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Brain Tumor Foundation

Cancer Information Service

Duke University Brain Tumor Center

National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke

Oncolink is an extensive cancer resource

PDQ from the National Cancer Institute: Lists clinical trials

T.H.E. BRAIN TRUST (The Healing Exchange)
The mission of T.H.E. BRAIN TRUST is to create a healing exchange of information and support among People affected by neurological disorders including patient-survivors, families, caregivers, health professionals and researchers. Our goal is to provide and improve online communication resources. (Our current online support groups cover a range of brain tumor types and other special interests.) Through these and other efforts, we are building a global community of People whose lives are affected by brain tumors, brain injuries, and related issues.
Members of The Healing Exchange are Building Resource And Information Networks Through Respectful Understanding of the human Spirit and Technology.
The Healing Exchange BRAIN TRUST currently offers fourteen active online support groups, which provide information and support to many People worldwide who are affected by brain tumors and related disorders. 

Brain Hospice
Seeking Peace: brain tumor hospice care website

Virtual Trials
Clinical trials and noteworthy treatments for brain tumors

Conditions and Diseases
Provided for birth defects, blood disorders, diabetes, dyslexia, genetic disorders, hangover, insulin resistance pregnancy complications and much more.

Open Your Ears and See
By Craig W. Wyatt Jr.
This universal collection of poetry invites you into the world of an inspirational poet as he shares his unique perspective on life that will leave you feeling fulfilled.

This information is for educational purposes only. We cannot assume responsibility for its accuracy. Please, obtain information about your condition from your Doctor. The Lori Arquilla Andersen Foundation does not endorse any service, treatment, institution or physician.

Types of Tumors

People Living with Cancer, An ASCO Website: List of Cancer Types:
People Living With Cancer provides oncologist-approved cancer information, including PLWC Guides to understanding 50 different types of cancer. In this section, you will also find information on clinical trials, support services, cancer news, and other resources such as ASCO abstracts, patient care guides, and expert chat transcripts. ASCO believes that all treatment decisions should be made between patients and their doctors.
Link to PLWC
Brain Cancer:
PLWC Brain Cancer Link

Acoustic Neuroma:


Arteriovenous Malformations

Benign and Malignant Brain Tumors: (NCI):

Brainstem Gliomas

CNS Lymphoma:


Chordomas: Cedars-Sinai Hospital:



Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)


Meningiomas: Cedars-Sinai Hospital:


Mixed gliomas:


OncoLink: Types of Adult Brain Tumors:
Pineal Tumors:

Primary Tumors: (NCI): astrocytoma, brain stem glioma, ependymoma, Oligodendroglioma, medulloblastoma, schwannoma, craniopharyngioma, germ cell tumor, pineal region tumor:

Pituitary adenomas Index (Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Neurosurgery)

Polomyxoid Astrocytoma: PMA: Columbian University Resource:


Cerebral Gliomas: article by Lucia Zamorano,MD,Dr. med Professor of Neurological Surgery and Radiation Oncology, 
Wayne State University, Detroit ,MI


General Information about Brain Tumors

American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) NeurosurgeryToday.org:
The American Association of Neurological Surgeons is dedicated to advancing the specialty of neurological surgery and serving as the spokes organization for all practitioners of the specialty of neurosurgery, in order to provide the highest quality of care to our patients.
Following residency training, neurosurgeons may seek certification in the practice of neurosurgery through the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS).
Media Center: Here you will find useful information about a variety of neurosurgical disorders, highlighting the neurosurgeon's role in treating these disorders.
Research: The majority of this section is related to Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation and its history, current operations, leadership, research fellowship grants and awards, and opportunities to financially support the Foundation. http://www.aans.org/research/

American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA)
A complete source for information about brain tumors, treatment options, clinical trials and living with a brain tumor. We also have a broad variety of social work resources and services for you.
We are an independent, global organization making an impact by funding research and providing the information patients need to make educated decisions about their health care.

The American Brain Tumor Association is a not-for-profit, independent organization. They “exists to eliminate brain tumors through research and to meet the needs of brain tumor patients and their families.” http://www.abta.org/aboutus.htm
Primer of Brain Tumors: http://www.abta.org/buildingknowledge5.htm
Calander: http://www.abta.org/calendar.php
Events: http://www.abta.org/events.htm
Care & Support: http://www.abta.org/support.htm

Brain Cancer Treatment – Explore Treatments for Brain Cancer: Be-Cancer-Smart.com
This is a site directory of Brain Cancer treatment sites so you can find useful info:
Organizations, Treatment, Cancer Links:

Brainlife: Brain Tumor Medical DataBase: BRAINLIFE is a structured database made from technical medical sources about brain (and other CNS) tumors, including experimental treatments and alternative therapies.
The places of origin are: medical journals, medical meeting proceedings, medical databases. The sources (abstracts, references and full-text articles) are republished in their original contents.

Brain Tumor Links: maintained by Jim Kenzig

Brain Tumor Centers Links: maintained by Jim Kenzig

Brain Tumors: FAQ Timothy Ryken, M.D. Department of Neurosurgery
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Brain Tumor Action (BTA) UK

BTS Professional Resources: Brain Tumor Symptoms:

Brain Tumor Society (BTS) Brain Tumor Facts & Statistics:
Brain Tumor Society- FAQ about Brain tumors:

CancerBacup: Helping people live with cancer: Brain Tumour Information centre: London, UK

Cancer Chronicles (Ralph Moss): Brain Tumors

The Cancer Forums: Brain tumors:

CancerGuide created by Steve Dunn, a fellow survivor.
Find the answers to your questions and help you learn what questions you need to ask.

The Cancer information Network

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation (CCCF) educate, support, advocate for families of children w cancer:

Cedars-Sinai Hospital (Most Preferred Hospital" distinction, Cedars-Sinai ranked #1 in the Los Angeles) About Brain Tumors:  

CBTRUS: (Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States):

CNN.com health library: Brain Tumors

The Doctor's Doctor
A web site was created by pathologists to inform the public about the role of pathologists in health care, and to give patients access to interpretations of their medical reports, particularly laboratory tests and surgical pathology reports.

Evanston Northwestern Healthcare health encyclopedia: Primary Brain Tumor

Google Open Directory Project - Health: Conditions and Diseases: Cancer: Brain and CNS

IMRT is short for intensity modulated radiation therapy:
general info about Brain Tumors:

Infoscout. Com - Brain cancer:

John Hopkins Medicine: General info about Gliomas

Medline Plus: Brain Cancer:

Med Help International: Archive of Brain Tumor Questions: from the Neurology and Neurosurgery forum at Med Help International:

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center:  Pediatric Brain Tumors:

NABTT (New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy) : NCI
New approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy: An NCI funded CNS Consortium Dedicated to improving the outcome for adults w primary brain tumors

NBTF (National Brain Tumor Foundation):
The Essential Guide to Brain Tumors: PDF

OncolLink: Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania:
Neuro-Oncology Program: About Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors:

NBTF (National Brain Tumor Foundation):  Fact Sheet: Who gets Brain Tumors and Why?
Fact Sheet

NCI (National Cancer Institute): What you need to know about Brain Tumors:
NCI Link

NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke): Brain and spinal tumors: Hope through research:

NMH: Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University

PLWC (People Living With Cancer): Brain Cancer:
PLWC - Brain Cancer

Society for Neuroscience: Brain Facts is a 52-page primer on the brain and nervous system, published by the Society for Neuroscience.

Tumor Free: Helping support and educate brain tumor patients and caregivers

University of Maryland Medicine – Treatment Programs – Online Resources:

Video Library: Musella Foundation:

Virtual Hospital:

We Can Pediatric Brain Tumor Network: Brain Tumor Facts:

Yahoo Health – Primary Brain tumor:

Out of the Blue: A Guide for the New Patient
By: Virginia Stark-Vance, MD


Brain Tumor Centers: Websites with lists of centers

Brain Tumor Society (BTS) List if Brain Tumor Centers: These centers offer comprehensive services and provide patients with state-of-the-art care and treatment options. Brain tumor centers and clinics usually offer specialized support services for brain tumor patients as well as access to brain tumor support networks, medical social workers, and case managers. List of 37 in USA, and 4 in Canada
Additional Treatment Centers: http://www.tbts.org/itemDetail.asp?categoryID=442&itemID=17317

Major Brain Tumor Centers: Names, addresses, phone numbers and website link of 18 major BT centers:

National Brain Tumor Foundation:
NBTF listing of Treatment Centers and website links. Search by State, Physician Name, Physician Specialty, Medical Center or Number of Patients:
FACT Sheet: Issues to Consider When Choosing a Brain Timor Treatment Center:

North American Brain Tumor Consortium (NABTC) Clinical Trail Consortium:
The NABTC has been funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) since 1993. It is dedicated to the development and conduct of innovative clinical trials that will ultimately result in a cure for patients with malignant brain tumors. There are 9 Member Institutions:
Physicians: http://www.nabtc.org/physician.shtml

New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy (NABTT):
The primary objective of the NABTT CNS Consortium is to improve the therapeutic outcome for adults with primary brain tumors.  This consortium is one of two nationwide that is funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to conduct Phase I and II clinical evaluations of promising new treatment strategies…  The consortium has 9 medical institutions:

Virtual Trials - Brain Tumor Treatment Centers and website links:
To be included on this list, the center must have treated at least 50 brain tumor patients in the past year. Centers marked with a red star (*) offer our patients a free scan. Centers are listed in order of State, then City.

Tumor Free: List of 14 medical centers which treat or research brain tumors:


The Brain and Neuroanatomy:

AANS - American Association of Neurological Surgeons: Neurosurgery Today: Anatomy of the Brain:

About Brain Injury

BTS (Brain Tumor Society) - Brain Anatomy

Virtual Hospital - The Human Brain

NCI (National Cancer Institute) The Brain:

CancerBACUP: The brain, structure and function:

Neuroanatomy Review Information: Neuroanatomy Glossary
Cross-references within the definitions are generated automatically from a source HTML file by making all defined terms anchors and all other instances of them references to the anchors. I find that this helps me keep all of the inter-related terms straight, particularly when there are so many synonyms and terms which have overlapping definitions.


Brain Tumor Clinics/Hospitals and Centers

The Brain Tumor Center at Duke:
The Brain Tumor Center at Duke in Durham, North Carolina, is dedicated entirely to the treatment and cure of brain and/or spinal cord tumors in children and adults. Co-directors Henry Friedman, MD, and Allan Friedman, MD, combine administrative talents with clinical expertise and research endeavors to lead a team of over 100 professionals in their quest to provide state-of-the-art treatment and improved quality of life for patients with brain tumors and their families.
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, Durham, NC (New Patients seen yearly: 800)

Brain Tumor Center at UCSF:
Offering the most advanced therapies available for adults and children who have a tumor of the brain or spinal cord, UCSF's Brain Tumor Center is the most comprehensive treatment program for these tumors in the nation and is the only such pediatric treatment program in California funded by the National Institutes of Health. (New Patients seen yearly: 400+)

The Brain Tumor Center at the University of Chicago:
The Brain Tumor Center at the University of Chicago Hospitals offers a coordinated, multi-disciplinary approach to the care of adult and pediatric patients with tumors of the central nervous system. Within the Center, patients with primary and metastatic brain tumors are evaluated by a team of neurosurgeons, neurologists, neuro-oncologists, radiation oncologists, neuro-pathologists, neuro-radiologists, neuro-otologists, and neuro-opthalmologists.

Brigham and Women Hospital: Institute for the Neurosciences:
Neurology and Neurosurgery, along with Psychiatry and Radiology, are founding members of the Brigham and Women's Hospital Institute for the Neurosciences. Along with  experts in Neuro-Anesthesia, Neuropathology, and Neuro-Opthamology, more than three hundred faculty, staff and residents collaborate in delivering innovative and patient-centered care.
(New Patients seen yearly: 200+)

Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates:
CNSA provide specialized medical care for patients with primary benign tumors, malignant rumors or brain metastasis from another part of the body. Our practive is a major brain tumor center, performing in excel of 300 brain tumor related procedures per year. Provide comprehensive brain tumor care, from advanced surgical procedures to patient support and counseling. Brain tumor program: (New Patients seen yearly: 250+)

Cedars-Sinai  Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute:
Dr. Keith Black, Director of the Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute (MDNSI) at Cedars-Sinai, and Dr. John Yu, Co-Director of the Comprehensive Brain Tumor Program at the MDNSI:
The Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute is dedicated to advancing the field of neurosurgery, providing leading-edge, compassionate clinical care and conducting unparalleled research for the full range of neurosurgical conditions. The Institute's multifaceted programs encompass brain tumors, neurovascular diseases, functional disorders, pain, trauma and other complex conditions requiring neurosurgical intervention for both adults and children. We offer the full spectrum of treatment options and are developing promising protocols for neurological diseases that are extremely difficult to treat with conventional therapies. (New Patients seen yearly: 400+)

Cleveland Clinic Brain Tumor Institute: Cleveland OH
At the Cleveland Clinic Brain Tumor Institute, a multidisciplinary team of neurosurgeons, neuro-oncologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and neuropathologists work together to advance the diagnosis, research and treatment of brain tumors in adults and children. As one of the largest brain tumor centers in the nation, our Center treats more than 3,000 patients and performs over 800 surgical and radiosurgical procedures annually. (New Patients seen yearly: 200+)

Colorado Neurological Institute (CNI) Center for Brain and Spinal Tumors:
CNI offers an aggressive, multi-disciplinary and integrated team approach to the treatment of brain tumors for patients in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region. Our Treatment options employ an aggressive combination of neurosurgery plus or minus photodynamic therapy, combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy, sometimes followed by another surgery or stereotactic radiosurgery, and biological therapy.

Evanston Northwestern Healthcare:
The Kellogg Cancer Care Center:
For more than three decades, our neurosurgical team has delivered acclaimed services to patients referred from throughout the Chicago metropolitan region and beyond.  U.S. News & World Report has recognized our Neurosciences Program (inclusive of Neurology and Neurosurgery) in its "America’s Best Hospitals" issue (July 23, 2003) as among the nation’s best.  Our commitment at Evanston Northwestern Healthcare is to continue a tradition of excellence, provide multidisciplinary team care, and to advance research and education while attaining our goal of world class care. http://www.enh.org/

The Gamma Knife Center of Oregon:
Gamma Knife therapy is a non-invasive treatment for complex brain lesions, which may or may not be cancerous. Located at Providence Portland Medical Center, the Gamma Knife Center of Oregon is the only Gamma Knife treatment center between Seattle and San Francisco. It is a shared community resource open to all physicians trained and credentialed in Gamma Knife procedures. Experienced neurosurgeons and radiation oncologists are welcome to treat their patients at the Gamma Knife Center, or refer patients to our team of specialists.

Hermelin Brain Tumor Center at Henry Ford Hospital:
The Hermelin Brain Tumor Center at Henry Ford Hospital, founded in honor of David Hermelin – former U.S. Ambassador to Norway and a brain tumor patient at Henry Ford – has become a national leader in brain tumor treatment by making surgery safer and recovery faster, by creating new delivery methods, conducting ongoing research and continuing to be at the forefront of the world’s best brain tumor treatment. the Hermelin Brain Tumor Center team works with Johns Hopkins, Massachusetts General and other world renown brain cancer programs to develop and deliver novel treatments for brain tumor patients. (New Patients seen yearly: 350)
New BT Treatments

H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Neuro-Oncology Program– Tampa FL (New Patients seen yearly: 1000)

John Hopkins Medicine- Neurology and Neurosurgery:
The Johns Hopkins Brain Tumor Radiosurgery Site - Department of Neurosurgery
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer at John Hopkins:

Massachusetts General Hospital:
Brain Tumor Center: Boston, MA. The Brain Tumor Center offers a coordinated, multi-disciplinary approach to the care of adult and pediatric patients with tumors of the nervous system as well as neurologic complications of cancer.
Neurosurgical Service http://neurosurgery.mgh.harvard.edu/

Mayo Clinic:
Mayo Clinic offers a comprehensive program to diagnose and treat patients with tumors of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Our specialists also care for cancer patients whose tumors have spread, or metastasized, to the brain, meninges, spinal cord or vertebral column and peripheral nerves.
Patients have traveled to Mayo Clinic from all 50 U.S. states and from 39 countries for treatment of brain tumors. Mayo Clinic provides care for nearly 2,000 such patients each year, making it one of the largest brain tumor centers in the world. (New Patients seen yearly: 990+)  http://www.mayoclinic.org/glioma/index.html
Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL http://www.mayoclinic.org/neurooncology-jax/
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota http://www.mayoclinic.org/neurology-rst/neurooncgroup.html

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center:
Brain & spinal cord cancers: http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/289.cfm
Brain Tumor Experts: http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/9772.cfm
Pediatric Brain Tumors: http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/2866.cfm

Midwest Children’s Brain Tumor Center:
Advocate Lutheran General Children’s Hospital Park Ridge, Ill
The Midwest Children's Brain Tumor Center has assembled a team of experts to bring a multidisciplinary family oriented approach to pediatric brain tumors. This philosophy has earned them both national and local recognition:

Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital:
The MNI is a teaching and research institute of McGill University in which multidisciplinary teams of basic and clinician scientists work to generate fundamental information about the nervous system and to apply that knowledge to understanding and treating neurological diseases.   

NABTC (North American Brain Tumor Consortium):

NIH (National Institute of Health) Clinical Center
(Dr. John I. Gallin, Clinical Center Director)
Located on the NIH Bethesda, Maryland campus

NOB (Neuro-Oncology Branch)
A trans-institute program of the National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke of the National Institutes of Health.  Dedicated to the treatment of adults and children with brain tumors.

NMH, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Chicago IL
Today, the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University is the only cancer center in Illinois and one of only 39 in the nation to hold this NCI designation. In addition, the Cancer Center is a founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, an exclusive alliance of 20 of the nation's leading cancer centers. http://www.cancer.northwestern.edu/Home/Index.cfm

The Brain Tumor Clinic:
Clinical Trials http://home.ccr.cancer.gov/nob/patients/trials.asp

Wake Forest University School of Medicine:
Brain Tumor Center: Winston-Salem, NC
(New Patients seen yearly: 400+)

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center:
Brain Tumor Center, Houston: The mission of the Brain Tumor Center is to eliminate central nervous system tumors as a significant health problem. We are a research-driven consortium of M. D. Anderson scientists and physicians aiming to foster collaboration across diverse disciplines of basic and clinical science. Through innovative research, patient care and education, we aim to provide the foremost expertise in the study and treatment of CNS tumors. (New Patients seen yearly: 500+) 
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Familial Brain Tumor Registry
(New Patients seen yearly: 500)
www.epigenetic.org/~cspencer/brain.html mawright@mdanderson.org
University of Texas Southwestern Medical center at The Annette Strauss Neuro-oncology Center is comprised of multidisciplinary cancer professionals that are largely involved in innovative clinical research trials. Researchers are actively involved in projects aimed at creating new and improving existing treatments for childhood and adult brain malignancies. Exciting discoveries from these trials are routinely being translated into clinical reality. (New Patients seen yearly: 400)

Washington University Physicians, St Louis:
Dept of Neurological Surgery:

Neurosurgeons Who Treat Brain Tumors
- Michael Chicoine, M.D.
- Ralph Dacey, Jr., M.D.
- Robert Grubb, Jr., M.D.


Brain Tumor Research Centers

Annette Strauss Neuro-oncology Center - The University of Texas Medical Center at Dallas:
Our researchers are actively involved in exploring new possibilities of utilizing new treatment modalities in the fight against central nervous system tumors. An obstacle in the development of successful therapies for brain tumors is our lack of understanding of the underlying etiology of this disease process. Furthermore, our understanding of the mechanism of action of various therapeutic modalities including radiation therapy and chemotherapy remains sketchy. To help answer these and other key questions arising in clinical practice, our scientists have developed animal models.

Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumor Research Centre
The BTRC (at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto Canada) fosters excellence in brain tumor research, amalgamating the expertise of scientists, clinician investigators, and physicians in a virtual laboratory environment at the University of Toronto.  The primary objective of the BTRC is to "cure" children and adults harboring brain tumors. A secondary objective is, more realistically, to achieve far greater and more predictable clinical control of brain tumors.

Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
Dr. Rolando F. Del Maestro is the Clinical Director of the MNI’s Brain Tumour Research Centre. His research focuses on the invasiveness of malignant glial cells. Malignant glial tumours are complex cellular microenvironments containing one large localized aggregation of tumour cells and smaller subpopulations of invading tumour cells distant from the main tumour mass. Failure to control these subpopulations of invading tumour cells may be the key reason for local and distant recurrence after radical resection and may contribute substantially to the failure of other modalities of treatment such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy.



Adjuvant Chemotherapy by Kevin Murphy. MD - CancerGuide:

Brainlife: Brain Tumor Medical Database: Treatment: Chemotherapy:

CureSearch: Children’s Oncology Group

Neuro-oncology site:
Forum, Members: http://www.soc-neuro-onc.org/index.html
Calendar: http://www.soc-neuro-onc.org/index.html
Related Sites: http://www.soc-neuro-onc.org/index.html
Newsletter http://www.soc-neuro-onc.org/index.html
Journal: http://www.soc-neuro-onc.org/index.html

International Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption Consortium site

Brain Tumors: http://www.ohsu.edu/bbb/braintumors.html

BBB Program: http://www.ohsu.edu/bbb/bbbdtherapy.html

Gavin Phillips research:  http://www.cancerinform.org/chemotherapy.html

Temodar (Temozolomide Info)

GLIADEL(r) Wafer is a small wafer that contains the chemotherapeutic drug: implanted:

Cancer Research: AACR journals: Experimental Therapy: Temozolomide:

Massachusetts General Hospital: Boston, MA. Brain Tumor Center:

Paper on Temodar and radiation same time: Concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) and radiotherapy (RT) for newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Conclusive results of a randomized phase III trial by the EORTC Brain & RT Groups and NCIC Clinical Trials Group.

Hermelin Brain Tumor Center at Henry Ford Hospital: The Hermelin Brain Tumor Center at Henry Ford Hospital has become a national leader in brain tumor treatment by making surgery safer and recovery faster, by creating new delivery methods, conducting ongoing research and continuing to be at the forefront of the world’s best brain tumor treatment. New BT Treatments: Radiosurgery, Chemotherapy, New Drugs, and Gene Therapy:

Ralph Moss's (PhD) Plenty of good information from a twenty year cancer researcher. I highly recommend that anybody considering chemotherapy to read his book "Questioning Chemotherapy."
Link on Amazon.com


Chemotherapy Side effects

Ask the Doctor: Fatigue

All Tuckered Out

Chemocare.com: A website designed to provide the latest information about chemotherapy to patients and their families, caregivers and friends. We’re here to help alleviate your concerns by outlining everthing you need to know and supplementing what you may already have learned from your healthcare professional – Scott Hamilton:
Message board:
Chemocare.com: Scott Hamilton’s website- page about fatigue:

Chemotherapy Side Effects:

Side effects associated with chemotherapy:

Health Talk: Chemo induced nausea, Help control a main side effect of cancer tx nausea

Is it normal to experience fatigue after brain tumor tx?

PLWC (people living w cancer) Chemo:
Managing side effects:


Communicating with Professionals

Brain Tumor Society “Ask the Professionals:

Brain Tumor Society: Teleconferences:

Ask the Doctor:


Diagnosis and Testing

American College of Radiology, Radiological Society of North America: Computed Tomography (CT) - Head

American College of Radiology, Radiological Society of North America: Functional MR Imaging (fMRI) Brain:

American College of Radiology, Radiological Society of North American - MR Imaging (MRI) – Head:

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research- Spinal :EEG,MRI, PET,Ictal SPECT, Neuropsychological testing:

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center: IMRT reduces side effects in Pediatric Patients:

NCI (National Cancer Institute) Diagnosis of Brain Tumors:

Wada Testing:
Wada Test: http://www.dooley.org/oligo/Wada.html

“The intracarotid amobarbital test or Wada test (named after Dr. Juhn Wada,
its originator), is part of the presurgical evaluation in a patient who may
have epilepsy surgery. A thin plastic tube ("catheter") is inserted into an
artery at the groin and threaded into other arteries leading to the brain.
The short-acting anesthetic agent sodium amobarbital is injected into an
internal carotid artery (the large artery on the side of the neck going to
the brain), thus putting that side of the brain "to sleep". The patient's
ability to speak, understand speech, and remember things is evaluated. After
the drug effect has worn off, the process is repeated with the other
The Wada test requires a brief hospitalization. It helps us determine which
cerebral hemisphere is "dominant" for speech and if memory is functional on
one or both sides of the brain. If the seizures are coming from the
nondominant hemisphere, this test may not be needed.”
More detail: MCG Wada Protocol: Clinical Core: http://www.dooley.org/oligo/Wada2.html




Brainlife: Brain Tumor Medical Database: Treatment: Radiation: studies:

Different Types of Diagnostic Radiology Testing:

Elekta is a world-leading supplier of advanced and innovative radiation oncology and neurosurgery solutions and services for precise treatment of cancer and brain disorders.

HBO Therapy for Brain Radiation Necrosis: “There is mounting evidence that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO2) can be of significant value in the treatment of brain Radiation induced necrosis (RIN)… At present, it appears that HBO2 is the only treatment potentially capable of reversing brain RIN”
Ben Slade, MD Associate Medical Director
Hyperbaric Medicine, John Muir Medical Center, Walnut Creek, California http://www.baromedical.com/newsletter/hbosladearticle.html

Hermelin Brain Tumor Center at Henry Ford Hospital: The Hermelin Brain Tumor Center at Henry Ford Hospital has become a national leader in brain tumor treatment by making surgery safer and recovery faster, by creating new delivery methods, conducting ongoing research and continuing to be at the forefront of the world’s best brain tumor treatment.
New BT Treatments: Radiosurgery, Chemotherapy, New Drugs, and Gene Therapy:

Gamma Knife Center of New Mexico:

The Gamma Knife Center of Oregon:

Gavin Phillips research:

IRSA (The International RadioSurgery Association) A non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational information on stereotactic radiosurgery to governments, regulatory agencies, insurers and referring physicians. The Association provides emotional support, education and referrals for treatment to patients worldwide.

Radiology Information Resources for Patients, June 2004

Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Center:

Paper on Temodar and radiation same time:
Concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) and radiotherapy (RT) for newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Conclusive results of a randomized phase III trial by the EORTC Brain & RT Groups and NCIC Clinical Trials Group.


Radiation:   Side effects

American Academy of Neurology: Article:
Adverse long-term effects of brain radiotherapy in adult low-grade glioma patients (abstract is free- full text requires a paid subscription)

IRSA: Radiation Injury to the Brain:

Ask the Doctor:

All Tuckered Out

Is it normal to experience fatigue after brain tumor tx?

Soft hats designed for women with hair loss:

EMedicine : Radiation Necrocsis - Article

Brain Radionecrosis Center:
The Brain Radionecrosis Center is a multi-disciplinary center housed within the Division of Hyperbaric Medicine at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. The Center is actively supported by the Mayfield Clinic, the Neurosciences Institute, the Department of Emergency Medicine and the Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research. This team approach helps us provide comprehensive care for all brain radio necrosis needs


L. Dade Lunsford, D. Kondziolka, Outi Surma-aho, Juha Jääskeläinen, Lisa M. DeAngelis, and Kendra Peterson
Adverse long-term effects of brain radiotherapy in adult low-grade glioma patients
Neurology, Dec 2001; 57: 2150 - 2151.
...believe the striking issue, not discussed by the current report, was the overall very poor for patients with low-grade glioma....
...We have defined outcomes in patients that were treated prospectively by radiation therapy (median survival of 9–8 years)....


Kendra Peterson and Lisa M. DeAngelis
Weighing the benefits and risks of radiation therapy for low-grade glioma
Neurology, May 2001; 56: 1255 - 1256.
...10 to 20 years it has become increasingly apparent that radiotherapy may be associated with long cognitive dysfunction....
...Furthermore, its true benefit and its long cognitive risks have been difficult to establish....


Yoshinori Higuchi, Yasuo Iwadate, and Akira Yamaura
Treatment of low-grade oligodendroglial tumors without radiotherapy
Neurology, Dec 2004; 63: 2384 - 2386.
...All patients were alive and 17 patients (94%) were progression-free after a median follow-up of 4.7 years....
...The results suggested that radiotherapy could be postponed until clinical progression in the treatment of low-grade oligodendroglial tumors....

Cancer News Article
Early Radiation Improves Progression-Free Survival in Low-Grade Brain Cancer



Epilepsy Foundation:
An Introduction: Definition: all seizures are caused by the same thing: a sudden change in how the cells of the brain send electrical signals to each other.

Epilepsy Foundation – Idaho -Seizure Recognition and First Aid

The Epilepsy Canada Website:

Types of Seizures, Anticonvulsant Medication, Child and Teens Guide

Epilepsy Support Centre, Ontario:
Non-profit United Way organization that is specifically concerned with the non-medical welfare of people with epilepsy http://www.epilepsysupportcentre.com

Medline Plus - Medical Encyclopedia: Seizures:

Temporal seizures:
This type of seizure involves a temporary movement disturbance, unusual sensations, or various other symptoms. It arises from abnormal electrical activity in the temporal lobe on one or both sides of the brain

Partial (focal) seizure:
A partial seizure is an episode of abnormal activity in a localized (specific) part of the brain which causes changes in attention, movement, and/or behavior.

Petit mal seizure:
A petit mal seizure is a temporary disturbance of brain function caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain and characterized by abrupt, short-term lack of conscious activity ("absence") or other abnormal change in behavior.

Grand mal seizure:
A generalized tonic-clonic seizure is a seizure involving the entire body, usually characterized by muscle rigidity, violent rhythmic muscle contractions, and loss of consciousness. The condition is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the nerve cells of the brain.

Seizures and Driving: Driver information by states (US):

Low grade tumors/seizures/surgery:
Megdad M. Zaatreh, Katrina S. Firlik, Dennis D. Spencer, and Susan S. Spencer
Temporal lobe tumoral epilepsy: Characteristics and predictors of surgical outcome
Neurology, Sep 2003; 61: 636 - 641.


Specific Drugs and Treatments

AACR journals Cancer Research: Experimental Therapy: Temozolomide:

Temozolomide Information

Brainlife: Brain Tumor Medical Database: New Treatment Agents; Noteworthy Protocols

The GLIADEL(r) Wafer is a small wafer that contains the chemotherapeutic drug carmustine, or BCNU. After a specific brain tumor called a high-grade malignant glioma is surgically removed, up to 8 GLIADEL(r) Wafers are implanted in the cavity the tumor once occupied, slowly delivering BCNU directly to the tumor site.



Brainlife: Brain Tumor Medical Database: Treatment: Surgery

Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Center:

Is it normal to experience fatigue after brain tumor tx?

Ask the Doctor: 


MRT guided Craniotomy / Intra operative MRI - Articles

Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using the GE Signa SP System.
Techniques in Neurosurgery. Shunts. 7(4):285-290, December 2002.
Vitaz, Todd W. M.D.; Shields, Christopher B. M.D.; Black, Peter M. M.D. *; Hushek, Stephen Ph.D.; Moriarty, Thomas M. M.D., Ph.D.
Link to Abstract 

Image-guided Craniotomy for Cerebral Metastases: Techniques and Outcomes.
Neurosurgery. 53(1):82-90, July 2003.
Tan, Tze-Ching M.D.; Black, Peter McL. M.D., Ph.D.
Link to Abstract

Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance: An Inflection Point in Neurosurgery?
Techniques in Neurosurgery. Shunts. 7(4):246-251, December 2002.
Sutherland, Garnette R. M.D.; Kaibara, Taro M.D.; Louw, Deon F. M.D.
Link to Abstract

Intraoperative MRI in neurosurgery: Technical overkill or the future of brain surgery?
Link to Abstract

Aggressive Surgery for Low-grade Brain Tumor May Lengthen Life

Seeing More During Brain Surgery (pdf file)

MR imaging during brain surgery improves tumor removal: 28 Sep 2004

Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Combined with Neuronavigation: A New Concept  ( pdf file)

New technology gives neurosurgeons real-time images in the operating room
Thursday, 27-May-2004

Image Guided Neurosurgery Visualization of Brain Shift:


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