted By: Virginia Nichols ( moms friend @ work )
To send your precious prayers around the world for Lori (and Erik too , and my dear Linda) please visit : www.spiritdaily.com Our prayers are linked around the world at the most miracelous ,beautiful ,holy places of Our Lady. Peace & Love, Virginia November 12 2003
Posted By: Jennifer
Hi Lori you don't know me, but I work with your Mom. I am so sorry that you have to go through this and I can understand some of the pain and fear of what is happening. When I was 23 years old, I had Ovarian Cancer. I had a complete hysterectomy and they say that once you have it there is only a 15% chance of survival. I was scared and bald also. Now I am recently engaged, but won't be able to have children. It has been 5 years and although there has been a couple scares, I seem to be in good health. All I can really say is to have FAITH. God is bigger than the doctors and your disease. He can make MIRACLES... I am living proof. I will continue to pray for you and your family. November 12 2003
Posted By: Lynn Morris
Just to let you know that we are thinking of you two here in Pennsylvannia. We check this site regularly to find out how you are progressing. Know you have all the Morris clan pulling for you. Love to you. Lynn and Stan November 11 2003
Posted By: Virginia Nichols ( moms friend @ work)
Good morning Lori, You are in my heart. Peace & Love , Virginia November 10 2003
Posted By: BIG SIS
Lori- I miss you. Remember I am with you in mind and spirit,if not in body! Be positive! You have a strong,determined soul which will carry you through these tough times. And when the days seem long and unbearable- Lean on us! Borrow our strength until you can gather your own again! That's what family and friends are for!! We love you! I know Healthy Days are ahead little sister! November 10 2003
Posted By: Virginia Nichols
Dear Lori, I wish I could wrap you in a warm blanket of Gods Love, to give you peace , hope & comfort. You are being prayed for in a very special way . Peace & Love , Virginia November 10 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - I know it is hard but please stay positive. Only 3 more days of treatment! I know you can beat it. Together we will get through this. I've missed you this past week. I will see you Wednesday. Love Mom November 4 2003
Posted By: Susie Greco (Spera)
Lori, I hate the fact that it takes crisis situatuions to bring old friends together, talking to you has brought back so many memories and wonderful thoughts of you and your family. You have always stayed in my heart. You are such a strong person and keeping your humor, which you have is such great therapy, keep it up. My families thoughts and prayers are with you and I am looking forward to talking to you some more when you feel up to it. There is no doubt in my mind you will give cancer a run for it's money. You will beat it!!!! Love ya girlfriend Susie November 3 2003
Posted By: Elke
Lori, your strength and determination astound me and leave no doubt in my mind that you will beat this and be healthier than ever. Keep that positive attitude and keep drinking all those powerful green drinks. You are constantly in our thoughts and we are praying (as are the legions of others)for your speedy and full recovery. Sending you love and positive energy. October 30 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - I am sure you would look beautiful with a Halle Berry! Counting down - only 2 more weeks to go!! Love, Mom October 29 2003
Posted By: Linda Franz
Lori, sending thoughts and prayers your way all the time and asking God to meet all your needs! Stay positive and strong. October 28 2003
Posted By: Chris Vassalotti
Lori and Erik, Stay strong. Most of us can not imagine what you two go through on a daily basis. Ups, downs, hope, frustration, commitment, exhaustion, etc. As your physical, mental, and emotional reactions change on an hourly basis, know there are constants to focus on like the love you two share with each other and the love of your army of supporters as evidenced by all of the wonderful thoughts shared on these pages, calls, emails, thoughts and prayers, etc. We are all here for you. October 28 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori & Erik - I love to read this website to see all the outpouring of support & love. Thank you for letting me be such a part of your daily lives & allowing me to go with Lori to some of her treatments. I would really go crazy if you didn't let me help. See you tomorrow Lori. I love you both. I thank God for giving us such a wonderful family & great friends to help us all get through this. Thinking only positive thoughts for a long good life for all of us together!! Love, Mom October 28 2003
Posted By: Bill Franz
Lori & Erik, Just wanted to let you both know that you are still very much in the forefront of our thoughts and prayers. Kim & I are pulling for you and following your fight here often. My complete faith is that the Lord will care for you and I pray His healing power for you every day. Have Faith! Love Bill & Kim (& Maggie too!) October 28 2003
Posted By: Inger
To Lori and Erik. The birds are singing somewhere every day. If we are too busy, we do not hear them. If we are in trouble, we do not have the strength to listen. To all of us the birds will sing again, if we wish to. But we do not control everything and are just supposed to do our best. Not demanding too much of ourselves. But with a hope. And an honest wish. For a good and happy life. We are almost there. Inger October 28 2003
Posted By: Carey Peters
Erik and Lori, Your health and well-being are in my prayers and thoughts everyday!!!!! October 26 2003
Posted By: Inger
Dear Lori (Erik's aunt in Denmark). We have not met, but now I have seen the pictures of you from your wedding. I was so happy to know about your marriage, for Erik and for you. We never expect to get sick, that is somebody else, but looking at the pictures of you, I am sure that you have the strength to come through with a happy life ahead. I would like to have your adress wanting to send you someting that may ease your mind for a little while. My mail adress is inger@box 1.dk. My sincere love to both of you. Inger October 25 2003
Posted By: Ed, Christa, Anthony, & Isabelle
Lori, We all think of you everyday. You are not alone in this! I am 100% serious when I tell you that if and when you need to cut/shave your hair, I will do it with you! I will shave mine too! Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my hair, but sis, for you, I would do anything! We are just so impressed with how strong you are. Everytime we talk, you are in great spirits, and the is very comforting. Our phone is always on and anytime you need to talk, laugh, or cry, you don't hesitate to call and talk to us, we will always have time for you! Erik, goes the same for you bro, call us anytime you need. We will talk soon, look forward to seeing you soon!!!!! The Arquilla family! Anthony and Isabelle say I love you ti-ti!! October 24 2003
Posted By: Virginia Nichols
Hi Lori & Erik, I hope the day finds you with more energy..I think of you so often and pray for you everyday. Tonight I am going to special healing mass with my father. He is such a believer & a good man ...he will pray for you too :) Tonight is moms card night so my sisters my daughter and I have special time with dad. Peace & Love, Virginia October 23 2003
Posted By: Debbie (Walt's sister-n-law)
My sister shared your website with me and I am truly in awe. It is not only beautiful but also extremely inspirational. You are very brave and I know that the times you can't be brave, those devoted to you will be brave for you. I read your last couple of passages and it sounds like the road is going to get a little rougher for you; but remember you are beautiful from the inside out. My thoughts to Erik and you :) October 22 2003
Posted By: Dana & Tim Martorella
Lori & Erik, It was wonderful to spend the weekend in Chicago with both of you! Even in the face of adversity, you both exude so much love, warmth, grace, beauty and strength. You both mentioned how very blessed and overwhelmed you feel by the outpouring of support you are receiving. We attribute the numerous prayers and positive thoughts aimed towards both of you as a reflection of the very special people you are and the goodness that illuminates from both of you. Clearly, you have a sizable army standing beside you (and cheering you on) as you battle your way towards recovery. We hope you will remember to rely on the countless thoughts of all those who care for you at moments when your own strength reserves are running low. We continue to send our warmest and most positive thoughts and prayers and look forward to your post-radiation "detox" visit to Miami in January! ...and Lori, we promise there will be NO towering heights on this next get together! With our deepest admiration and love for both of you, Dana & Tim October 21 2003
Posted By: Rita Vassalotti
Hi Lori, I met you last spring when I was visiting Chris & Heidi & look forward to seeing you when I come out again. Just wanted you to know that I am also praying for you regularly. In reading some of your messages, there are SO MANY positive vibes going to you that you have to be a winner in this battle. Keep up your positive attitude & know that there is a lot of love & support going out to you. Love to you & Eric. October 17 2003
Posted By: Denise Polifka (friend of Linda & Wally)
Wow. This is the most awesome, amazing thing I have ever seen. It gives me goosebumps. What a wonderful way for all of us to let you know how much we care and are praying for your recovery. Positive thoughts and prayer are a powerful healer and you seem to have plenty of that. Keep your spirit and mind strong and all the rest will come. We are all praying for you. Love, Denise, Kevin & Chelsie October 16 2003
Posted By: Julie Morrison
Lori and Erik, Wow! The two of you are truley blessed by so many people who love you. I am not surprised by how many lives the two of you have touched. Lori, you have always been so spirited, I know that will carry you through this or any other challenge life has to offer. Remember when we use to spend hours in your bedroom trying to decide what to wear when we went out? God knew that was all that we could handle :). You are so strong, and blessed with Erik. I am so confident that you will make it through. I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of the two of you always. All my love, Julie October 16 2003
Posted By: Lori
Reading all your kind words, feeling all the warm positive energy, receiving wonderful gifts and emails has been incredibly inspiration and helpful to me during this time. Expressing my gratitude to each of you personally is my goal, I've been a little slow moving these days but will remain vigilant. Miss manners would been sorely disappointed with me!! October 15 2003
Posted By: Lisa Watson
Lori, I work with your mom and just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and praying for you during this very tough time. I know that you are completely surrounded by love, the most powerful comforter and healer there is. We're all pulling for you! October 15 2003
Posted By: Kirsten Andersen
Dear Lori, It is hard to find the right words to tell you how happy Einer and I are that Erik finally found the love of his life in you. The day of your wedding Erik told us that he had never been happier and never loved anyone like he loves you. There is nothing that Einer and I would want more than to see you and Erik have a long happy life together. And the way the two of you are handling your disease speaks so well to how close you are and how proactive you are being in the treatment. With that kind of attitude your chances for that long and happy life together are certainly increased tenfold. We want to thank you Lori for bringing such joy to Erik, and we want you to know that not a day goes by, nor many hours, without you and Erik being in our thoughts and prayers. We love you as our daugther. Love, Kirsten October 15 2003
Posted By: Ryan Kelly (Friend of Bob Mangan)
Lori, My wife was diagnosed with cervical cancer this spring and was able to beat it because of the same attitude and support you have. Keep up the positive attitude!!! Don't be afraid to rely on others!!! You can beat it too!!! October 15 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori - I just saw you this morning but I have to tell you that I look at this website every day & I cry with joy each time I read all the notes posted here with all the love & support coming to you & Erik. I am not sure if Tony & crew realize what a gift they have given you & all of us through this website. Stay strong - as you can see, you are not in this alone. We all love you. Mom & Wally October 15 2003
Posted By: The Arquilla Family
Lori and Erik, Just remember that we are always thinking of the both of you and are here if you need anything. Anthony really likes to look at all the different pictures of you guys and the family with me. Take care and we send our love, Ed, Christa, Anthony and Isabelle October 14 2003
Posted By: Anna Oliver (of the ABCDE Olivers)
Hi there Erik & Lori! I sent you a belated Wedding gift today. I hope the enclosed will boost your spirts and improve your environment, though it sounds to me like you are both really pushing through this in a remarkably positive way! I am immeasurably proud of you! Thank you to Chris, Heidi, etc. for this web-site. I LOVE seeing the photos of your wedding, as I wasn't there to share the day with you. May you continue to be blessed. The kids say "God, please help Lori." at dinner every night, and they have you in their prayers at night, too, as do Brad and I. We love you! October 14 2003
Posted By: Heidi Gewartowski (works with Linda)
Lori and Erik, you are both in my thoughts and prayers. Your Mom speaks very fondly of the two of you, and how you've been a great source of inspiration and strength. May God bless you and heal you. You are not alone--we are all here pulling for you. God's richest blessings, Heidi October 14 2003
Posted By: Walter Magiera (Brother)
Lori - You are in our prayers and we wish you the best. I have received some great diet information that I will email to you. My old boss' mother has been on it for years with great success in reducing the side effects of the medicines. October 14 2003
Posted By: Virginia Nichols
Dear Lori, I am praying for a good day today for you ..... Today and every day you are in my deepest prayers... My parents celebrated thier 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass downtown at Holy Name a few weeks ago ...during that mass I offerd up my Holy Communion for you....as well as many others. God bless you this moment and always ... Peace & love , Virginia October 14 2003
Posted By: John Soraci ( friend of Erik)
Erik- Katy and I send you our love. The power of this love and the love of all your friends and family will pull you both through this difficult journey. You and Lori are not alone.Call me anytime you need anything. 646-261-2412. October 14 2003
Posted By: Barbara Burnette (work with Erik @ HOK)
Erik & Laurie: all the very best of wishes and prayers for the both of you during the times you have ahead of you. You are a beautiful couple and will pull through this! Keep positive and all good things will come... Love and Prayers Always, Barbara October 10 2003
Posted By: Linda T.
Lori, you are in our thoughts. Get well soon. Must plan something and get together. Stay strong. October 10 2003
Posted By: Brad Augustine ( Mojo )
Hi Lori & Erik.... Just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers along with the countless other friends and family. You both are truly dear and an inspiration to all. God Bless October 10 2003
Posted By: Jim and Mary Bolda
Erik & Lori - Our prayers are with both of you during this journey. You're not alone!. Love, Mary (Cookie Lady) October 9 2003
Posted By: BIG SIS - LISA
What a wonderful idea! A site where we can all go for updates, information and most of all SUPPORT! Lori- I admire your strength and grace during this difficult time. Your attitude and determination will make this your most sucessful journey! Erik- I'm grateful that you are in our family and that you are taking such good care of my little sister! LORI AND ERIK, YOU BOTH ARE TRULY AMAZING PEOPLE! and I love you very much!!:) Love- Lisa October 9 2003
Posted By: Carole Clemente
Hi Lori and Erik, you both are in my prayers and thoughts. I commend you for your holistic approach and full heartedly believe in the treating the whole body and soul. Someone who has gone through something similar, meditation and lots of laughter is sometimes a stronger medicine for the healing. Your mother has told me how loving and strong you and Erik are - so keep feeding on that love. October 9 2003
Posted By: Mollie Waller (work with Linda Magiera)
Thank you for the Web site. It's a beautiful and thoughtful way that we can show our support for you and your family during this situation. You are two incredibly strong people, I admire your determination and perseverence. You'll stay in my thoughts every day. We can all learn from your positive outlook. October 9 2003
Posted By: Laura Caragher (work with Linda)
Cheers to both of you for your hope and strength. You're a continuing inspriation to everyone involved both directly and peripherally. Your Mom always glows when she talks about you, which is such a huge testament to your fantastic character - keep it up. We're all visualizing good things for you. October 9 2003
Posted By: Becky Frank
Lori, I will keep you in my thoughts every day. I know in my heart that you have a long future ahead of you. October 9 2003
Posted By: Darlene Warner
You are in my prayers and the prayers of others who I have asked to pray, too. Keep your spirit strong and best wishes for recovery. October 9 2003
Posted By: BIG SIS
I can't wait to see you this weekend! It's so hard being so far away. October 9 2003
Posted By: Grant Prentice (I work with Linda)
Lori - based on what your Mother has told me, you must be a very strong individual - physically and mentally. I wish you continued strength throughout this fight. Know that many people (some you don't even know!) are cheering and praying for you. - Grant October 9 2003
Posted By: Sandy Zmich (Mom's friend)
Dear Lori & Erik, I think of you daily and what a strong person you are. I have numerous people praying for you on a quick recovery. Hang in there, and stay as positive as you are now. You have a wonderful husband, family and friends pulling for you all over the world. October 9 2003
Posted By: Jacob and Matthew
Auntie Lori- We miss you and want you to get better! We pray for you in church and in school with our classmates! Even our cub scout and boy scout troops are parying for you! We love you! You're our little ant! October 8 2003
Posted By: Tony Passero
Hey Lori what did you name you new puppy? October 8 2003
Posted By: Dave Andersen
Keep your chin up high! October 8 2003
Posted By: Linda Magiera
Lori, you & Erik are the strongest people I know. Between the 2 of you & your integrative approach, I am sure all will be well. I am very proud of you. Love, Mom October 8 2003
Posted By: Ken Andersen
I'll send you an email. October 8 2003
Posted By: Breanna Magiera
Dear Aunt Lori, I love you and I'm hoping you'll feel better soon. I'm sending you lots of hugs! October 8 2003
Posted By: Pat Thernell
Hi Lori & Eric Your Mom is keeping me informed of everything and I want you both to know that there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you Lori and say a prayer for your full recovery. I too, believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking. I have added your name to our prayer list at my church, Unity North, here in Atlanta. October 8 2003
Posted By: Tracy Browning Lane
Lori, you are truly an amazing person! And already a survivor in my eyes! -- my thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day! Eventhough we've never met, I have heard so much about you through Erik's family. I will write you an email soon. Tracy October 8 2003
Posted By: Brian & Rena
Dear Lori, Our prayers and thoughts are with you and Erik. We, too, pray for your recovery! October 8 2003
Posted By: Linda Franz
Hi, Lori. I work with your Mom. You and I met at your wedding. I am so impressed with your courage through these difficult times and also with your willingness to explore every possible means of healing! I think of you everyday and wish you and Erik all the best. Keep on doing what you're doing and may you enjoy a complete return to health! Good luck! Linda Franz October 8 2003
Posted By: Barbara Gates
My warmest wishes to you, Lori, for tranquility, joy in all those who love you, and most of all, a complete and total recovery. October 8 2003
Posted By: Steve Compton
Lori, Erik and family, y'all :) are in my thoughts everyday. All my love and prayers to you. October 8 2003
Posted By: lori
We named our new dog Revy...he is named after my neuro-oncologist, Dr. Raizer and my neuro-surgeny, Dr. Levy. We thought it sounds better then Lazer since that is what I am being zapped with 5 days a week!!:) He is very cute, part shepard (in color mostly) and part golden. October 8 2003
Posted By: lori
ps. You can send me a private email at arquilla_111@yahoo.com, if you would like to chat more personally. October 8 2003
Posted By: Walt & Nancy Magiera
All of our thoughts and prayers are with both you and Erik. October 8 2003
Posted By: lori
We are so grateful to Tony & Shannon Passero, their crew at Tribesoft, and Chris & Heidi Vassaloti for putting this beautiful website together for us! Thanks guys!! October 8 2003
Posted By: julie brock
what a fantastic idea to keep everyone informed!!! thank you so much for taking the time to do this, and to add information as it becomes available. i also just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that i am thinking about you... October 8 2003
Posted By: Carole Chiappe
Hi Lori & Erik...your wedding pictures are just adorable. Dan & I are writing you from Tahiti (our honeymoon) and send all the best to you. I was blindsided when I got an email from Bill about your condition, and we send our prayers to you ! October 3 2003
Posted By: Tony Passero Lori I hope this site allows all of your friends and family to share their positive thoughts with you on your road to a speedy recovery. |
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